Are you like 5? People you were reffering to aren't doing anything because they CANT do anything because nobody they know are rich, they cant just simply get out, and they are all poor because of all the colonization bullshit. I would love to see how long your ***** ass lasts in a 3rd world. Palin is against abortions so no. "Stupid black people". wow, seriously I wish your parents thought of abortion when they had you. Every black person is voting for Oboma because they were all getting treated like **** through the entire history of our nation. I would love to see one of us taking power unlike in the past how we are abused with slavery, segregation, and racism. Even if Oboma was white he would have a different name and is still fair to everyone I think every ****** can see that. AND all the racist whites will vote for him too because he wont be black or have a Arab name. Seriously just stfu, nobody cares about you like how you only give a **** about yourself, and just grab a 12 gauge and shoot yourself you miserable piece of ****.
I prefer Obama, because of his efforts to want to end the war in Iraq, his tax cuts that DO NOT favor the rich, but the middle class, and his college payment system of being paid money to go towards college for serving your community or your country. I do not like McCain because of his conservative nature. I like 2000 senator McCain, but not 2008 presidential candidate McCain. Voting for McCain is at least 4 more years of more bush policies that we know have succeeded in the past (sarcasm). I believe we can find some middleground. Extreme conservatism is just as bad as extreme liberalism, just like how deflation is as bad as inflation. This is what Obama is fighting. People don't know it, but Obama is very moderate (e.g. he wants research in renewable energy sources as well as some off shore drilling). Don't just listen to your parents, there are perfectly non-biased internet sources, like (again, sarcasm). And for those who don't think fox is biased, think again. This election doesn't just change a nation, it changes the world.
The dogs humping is a dominance issue. It's common misconception, the dogs are just trying to be dominant over each other kind of like a couple kids rough housing and beating each other up, they're just trying to say "i'm the best." I personally would have voted for Obama. One issue that really irks me is that Obama looks to make same-sex marriage legal, when our nation shouldn't have the debate about same-sex marriage high on the list. The more open minded we are, the better off we'll be. I could list on and on, about other topics like abortion and other topics but you get the general reason why I would vote for Obama.
USE-THE-GODDAMN-ENTER-KEY-AND-SHIFT-KEY It's not that hard, seriously, you are so obviously doing this to spite us, and well you only succeed in making yourself look like an idiot. Now apart from your ridiculously ignorant and racist remarks throughout that post, lets talk about your more ill-informed, almost-of-substance comments. First: Contradictory to what you said before, apparently now Obama is stealing from the poor? WTF make up your mind? "you know how obama will take from like everyone who decided to be a nub and not do **** with their lives?" Second: You dad is a nub who didn't do **** with his life? Third: There's someone here who has been posting that is in basically the same situation you (supposedly) are. Sans all the ****ing **** though. You are gonna get it. Fourth: With Obama's policies, your dad will get a whole bunch of child tax benefits! Holy crap, raising all those kids? Yeah well guess what money for each one, far out ways the child support he pays. Fifth: You dad isn't a mega-rich oil company, or anything in that class. Taxes aren't going to hurt him. You don't understand the economy or taxes stop bringing it up. Sixth: So what if "black people" are voting for Obama, why? Cause his policies are benefiting them, not McCains. Why in the hell would you vote for a racist pig who would obviously rather see you dead? How can people not see this about McCain. His skin is too white. He is the definition of a dumb-ass American. He is what a lot of "foreigners" base their opinions of American on. Especially ones who don't know the good Americans personally. You further their suspicions Spartan, you truly are a McCain supporter. Now to head off all of your ignorant, racist and rude remarks: Your post is of little worth as it is, as it is nearly impossible to read. Throw in all you bullshit racist and rude/ignorant remarks, and it just shows what a little asshole you are. I can't handle racism in the slightest. No you weren't outright about it, but I'm sure you go around badmouthing mexicans and African Americans with your little friends. If you wanna debate and argue, leave name calling and racism out of it. Ignorance is fine (not racism), because you obviously don't know any better, but I don't ever want to see you post if you are going to post like that. You have been told countless times by countless people to improve yourself. Now shape up or ship out, because I haven't got time for people like you. You've been warned.
