Costly! I saw your post and I was like "Oh ****, a chart!" So far, you are the only McCain supporter that made my heart skip a beat, sadly, I began to read and realized that there was infact, no cause for alarm. I first have to say this. You should read my first post here back on page 3 I think, in which I discuss how most people can't seem to accept a new idea. Redistribution of wealth, from what I have seen, isn't a new concept at all. It is used all the time economically, though not on this large of a scale, however it will set things right. You say that the working class doesn't deserve to be rich, because they chose to be of the working class. Your logic is missing a chunk. First off, no one is saying the working class deserves to be rich, but they shouldn't be struggling to survive. Second off, you say "why doesn't everyone study hard get a job that pays well?" Well, there needs to be a working class, obviously. Someone has to do the **** jobs, or the normal ones, they have to be done, no arguing that point. So, it's as if you are saying "We need workers, and since they step up and fill the spot instead of going on the fast track to wealth, they deserve to struggle." I might be elaborating, but seriously, not that much. Also, according to you, McCain's tax plan will not make it any easier for the working class, but a hell of a lot easier for the people who already are set, and don't have to worry if they need to put food on the table? Where is the logic there as to that being right? I might be misreading it, but that is what it seems like to me. Let's make the rich, richer! Rings a bell... that's what Bush strived for before Congress kept him from doing it. Obama wants the Middle Class to stand where it did, not make them all richer, or poorer. Is that so bad? He only wants the economy to go back to the way it was before Bush allowed it to fail (not entirely his fault). I also like how you failed to counter Obama's proposition on re-establishing regulations in Wall Street, another reason why the economy is such crap. Are we not just burning a bunch of money now? The never belonged there, and the only reason we are still there, is because we have to clean up the mess we started by increasing tensions between already violent groups. Sounds like eventually we'll have to leave, and all that money was just going to be burnt up anyway. Might as well quit while we are ahead. First off, I want to let you know, our Constitution was written over 200 hundred years ago, the Bill or Rights before we were an independant nation. People sometimes fail to realize that times change, especially economically. It just astounds me you are saying national health care is bad? We are spending billions on a pointless "war", but spending that money instead on something that would benefit American citizens is all of a sudden, bad? I am sorry, but I would have to disagree. It costs a good 1 grand just to go to a pediatrician for a routine check up. Insurance will stop supporting you if you get a form of cancer not listed as a form that insurance company covers. It costs hundreds of dollars for medication that can save a persons life. How is this not bad, but eliminating these un-righteous acts, is? It affects me family (as it appears you have read) because my mom and my brothers medication costs thousands of dollars a month, just for the medication. I am so glad I fought epilepsy and no longer need to worry about my family spending so much on me. To this, sir, raise my hand, and plant my face in it's open palm. I am tired of adressing this issue, because it holds no clout. I will say my opinion, now. I bet you, I bet anyone, that if Obama was older than he is, people would not be saying he has no experiance. They see McCain, old, whit haired, and immediately assume "this guy has years of wisdom." It's pathetic. What's more, you said "Obama is only a Senator for Illinois". Only? Cause last time I checked, McCain is only a Senator for Arizona, unless you wish to count the charges of being a 'maverick'. And I just love how no one says anything about Joe Biden. No one. He is "only" a Senator as well. He is also white haired, so surely he must be filled with wisdom? Lets add it up. 1 Senator, 1 Govenor/ 2 Senators. You do the math. McCain Again, he will be making things worse for the people who are most affected by the economy! You have said so yourself. Obama All of his "negatives" I countered. I aslo laugh, because almost nothing against Obama was fact, just opinion or facts used inproperly. He is a Senator, like McCain. Taxing the rich, oh I need to find the example somewhere, but it was a part of normal, everyday life I ran across, which uses the same principles of setting unique taxes that best suit the "class". Also, your statement about making the poor rich, is wrong and didn't hold up at all, making no logical sense. And lastly, I didn't know it was a bad thing to live ones life without the fear of getting sick, and not being able to afford to make yourself better. 1. More facts than anyone else who is against Obama and for McCain has, that is. 2. And I have pointed out several faults, restated previous facts and opinions, and I also have the support of most everyone viewing this thread. I considered the win mine before you wasted your time posting. Thanks for adressing me directly, I learned something. I realised that I said "as" instead of "ass" when insulting Spartan for the idiot he is. I will be fixing that mistake immediately. And my point of adressing my personal issues was not to blame the government, but to show Spartan that there are other people for Obama who are just as bad off as he is, and yet we make it through without crying. I cannot hope to explain myself fully, to people who simply try and find a way to hurt me because I cause great pain to those who are asking for it. If you wanted to insult me, I would have just pointed out my spelling error, and I would have been appalled and forced into submission. Obviously when stating your case against me like that, you make my family seem like un educated hicks. But my dad has actually formed his own business, leaving 1 major company to go to another, to branch off of them and become an actually well known name in the industry. I'd like to see yourself (or even myself) pull that off. Good day sir, you ain't got **** on me.
