Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Yeah I'm one of those... but besides that..IT is quite odd this is coming up so late in an election... I mean IS he really a naturalized Citizen?
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Facts, people. That's why I don't come 'round here much.

    Obama: Payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 - Decision '08

    ^^^^ it's called posting a source, not your ill-informed impressions.

    Key points: taxes raised for anyone making over 250000 per year, which comes out to the richest 3% of Americans.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Its sad that a good majority of people will vote based upon issues they completely misunderstand, along with prejudice and all that other crap that comes along with it. Maybe one day they'll grow up....
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    And we think that we are ready for a non Electoral Vote...
  5. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    Obama's economy jump start plan lololololololololol
  6. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    In a search of information rather than debate, I'd like to know if you've found anything specifying whether or not that 250K is net income or gross income. This came up earlier, and DTL told me that he (Obama) meant net income, but he gave no evidence. As someone keen on sources, I thought you might know. Thanks.
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    It seems your finding every end to not vote for a democrat.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    There's nothing wrong with adding your own observation or opinions to the conversation. But if I can come in as easily as I did and wipe out some ill-informed rant with the simplest-to-find, most basic news post like I did above, you're not contributing. The cornerstone to a debate is the search for information.

    A candidate's tax policy doesn't deal with net or gross per se, it deals with taxable income as defined by the IRS.

    What is Taxable and Nontaxable Income?
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It comes down to fundamentals.

    I would like to quote this from Predicide's source

    Here I fundamentally do not agree with Obama. Obama takes the stand that basically people are too ignorant to understand how to invest in a competitive market. And that is mostly true, however, there are those that do and those that will seek to learn. In this case, Obama it seems that Obama does not have confidence in a capitalistic system. Here it looks as if Obama would like government to control your money. I don't agree with that. Few people as it is would use an option like that, but people who are savvy and would like to have a more comfortable retirement would choose an option like that. Plus, private investment would allow companies to make capital. Now, these investors have control of the company and it's economic future and so on and so forth...creating more jobs.

    Or we can all live with government, what a joke. I mean seriously, here in my state of Georgia our public transportation system called Marta squandered away 17 million dollars of taxpayer's dollars on trying to update its compuor systems. Instead, a private company could have been hired out at a competitive price and the technology would have been updated. But no, go government.

    The risks of course, but that is no reason not to fight for the American dream, losing confidence means losing confidnece in the ability to make a better life for yourself.
  10. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Entrepreneurs will not invest in something too risky. Some things require government payment. Though, I do agree that Marta sucks the big one the TVA has done wonders for Tennessee.
  11. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Isn't taking risks the basis of entrepreneurship? If there weren't risks I think we'd all be wait poor. I'm not disagreeing on the basis of taxes, I just wouldn't want my options limited.

    But yeah, Marta does suck. TVA is a good program though, if only they would give us Georgians some water. :(
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    If Georgia wouldn't bring up those bull crap documents trying to take our land maybe we would.

    Entrepreneurship works on the basis of risk but not extreme risk. Like rewiring the entire power grid, fixing our infrastructure, or alternative energy farms would not be accomplished without government.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well technically the land is ours, but that was a technicality that should have been prosecuted years ago. Besides it isn't as if anyone is using that land. Also if some water were siphoned off it would hardly affect the TVA system.

    Anyways, today is the big day and I voted. I have my fingers crossed for McCain.
  14. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    I will add my thoughts, Though i cannot vote in the election, I would vote for Mccain since I believe he will do more for the economy then Obama. Mccain would stay in the war, that would spend a huge amount of money, but would you get out of the war, and then realize that you had simply wasted all of those people's lives who fought in that war. Also, Obama wants to tax the upper-middle class and up more so that he can give money to the people who are either too lazy to get out and get a job, or give money to the people who cannot get a job (I support the second view, but not the first). Obama also wants to invest in new energy sources, that will cost a huge amount of money. I say we stay with foreign oil while digging for oil in Alaska. I hope that Mccain will pull through, but Obama has most of the young voters, Mccain is the essence of an old Republican.
  15. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ... any posts after this are probably to late right... people have already voted....

    side note I think the Senate seats are more important then the Pres elections....

    TTYL FH....
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Paragraphs make things easier to read.

    I really don't understand what you're saying here.

    You support McCain because he supports a war that has left the US in huge debt?

    Then you go on a waste of life. Yeah, sure it is. But it isn't a waste if you think that they died to tell the US government to stop wasting all the money.

    Uhh... The redestribution of wealth as everyone says it is is just lowering taxes on the poor so that they can afford health care and actually pass the debt margin without struggeling.

    This is just stupid.

    Yes, it does take money to make new sources of energy. But, it helps the economy.