So what you're saying is... a person that has the intent to kill you wouldn't kill you but call the cops on you instead? You sir made me lol. I'm not even going to bother... Either way, no matter which dude wins we'll have to live with their stuff. For better or worse. I agree with what a lot of chrst and sweeny has been saying. I may be a republican, but I'm not so blind to where I can see who is the lesser of evil. (and if you didn't guess from that, I voted for Obama)
Some videos for you all, courtesy of sweeny and I: Obama does not lack experience! barely survived: who you are putting in the whitehouse of you probably saw those, but whoever didn't, they are awesome and very informative
Spartan, this is directed at you, and I don't want to quote your shitty ass post, making it seen more often than is should be viewed. First off: *high fives chrst* =D Second off: Well I am terribly sorry you have to grow up without a mom. It sucks. But don't think you are alone. The person chrst was referring to, was me. My dad was once the Sales Manager for the Arizonan division for CAT generators (a big time company). He, even was offered to be the head manager of the division, but turned it down. So, a man got the job instead, and he was afraid of my dad wanting to take his position. This is when the economy was first beginning to drop, subtly, so generators couldn't sell like they should. He put the blame on my dad (but he had no control over the situation) so he quit before he was fired. He then began to work independently for John Deer, setting up his own subdivision in Arizona, before breaking off, being a one man band, selling on his own. My family hardly survived, but we did, for the past 4 years. There is more, however, and this is why my situation is much like yours. My mom and dad have been getting a divorce for the past 4 years, and my dad had to pay child support to my mom for me and my 2 brothers (who have medical conditions that make them cost all the more). In addition, my mom has several diseases that cost thousands in medication, and my dad had to pay for that as well. Then I began living with my dad, and my dad still had to pay $700 a month for me alone to my mom, who wasn't even taking care of me. More info. In order to sell generators, my dad has to buy them, and some go for as much as several hundred thousands of dollars. Every month, my dad is literally broke (as he is now infact), pooling what is left of his money into a generator, where maybe he can make 10 grand off of it before we fall too far behind in debt. It was so bad one time, that I began working a part time job, 60+ hours a week, at the age of 14 just to support my family of basic needs. Sadly, the stress began to wear on me, and I had to quit. Now that I just turned 16, I will be going to find a job again, even which will be hard for someone at my age considering how low employment rates are. Now you tell me, does my family deserve this? Are we lazy, poor "nubs"? I wouldn't like to think so. Be grateful for what you have kid, at least you dad makes "alot" of money, at least compared to my family. Third most: You are an idiot You are now using racist logic to defend your reasoning, and I thought that you were wriggling from the pressure before, but this is a new low from you! Congratulations, you just won the grand prize of losing all respect you might have had on these forums In addition, you used a "statistic" that you manipulated to support your racist bullshit. I am pretty sure they went and interviewed blacks, telling them "McCain's" policies (when in fact they were Obama's) and the black people said they supported McCain. That just made your argument go from bad, to worse dude. The one thing you used to back yourself up did you more harm than good. Nice work! Lastly please lern how to ****kin tipe dushbag it anoys teh pissss outa me wen i hav to reed **** lik dis with no puncshuation an enuf words with no spacin to recret the socialist wall of berlin fukin idioot, EDIT: Lol, I love the Onion's use of sarcasm and mis-reporting to highlight current ideas XD
Of all of the people actually arguing, how many of you can actually vote? That's what I thought. Shut the hell up.
Lol ^ Doesn't mean I can't care. I am tired of seeing people being just flat out ignorant. It surprises me how many people don't seem to know anything at all on the subject. I seek to educate... and entertain myself my slicing up people who try and defend themselves when they can't.
