i have vioced my opinion several times on this matter and everyone knows where i stand. i gave a year of my life to this site and i fought with every fiber of my being to make it not deteriorate into what it is today but as you see there is only so much a select few can do against 20,000 people. So im not that great with writting and im too tired of repeating myself so im just done with all the **** and im proboly going to have to think long and hard about my future at and the future of, this site. So i will make a final announcement about this after i consult my close friends and other veterans of this site. You know who you are.
Sharp, if you're planning a long rant on your view point on the site, please save us the read. These threads are getting tiresome.
Holy poop, am I tired of all the walls of text. And then people quoting entire posts... THis thread has lived all it can.
Ahh, but walls of text at satisfying vents, and you have no worries because you know no one will read it! Anyway, I think everyone got this **** off their chests? Now people can either chose to better the community or not. Time for a lock?
Who are you? lol You're speaking as if I should know you or something. btw, anyone see the tag at the bottom that says we're all faggots? I bet you it was Titmar that said that.
Why do people always naturally assume it's me? Right now i'm trying to get some positive attention to Flubber44, the last thing I need is the person who thought up the idea getting warned. Anyway, i'm on oldschool skin, I hate the new skin, and i'm not going to just switch skins to add negative tags to a thread I don't post in.
Whether this thread is locked or not its not going to change anything. And for the mods who want it to be locked, why not just lock it? You have the power amirite?
I agree with everything said here. I also think that the mderators are losing control. The new members are spamming all over the site and colors aren't pulling there wieght as much as it used to be. I know it says I haven't been here since the start, but I hadn't created an account up until then for various reasons. Forgehub has changed greatly and it changed for the worse. All the spam needs to stop. I'm not asking for loyal, but I'm just stating that if I recieved loyal, I would work 2 times better to make forgehub a better place for it's users than less like a lot of te colors. That's just my opinion.
Aside from that huge necro-post, you've proved not to be a true 'loyal' member. Most users have become so corrupt with the thought of loyal, they don't even know the true definition. You stated that if you received loyal, you would work twice as hard. Why not just do it without a color rank? Member have the same moral as upon becoming a color, so should you. If you want to improve the site, do so to your fullest ability. Why should a color deem your actions? Loyal has began to make people greedy, and lose the really purpose of the implementation. Be truly loyal, then you'll receive loyal.
No, the moderators are not losing control. As insane has said many times "50% of Fh's posts are Spam. We don't want to drive our members away." WHo cares it a couple posts, as long as you do not post anything against the rules and on the subject, it isn't spam. ForgeHub has changed grately, but not that much. Sure there was the ups and downs, like the Guilders and such but then we also grew a little as a community, and as everyone knows, change is good in the long run.