what makes a public figure different from any of us? The fact that they have been on television, becuase I have been on television before. They are just people like you and me who are trying to make a difference in the world. Also I made a mistake in saying Schwarzenegger was a democrat. I would have to say Joe Lieberman (a democrat) endorsed McCain. Also a lot of hillary supporters are backing McCain. The PUMA (People United Means Action) had endorsed Hillary Clinton but are now endorsing McCain. Wayne Gilchrest, republican representative from Maryland endorses Obama as well as former Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee (republican). If you are looking for average people who do not have jobs in politics who are crossing party lines, try the states of Virginia and New Mexico who has a good chance of voting for a democrat (Virginia hasn't voted democrat for decades), or Pennsylvania who could go republican (originally democrat 2004).
Ok keep repeating the same bullshit and like I said before: Poor people are either born poor or eventually become poor, not everyone goes to harvard or goes to hollywood or a mainstream rock star or rapper. Why don't you go out by yourself and face the truth, you don't have have a choice if your poor. it's the first time for us 'negroes' to be in charge. Every other 'negroes' are always friends because we view eachother as brothers and sisters. I bet you didn't even know that Obama was half white too but guess what us 'negroes' are still voting for him. Many rappers that are rich still endorse him though because they want the less fortunate to have a better life so that also proves what I just said. You don't ****ing listen, theres no point trying to teach a intolerate retard. Just leave FH and go tell everyone your intolerant views.
It's good to know I can throw people off their thrones of ignorance even for the slightest bit. I'll need a more specific page as I don't know what I'm looking for... Of course I know that the redistribution of wealth isn't a new concept, it's a failed concept when put into practice. It won't set things right when Bob down the road wants Jin's tracker and sets off on his own to get something better. Slow down, when did I say the working class doesn't deserve to be rich? I'm pretty sure I never said that, but more of an incentive to become a somebody in the nobody society. Though I can see some logic behind the fact that someone must get the lower paying jobs, but what does that have to do with both politician's plans that both include lower taxes for the lower classes? Yet again, I didn't say it McCain's plan was going to make it harder for the average American, I just said that his plan won't lower taxes as much for the lower classes. Though Obama's will, the fact of how much the other classes will taxed in return is unacceptable to me. At least with McCain's plan, everyone gets lower taxes, not just the poor. We will have to leave, and I never said we shouldn't. I just believe that an immediate leave is not a good choice as it's highly likely the situation will return to previous conditions which would defeat the already dumb reason for why we intervened with their countries. Why waste the money, and not at least leave a cleaned up house? Even though the Constitution was written over 200 years ago, it is the basis of what the government can, and can't do depending upon interpretation. Though times have changed, if you can't follow the rules of the basis of your government, why were such rules written in the first place? I'm also astounded by the fact you believe the Bill of Rights was written before we were an independent nation. Have you never heard of the Articles of Confederation? Oh yeah, we were independent for quite some time before the Constitution was even written. The Bill of Rights is just the first ten amendments. National health care is a terrible idea. Have you ever wondered why foreigners come into the U.S. to get medical treatment? It's because they can choose their doctor, pick their insurance, and then find the cheapest yet better institution. When the government makes the decision for you, you get long lines, doctors without incentive, and sub-par medical treatment generally. Yet you tirelessly attempt to find error when no error exists. You didn't prove anything I said wrong. It's not that, you ignorant person, it's for the same reason as I explained in my post and the portion that you blindly scrolled