I'd vote McCain. Why you may ask? It's just that I agree with his propositions more than I do Obama's, and then I agree more with his economic and foreign beliefs. Economy For one, I can't stand the mention of the redistribution of wealth. That's stepping out a tad far for the government to be doing, and I feel it jeopardizes the very inalienable right written by Jefferson, "the pursuit of happiness." Is it an individuals' fault for going to college to learn the trade of a certain industry, to get a better paying job? Obviously the answer is no, so why should they be taxed for doing so? That's one of my largest issues is that the working class who have the degrees and higher paying careers will be taxed more under Obama and his proposed plan. That would surely destroy my incentive to get an education and a lucrative career since I could make it through life doing the bare minimum, and being lazy at the expense of those who do work. The very fact that his plan shows an attempt to balance out the economic classes annoys me since that's one of the basic steps of communism. We all know how well that idea flew... not really. Look at this chart: Sources: 1, 2, 3. On one side, you have decreases for all economic classes, but on the other side, you don't. Even though Obama's plan supports those who make under $112K, it doesn't support anyone who makes more. Though, the same could be slightly said for McCain since his plan doesn't bring as much of a tax cut for the bottom classes, but it does bring lower taxes for all. War While I will say I don't agree with the War on Terrorism, I still feel that we can't just pull out over a few months. That'd be the same as if we never did anything and just burned a bunch of money. While it does seem that both are getting towards the same troop removal plan, the fact that Obama would make such a ridiculous proposal at first baffles me. Doesn't he know the limits of his desired office and how to deal with foreign flops? Government Spending Another thing I dislike, and something that has been hurting our economy and financial security. While McCain is actively advocating the reduction of "pork barrel" spending, Obama is proposing plans that would retrospectively increase government spending. The Constitution was not written to create a government that would provide services such as national healthcare or foreign country relief. It was written to protect our rights, not to cover the butts of those who make consistently bad decisions. If the expense is not accertainly needed to protect our rights, I don't want to have such expense inacted. It's obvious to see who I support in this cause. Experience Many of you say this isn't important, some say it is; I'm one to say it is. On one side, you have a candidate who has been in politics for a few decades and even the military, and then you've got the other whose been in politics for not even half of the other candidate's total time. The one who has been in politics longer, knows from experience of what works, and what doesn't. It doesn't matter if your guide says a possible outcome, having faults and success from previous years builds experience to know what you're doing. Negatives on the Candidates McCain: • He's old - Yes, he's in his seventies. • Palin was probably not the best logical choice for Vice President. - She's the governor of Alaska, not much to support her. • Economic proposals will not support lower classes as much. - Temporary tax cuts, and various other proposals that mainly leave the taxes as is for the bottom classes. Obama: • Not enough experience - He's only been a Senator for Illinois. • Larger taxes on the "rich" - Anyone who makes more than $227K will get an increase in taxes to fund other proposals. • Tax proposal decreases incentive to get a higher paying career. - Why work if he's making national healthcare more accessible and lower at cost; at the expense of those who have higher paying careers. • National Healthcare - I thought the idea was to cut down on government spending, not increase it. Notes: 1. I have written facts, and by such facts my opinion has been influenced. Not the opposite. 2. If you find anything you disagree with, fine, point out my fault and I'll see whose got the facts to support whom. While I do sincerely feel sorry for you, I must bring up the question of how this is the government's problem. It would seem your father could have made a better decision, or to at least defend himself. I mean, for what reason did he refuse a promotion, and then after that, why didn't he defend his then job? Also, why did your mother have to get a divorce during your family's financial crisis? Seems more of a personal conflict that she so wished to doom your father at the risk of the very family. To support that, you say she needs medicine and the same with your siblings. Seems like she's the one hurting your family, and your father didn't exactly help denying a promotion, and then going into the type of business he did. Have you ever seen The Pursuit of Happiness? You know, the one with Will Smith, and this sounds extremely familiar. I'm terribly sorry that all sounds rude, but I mean really; there could have been an infinite number of better outcomes that could have been chosen instead of your current one.
I'm off by one year of legal age to vote so the current election will definitely effect me. So, you shut up as you've told us.
Just because we can't vote doesn't mean we shouldn't care. We have to learn about these candidates because they affect all of us. If your going to vote for McCain ask yourself, am I really voting for McCain because I like his policies or because he's a republican or my parents like him. We have to be better informed so when the next election or the election after that we can not get caught up in all these fake opinions and support the candidate we like and not go posting ignorant or racist comments.
Find me one republican that likes Obama and One democrat that likes McCain and then you can tell me that all of you Obama lovers arent affected by your parents or by your party alliation.
Well Colin Powell endorsed Obama and Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John Mccain and they both crossed party lines. These are just recent endorsers, many other people have crossed party lines to support who they truly like.
you got me when i said that he takes form the poor people, i screwed up their. i meant took stuff from people who did something with their lives and giving to people who decided not to do **** with it. i screwed up there, i admit it. how could you call mccain racist? just because his skin is whiter doesn't mean ****. hes actually a little redish, or even tanish. he isn't racist at all. you are retarded. and didn't you read about the study in harlem with them agreeing with mccains policies just because thay put obamas name on it? that means they are obviously not following anything, they are just chanting obama because he is black. obamas slogan, change= Come Help A Negro Get Elected
one of us you retard not public figures. Colin Powell in my opinion supports obama just because his is black and convinced himself that what obama says is ok. Arnold Schwarzenegger is republican you retard so of course he would support him. And what other people have crossed lines.
