did you guys not see my sigs? at all?? anyways yours is nice and sharp and i like the font alot. i dont like that orange mist. and of course the sig looks unprofessional but thats ok i like it still CnC on both of them please EDIT: this one too..
Here's one of my old sigs, haven't really made any since then though. It's the same as my current signature, obviously because I haven't made more for myself. -------- Here's one I made for someone last week, just because I was getting a bit rusty and needed to Photoshop signatures again What do you guys think of them?
One of your problems is empty space. But i'm not a fan of any of them, they're just not very good. The last one has something going for it, but eliminate the empty space. Work on your text, empty space and theres just no general flow to it. For both of them I meant.
alright arrrrghSAM i dont care if your new. im sick of people not knowing the rules. READ THE FIRST PAGE BEFORE YOU POST! It has the rules in it. Maybe im being too hard on you because you are new but im sick of it. whats one less person anyways? you can leave the site for all i care because of this rant. when you post can you not even read the post above you? even in my repost of my sigs- that did get skipped over again- i made the comment "Did you guys not even see my sigs? at all??" ARRRGH!!!! SAM!!! Learn. Read. When you join a site, scope it out a little bit before just jumping in and thinking you know what you are doing, because here is the cold hard truth- YOU DON'T! If you find a new thread that seems to be popular such as this, read the first post and figure out what it is all about, don't just assume what it is because of the name of the thread. yeah it says Universal CnC thread, but that does not mean that there aren't rules to it other than simply post your picture and people tell you about it. There is only one person i know who has done that only, and that is Jpec. You will find him around page 27 i think.. or you could go through all of the pages and look. (Actually, i do alot of CnCing when there isnt much else for me to do). So, sam.. Learned your lesson? Hi, nice to meet you. I am Knight Kninja. I am one of the members of the community that is very active and doesnt like to cause fights. In fact, this is probably one of the worst rants i have ever had around here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your first sig: First off, way too many focal points. And this is a mistake i have made in the past. I don't know where to look. Seeing as the spartan seems to be the main focus, i would suggest deleting the monitor. The diagonal lines behind the spartan look great, but dont really go with the theme of the sig, which is sort of dark and grungy. When you use stuff like that, use it in a more vectorized sig or something. The text stating "Spartan-Y54" is both too large and too apparent. it draws alot of attention from the main focuses of the sig once again. The text saying arrrghSAM, there is too much diffusion between the fonts. i like the idea of two separate fonts, but those are too different. The second sig: For a text-based sig, you did it pretty well, but in the background i can see really blurred line brushes- they look like the ones from that winter brush set. anyways, if your gonna do a sort of blood spatter thing, don't do lines like that. they don't seem to fit too well with it, at least for a background. The White glow effect looks like its coming out of nowhere.. i would suggest either using a white overlayed large soft brush to create a light source, or taking it out entirely. The font itself looks good, but not a font i would use for a text-based sig. The "3" at the end- once again- doesnt fit in with the font diffusion. they are just too dissimilar. Definetly don't use an outline font with a filled-in font, and try using a font that is closer to the main font. i can see you tried to use the glow to make the font more combined with the background, but it didnt work out very well. If you want it to look more blended, try making the red spatters sort of overlap onto them. Don't overdo it, but try putting a few on there. You could also use text effects other than that slight outer glow. it helps, but not near enough. EDIT: thanks Vinny.. lol
It's not that I don't like your style, it's just that those aren't accurate measures of what you can do.
??? I don't know if you read the same, but that's what I saw in the first post, yes I read the whole thing. When I get the time I'll comment on yours, it's midnight here. Night.
oh definetly not. The last one was the only one i liked, and once i had something going for it, i ruined it with text. The first one i did crop to remove empty space though No, this would be the part i was talking about.
hey terrax you have been gone for a while.. good to see you back cause our number of G&A users have dropped recently
A little bit too blurry, but it's still got a nice aspect to it. Text is also a little bit too blurry. It'd look nice if it was really like, more enhanced, maybe some effects on that layer, idk. BG saves it, but I dislike the renders, and how the text turned out on that one...doesn't look to appealing. Just doesn't go along to well. I love this one! Everything looks so in sync. The line going through the helmet, the nice background, the light colored text, etc. I like what you did with the render too. Looks very, very nice.
I've heard... I have been working on my site (In my sig) which is purely graphics and so it's been difficult likeing this section when the quality has declined so drastically... I also heard about increased bannings and that's not a real encouragement to come here. Our site is growing while the G and A section is falling. We also have a vBulletin and are kinda attracting some of the crowds that previously flocked to this joyace place of G and A... w/e. And again.... Nothing to CnC. kthxbai. ^Not Spam or advertising^
dang you beat me to the thread lock... anyways, its so abstract i dont know how to critisize it.. i love the render and the splatters though! maybe sharpen the diagonal hash marks a little. The only bit of color in it looks great, but the way its texture looks is kinda odd. that doesnt matter thought. I love it! IDK what to say about it. first try with those little "zoom in" pieces
Firstly, sorry about last night, I had been up since the early hours of the morning, and then had to do a whole load of work, needless to say, I was a little grouchy. Anyway; 1/ I actually quite like this first one, I think the colours go quite well There is quite a lot of empty space to the right, as has already been said, however I do like it. That said, I think you could have added more around the main subject, nothing drastic though, but something subtle. 2/ I have to say, I don't really like this sig, it just isn't the sort of thing I would go for. I like the sort of grungy blood effect and the glow around the wolf, but I don't get the little guy to the right? :S (That might just be me though) 3/ This is my favourite of the three signatures. I really like the kind of 'reflective gloss' effect on the spartan, and the overall colours of it. Where people may comment on the amount of empty space, I actually feel this works on sig to some extent.
Not quite sure what you mean by "zoom in" but this has some stuff I'm not to big a fan of. The little halo thing on the back is cut off with a fairly solid line, try lowering the erazer(new spelling) opacity and just doing one click near him. The text seems kinda weird and the overlay look doesn't really work in this case, also the "u"seems a little to close the dragon/skele thing and is getting cut off. I like the little cut out thing on the left side though, it goes between the line well and at the same time doesn't attract my eye very much. 8/10 apples r gewd