over. McCain has had more time in politics so it's easy to assume that he has better knowledge of what he is doing. Obama has already made claims (which he later retracted) that any politician should know can't be done. McCain also was a representative in the House if you would actually look up your facts for several terms even. Does the mention that his plan lowers taxes for all ring any bells? All I said was it wouldn't be as much for the lower classes, but there is still a decrease. There was that graph... Where did I say it would make the poor, rich? I'm very sure you're just adding words to my mouth, and who is the one using fact improperly when you haven't even provided a single fact in your defense? All I see is opinion while I brought facts to my discussion. You're last sentence itself is a paradox. I've, in return, pointed out your faults in the fact that you did not target the actual debate at discussion, but of the more broad picture of what you've decided to intepret from my post. I've found your reply most offensive and uneeding as you've made yourself look like a fool. Also, victory is only out of reach for those who wish not fight for it. My father actually did do something similiar where he left one company, went to another and branched off into his own independent business, except it was the selling of oil wells and well lands. My family already went through the financial crisis, and we've come mostly out and into the clear as my father refused to let us go down. Oh, but the war isn't over, you pulled out too soon and it will bite you in the rear.
You can see live updates at, currently McCain has won in Kentucky, and is currently winning in Virginia, Illinois, South Carolina and Georgia, Obama has won in New Hampshire and based on the chart is not winning in any of the states whos polls are closed and are being tallied up. So far it stands with McCain with 8 electoral votes and Obama with 3.
McCain, if I could vote, mostly because of his economic plan. I think the trickle-down plan would work better than to tax richer people more.
You have been banned for 5 days. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Reasons for ban: Crude Racism Sexism Excessive Profanity Get your information straight in the future kid. Oh, and calling the mother of your illegitimate half-brother/sister a **** is just stupid. Maybe your dad shouldn't have fu@ked around in the first place. If after this 5 day break you have received, you still behave this way, you will be permibanned (that means for good).
Costly, I'm not going to bother with anything you said in response to Sweeny other than "nationalized health care is terrible" Apparently you don't understand it, otherwise you wouldn't being saying things as "you don't get to pick your doctor". Yes you do? I've had a doctors as I move, I've chosen everyone, and I switched from a "family" doctor when I didn't like him. That point is invalid. Sure, emergency room waits for "oh my tummy hurts" are a big longer yeah. But anything serious is quick, especially in bigger hospitals. Sub-par? No not really. This mostly comes down to doctors, and a large of amount of doctors in the states and Canada are educated in Canada under less expensive education. Hospitals equipment is fine. You already have a good system in place, all that will change is no need for insurance and who signs your doctors cheques. No one dies from Nationalized Healthcare, but people die from the inability to afford healthcare at all.
Rabble rabble rabble! It is impossible to sway the other side, so stop trying; all of you. Democrats will be democrats. Republicans will be republicans. Liberals will be liberals. Conservatives will be conservatives. Humans are too stubborn to see the other parties' ideas with an open mind.
CNN Electoral Map Calculator - Election Center 2008 from visit that site to see the election as it turns out. so far obama is destroying mccain!!! 199 to 78
Recently, I saw that Obama had 207 electoral votes, and california hasn't been included in that sum yet. 207 + 55(Cali) = 262. Obama needs at least Washington(11) and Oregon(7) to win.
So 207 + 55(California) + 7(Oregon) = 269. ANY additional state will guarantee Obama's victory. The democrats already have Ohio, and no republican has been able to win the election without Ohio.
LOLing in the face of all anti-obamas. Congrats America, 75% of foreigners agree with your decision. Now the world will look upon you with a new light.