Alright, you want facts, whatever I'll give a bit of reading info. Facts are bullshit, anyone can type anything into google. Taxes? Lets see, I've been over this a million times and I will, again, because I do so enjoy destroying these posts. I've gone from responding per page to every post. So first: The middle to lower classes are suffer, not higher classes. Taxes aren't huge until you make like 1 mil a year. If you are making a mil a year, you've got nothing to worry about. Schooling and laziness and all these other bullshit reasons people give for trying to back up the rich are just pathetic. In Canada, the more money you make, the more you get taxed. It's a percentage, it's fair. If you are tying up some much money form the economy, than you've got to put some back in. Obamas plan is fine, it's beneficial, it allows for money to be movable, and not tied up in bank accounts. As for your go to school-get rich idea? Yeah in canada, where school is affordable. Hes got some idea like me, though I didn't read it all I jisted it. I don't need to, I already know what I'm talking about, you sir don't. Education shouldn't cost 300G's. It would cost me like, hmm 60 grand for ALL of my medical school. I can pay that off in a couple years. Lower the cost of schooling, and rich people don't need to make so much money. Health care? Are you a dumbass? Nationalized health care is awesome. It works decent in every country who supports it. Scandinavian countries? Best place on earth to live. Swedish health care ? You shouldn't be worrying about the cost of medication, or breaking or leg or god forbid life saving surgury. Combined the speed and precision of your system with the government funded health care systems of other countries and you got some damn efficient hospitals. Your stupid war? Don't start 20 things at once. You got Sadem, it's over. You aren't helping them and you haven't for years, they don't want you there, get out. It's a touchy subject but theres no real good solution. End it. Experience? Bullshit, all it means is he knows how much he can get away with and how far he can push. Obama has experience, he lived through all the mistakes of the last 8 years, thats all he needs. Negatives on the Candidates McCain: • He's old - Yes, he's in his seventies. • Palin was probably not the best logical choice for Vice President. - She's the governor of Alaska, not much to support her. • Economic proposals will not support lower classes as much. - Temporary tax cuts, and various other proposals that mainly leave the taxes as is for the bottom classes. Yeah too old, Palin is a dumbass and that was so obvious for the women vote. Economy proposals need to support lower people. TAX CUTS AREN'T GOING TO HELP YOU IF YOU ARE GIVING BREAKS TO THE WRONG PEOPLE. Obama: • Not enough experience - He's only been a Senator for Illinois. • Larger taxes on the "rich" - Anyone who makes more than $227K will get an increase in taxes to fund other proposals. • Tax proposal decreases incentive to get a higher paying career. - Why work if he's making national healthcare more accessible and lower at cost; at the expense of those who have higher paying careers. • National Healthcare - I thought the idea was to cut down on government spending, not increase it. Fine, he could have been in government longer, get over it. Taxes NEED to be raised for rich people, you need more money. Government spending needs to be increased in the right places, less war, more helping your people survive. Nothing ever decreases incentive to have a higher paying career don't be a dumbass, everyone wants to be rich. Rich people won't notice a ****in difference. National healthcare is good, go somewhere and experience it. Why you think Bush was coming to Canada for his drugs. So my main points are: You need higher taxes, stop saying tax cuts are good, if you have no money to spend you can't get anything done as a government. Healthcare needs to be accessible so people stop dying on the streets. The war is costing you too much money, get out. And finally, just because something doesn't apply to you don't say it's unnescessary. It seems all your McCain supporters think poor/sick people should die. You think teen parents should be cast to the street. Social Security and benefits are humane and necessary, not communist. If your "democracy" is all about the bottom line and not about the well being of your people, than **** I'm glad to be a "communist" Canadian.
I'm pretty sure chrst can. I know I can/have. Can't say much for the other peeps. I kind of agree with you that people should really just leave this matter alone. But I doubt they will. Read my post. I'm a republican that likes Obama (over McCain). My step-dad is a republican, and my moms a democrat. I am a republican because I'm sure that one day we'll actually get a good canidate who will do this nation better than the rest. I just don't see that in McCain.