    How you ask?

    Think about it like this. If they spend money on the research, they have to employ people and buy the needed resources. This puts money into the hands of employes and other companies.

    Then, there is further employment on actually making this new energy source. More employment and therefore more money that people can spend on goods or services.

    finally, the new source is made and ready for selling. This is the part where the companies get rich. They sell it and they get profit to pay back all that they lost.

    Back to the beggining, the product gets updated and follows the same steps.
  17. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    McCain all the way!

    I've been looking around and realized just how desperate Obama is and how much crap he is willing to say to get votes.

    First thing that told me the man was desperate was the advertising. He advertises in Video-Games, he advertises on Spanish channels. He advertises everywhere he can.

    He also made up lies about Iraq, saying that they had an $80,000,000,000 (80 Billion) surplus of cash. When in fact they have a lot less and cannot properly fund their own defenses.

    He stated that he would add 90,000 cops on to the streets of America, that would add to our taxes... Do I want to pay more with the recession in this country.

    He wants to tax the rich to give money to the poor... What about our Democracy? He is not a Democrat he is a socialist.

    He never talks about his half-white side, I wonder why... MEDIA *Cough*

    He never talks about his terrorist friend who's name I forgot.

    He supports under-age abortion on kids without asking parents permission. I can understand rape, but what about there horny self deciding that sex without a condom was alright and that she would never get pregnant.

    What about the Socialism, I want to pay for my child's college and health care, not some random child I never met. I don't care if I make 250,000 bucks a year, I worked hard spent years in college and a university for that money. It's my money! (I don't really make that money, but put yourself in that situation)

    He wants to end the war against the Taliban, do you know that the Taliban is superior to Pakistan and is currently over throwing the government. If this happens the Taliban might get hold of Pakistan Nuclear weapons... Taliban + Nuclear Weapons = Not so good. To add more the Taliban is a major Anti-American! So guess who gets nuked...
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No its not. Georgia brought up a really shaky document that should have never even been considered to be authentic. I have no problems giving power or water to Georgia if they need it as long as it doesn't affect our citizens and one of your citizens doesn't use 93,000 gallons of water in a single day!

    McCain will win Georgia so you don't have to cross your fingers for that. I think TN is going with McCain as well but Obama has a pretty clear lead and I think it will be a decisive win. One things for sure, though, no matter who wins they're going to have to do a hell of a good job. If McCain or Obama wins I think the country will be better off than it would be if Bush were to stay for four more years. I think both men can bring excellent policies to government.
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    I have to post this somewhere, so I thought here was as good a place as any.

    Guess what I just found out today ForgeHub? One of my friends voted for McCain today. And while that's not really a problem, he can vote for who he likes afterall, his reasoning behind his vote is.

    He told me that he voted for McCain because he is scared that Obama may be the anti-christ. No ****ing lie. He sat there and told me about how "it's getting close to the end of times, the rapture and all that" and about how the antichrist is supposed to be charismatic and good looking, which he says describes Obama.

    What a ****ing idiot. lol

    He then told me he thinks Biden is a ****ing moron.
    I say: "Orly?? More so than Palin?"
    He says: "Yeah. Palin's ****in smokin dude. I'd bang her."

    Now I'm all, "WTF you gotta be kidding me right?" But no, he was actually serious. He thinks Biden is an idiot because he's an old dude, thinks Sarah Palin is a genius because he wants to bang her, and voted for McCain this morning because he's afraid that Obama may be the anti-christ.

    What the hell is wrong with the world that there are people out there that think like this? How are they even given the power to vote?
    I swear, people should have to submit a written essay or something; giving the reasons for why they're voting before they do vote. If they write nonsense like this I think they're vote should be void.

    Edit: And Radiant, please do yourself a favor and just shut the **** up. Your idiocy is really getting on my nerves. If you wanna support McCain, that's fine, just do it intelligently please. Try to get some facts and not talk about things like Obama's race or his connection to Ayers. It makes you look retarded. Stop watching **** like Fox News and repeating back everything you hear, and go out there and actually read up on some legitimate facts.

    Really, I don't even know why ignorant people like you post in debates like this. Stick to the offtopic forum or something where some people might actually give a **** about the crap that you post.

    And that's really about all I have to say about that. Basically just STFU and GTFO.
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Same for Barrack in my school... Some don't even know why they vote for Obama.

    When I ask a Black student they say because he's black.
    On the news I saw a similar scenario. A black lady was holding her daughter and said "we need someone like us to run this country"

    Stereotypes and biased crap is what gives Obama the edge over the younger audience. Some don't know why they are voting McCain as well as stated by Neverless. But I do some background info to make sure I know who would make a better persident.

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