Bnasty, I think that what you have said is very true. I wasn't here in the past, but I have heard many people complain about what this site appears to have become. I appreciate that you have taken the time to start this thread as it has made me realize several problems with the members of this site. You have inspired me to stop posting just for the count, and I am going to disable my rep. Thanks for coming out with all of this.
To E93, Playahata, Y35, Zstrike and "others not listed" As a great man once said: Get off your ****ing high stool before someone pushes you off
Quoted for epic Truth. This thread was great to begin with but as per usual, the off topic-ers; the gus who think they know all, they know who should get Loyal who should get Mod. We put way more thought into everything. We do have lengthy discussions on the promotions of people and what does and does not get featured. As Insane said, reporting it dumps it on the staff. Try actually taking some action. I'm leaving this thread. And to you guys against Vorpal Saint for Loyal, as thesilencebroken said, he's way more deserving of Loyal than a lot of others are of regular member.
First off why do you always assume that once you speak of loyal you want it? Wow stereotype much? Off topic-ER? I actually do try to help here, but obviously I need to do more. Tell me Linu what can I do? I'm not a mod I can't infract. I'm not going to PM some new member that could give a **** if he spams or not. Uhm isn't that what staff is for? If you feel were 'dumping' it on you well then obviously your not up for the job, because I'm pretty sure the Mods are supposed to use our reported posts to infract people? Or am I just imagining things?
I never said that talking of Loyal was an indicator that you want it. We all want it, don't deny. Some are desparate for it, some aren't and then there are some that would like it but they wouldn't be bummed if they didn't have it. Off topicer, that was a generalisation. More so pointed at a couple people, not really you Playerhata. Yeah, report post but if you see a user spamming and doing stupid crap. Drop them a visitor message and let them know. Do it socially, casually and friendly. Infractions can be so emotionless that they don't have any affect.
Of course I would enjoy having loyal. But see a huge percent of people doing the stupid crap could care less whether they spammed or not. I'm not going to try to help some one that doesn't want it. I'm not trying to focus on the spam issue. I know it sucks. Theres always going to be spam as long as this is a Public forum. We can't do **** about it. There are rules but the 'spammers' most likely don't read/know about them.
I don't think spam has anything to do with anything around here. I don't even notice spam. Half the time members with join dates of october and 20 posts get auto-ignored by my brain unless something in their post catches my attention. One-liners, don't bother. I think the issues are as silence said, a clique of people who think they own the place. Maybe not a clique, and I'm not pointing fingers, because TBH I'm not really sure who to blame. Though the problem lies not with the coloreds, but people acting like they are someone special.
[sarcasm]Naw he definitely does not deserve it[/sarcasm] Vorpal is a cool gui. Nuff said. Ok fine reasons. He often invites me to games for testing or just to have fun. And sometimes he will even let me see a forge project of his. Before I knew him I had released a map. That map had some problems, and well he said "dun wrry gui, I will comez and helpz, its all gun b k" He came to help and tested it afterward. Two weeks later, feature. Immediately after that he freakin gave us an idea (for free) and said go build this NAO! So you see my point, he is the meanest gui eva! like period. As for spam, it is not only new members posting spam. Some people just do it to piss others off. They do it on purpose just to annoy other members or moderators. Mr. Creeping Death had this problem the other day with banning a member who simply does not care how much he annoys people. But what pisses me off is that they are alowed to come back, and then they do it again. This is one of the reasons why the rep system failed: "give me bad rep!! I want bad rep!!!" I mean seriously? The other day, some jackass posted porn, I KNOW!?!?!?!! Perma-ban courtousy of Insane54 and this guy. Staff do a great job nuff said. And if you see spam from a new member, like earlier stated, say hello to them and tell them what they did wrong and everybody can get along. Anyway were my thoughts on this good?
**** off I don't. Never did Never will. Anything above that maybe, depends on if I think I can do anything to help the forums but not loyal. Loyal to me implies not having a life outside of the internet. And I just have way more important and more fun stuff to do than read a bunch of 12 year olds bitching about not having recon, or who has the best signature, or "Oh no mommy, he typed a bad word, hold me while I cry like the little emo kid I try to pretend I'm not."
What I find hilarious is how you guys are all "no, send them a nice little message and try and educate them on how to be a good member" when I know that none of you have done so more than once, or will continue to do for that matter because I have a hard time constantly moderating, which takes probably a tenth of the time you are suggesting you put in
Haha, Waylander is such a fun guy. Very true. Before I was given moderator, I tryed to help out some new people who were hazy about the rules. I did it a few times and I can assure you that it takes a hell of a lot of time more than moderating does. I know this makes us sound lazy, but if people aren't willing to read or follow the rules then punishment should be dealt.
Eh... I play with this dude on XBL called Whispy. He's a cool dude. Your logic is flawless sir. I'd post more, but I've got to go now.
Ha, you guys crack me up. And you say me and the other guys have the ''better than you attitude''. Ha! I'm done with this thread.
I just thought I'd point out, all of the aforementioned material has always been pretty much obvious to everyone, I'm going to have to assume it just felt better getting it out in the open, rather then thinking about it, and discussing it with people over xbox live. There is no clear-cut answer to the major problems of the community. It's like governing America/any governed place...No matter how many people there are doing something righteous, there are always going to be those ****ing **** up. Here on Forge Hub we're at somewhere around 25 thousand members. There is no telling how many of those members don't know the rules, even though they are blatantly posted all around the forums, and the amount of people who discuss spam, etc etc. There's only so much the staff can do about those of whom that are ignorant to said rules. Disregarding spam now, I would like to get onto the negativity factor. Firstly, Bnasty, I am ****ing proud to have seen your post that went something like this: "What good does it do to add negativity" <<< Definitely not how you posted it, but ya, close enough. Anyways, that was really impressing, it made me sit back and be like "Hmm...Bnasty isn't so bad after all..." =P The negative, condescending, vindictive behavior that I've seen from some of the seasoned members, or just any member, is something that is sincerely pissing me off. I would like to see said members show a lot more respect to the newer members, and give them a better guide to the future. As eventually, those same members that you ****ed with will be the future of Forge Hub, disrespecting and doing negative acts toward the future newer members. Which eventually leads into a further negative spiral. Also, why does the topic of who deserves loyal always get brought up in a thread about the downfall of Forge Hub? Or any colored rank for that matter... Also, Y35, I found it rather comical the way you leeched off of bnasty's thread here, and posted the wall-o-text that you n sticky agreed to forget about...That was like 3 weeks ago, at least. lmfao... Whatever...Anyways, that leads me to my final question: Why did I read all of this?
Because you were bored and had nothing better to do tex. But I think this thread can come to an end now. I think all that should/could be said has been.
No one else answer that question, it detracts from the previous points in the post. Also, Vorpal is correct.
Did you read all of it? Or just the giant posts lol. I read all of it too, and I wonder why. Mostly it turned into bickering between people when it shouldn't have. Bnasty has a point and so do a few of the other giant posts. Really, the only fix for anything is for good members to be better, be the best than can be and mediocre members step it up a notch. Those negative members? We aren't fixing them, we just have to outway their negatives. I was trying to help this kid with a map he posted containing all weapons (trying to get him to actually forge), a few hours later he was banned. Probably from all the negativity towards his map, he lashed out. Either way, rather than people saying "your map sucks ass!", there needs to be more people saying "here is how to improve your map".