Alright, well in an effort to test the basic knowledge of the members of Forgehub, I have created a trivia quiz about some basic facts about the site. Of course, to an older member, most all of these questions are easy and you should ace it, but I'd like to see how newer members do on some of the questions that are harder. Trivia Quiz Here So anyway, just click the link and enter your forgehub name when it asks you to and then take the quiz. Please don't put random names or anything, use your name. Also, after you finish, come back here and post the percentage you got and click take the poll. Enjoy! PS: As the name suggests, this is only the first of my quizes. I shall try to make more another time, and the next one will focus much more on specific things that you really have to be dedicated to know about. :joker: EDIT: Please pick one poll option from each question in the poll. It is public, so anyone who picks more than 2 options, or more than one option from a question, will be infracted.
rofl nub... thats teh easiest one... Teh hardest one has to be the one about SpecOpsGrunt. Impossible MIRIGHT? Nice tryin though...
I feel embarassed, I should get banned for that lol. Please forgive me mods I joined in april I didnt know that stuff, but I did good on knowing the people
Your Score: 90% Your Friend says: "YOU CAN HAZ REC0NZ!!!!! ZOMG WTF ROFL LMAOBBQ /H4X!... lol jk... but you can h4z cheeseburger!!" Rofl it says i got cause i ****ed the site ****ed up
I missed the I'm 13 and almost have a girlfriend. I put Yomtraps. There were no questions about me so I'm
No yomtvraps is the mod, and spectogrunt is 13 and almost has a girlfriend lol. I think he has one wait.. Ya Grif you rock, nice job i cant believe thats the only one you missed though lol
That s exactly what I did but i missed it because I just clicked too fast and didn't read properly. I got a 70%
Damn that was easy. I'm the guy thats all "you'll never know" or whatever, because I thought I was gonna do horrible, but it was easy.
Rank Name Score 1 Zstrike13 100 2 Sticky 100 3 Juggernaut448 100 4 YouWillNeverKnow 100 5 Lolbyhouse 100 Super easy.
ya well when you've joined in the beginning, its easy. This was more geared towards newer members. But I'm working on the questions for a older member one that really will be (hopefully) challenging to people like you and me and others...
Can someone keep posting the leaderboards? Cause I can't find it in my history, and I'm not going to do the quiz again... Like Albyfail did, but with a longer list. <7 Failhouse, <7.
I got 80%! That's pretty damn good since I don't know a lot about specific people. I just know a bit about FH's history, been around since December [Unregistered]
I got a 90, and the one I got wrong was because I clicked the wrong one. Lol. Pretty easy, without checking the site or anything, I just ran through it.