Fallout 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr brownstain83, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    That is a excellent idea.
  2. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    Sorry about the "wall of text" (although I've been taught a paragraph is 8-10 sentences and my posts aren't that long.)(maybe the first is) I'll start breaking them up.

    Oblivion might work with multiplayer AND the new update if it really cuts load times and reduces lag. I don't see exactly why combat would need to be reworked, it works fine versus the NPCs. It would be a neat idea that would have to go through testing and maybe result in minor tweaks to combat.

    I really do think that RTS/FPS hybrids like Fallout 3 could work with multiplayer beyond co-op. I hope to see a game in the future that experiments with this concept and still has great gameplay.

    Happy Telrad?
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It's a 1v1.

    If someone could be that laggy, they would make any game suck.

    Thing of some proper reasons. Don't just be against something at the drop of a hat.

    Ofcourse it will not happen, but theres no reason to say it wont if you can't provide adequite responses.

    And Elder Scrolls V has been rumoured for 2010-2012.
  4. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    A room in Tenmpany Tower (spelling?) a rich persons hotel. Maybe a few other bonuses (I didn't do it, my brother did)

    PS: try blowing it up in the middle of the night. The explosion looks sick (shroom cloud in the night).
  5. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    I will have to try that and tell you the other rewards
    I will just save before I do it.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    First and foremost, Oblivion is an RPG. RPGs main focus is to do what you want, how you want and when you want. Or essentially, customisability. Getting rid of this already gets rid of half the fun of Oblivion as the core combat isn't all that exciting.

    Second, if you have a 1v1, how would it go down? As Oblivion can get some really overpowered spells and weapons! Get rid of those, you get rid of the some of the fun. So, if 1v1 were to happen, it'd have to be eitheir no armor, bare fists and one spell or a race through an obstacle course with equipment hiden around by the enemy and whomever gets to the center first gets a potion of healing, poison or whatever.

    Both of those aren't perfect. The first one is bland and boring even if you liven it up more by adding up spells, swords etc. The second one would be more interesting but has a lot of room for error. A slight glitch would **** the whole thing up. Not to mention that player animation is sub-par.

    Other ways to make the game good online would be to make it teams. We could go about this one of three ways.

    1. Classes. 4v4. One mage, one healer, one fighter and one marksmen each. This, I could probably imagine being fun. But the problem is lag... In lag, the fighter class is ruined as a split second can ruin everything in melee as Halo 3 and Gears have shown us.

    2. Halo style. You start the game with fists and you look for your weapons. Might work but it will face the same problem as many other similiarly styled games face. Spawn camping.

    And 3, the one I think could probably work. Counter Strike style with a small twist. You start the game with fists. The map has no weapons andthere is a series of shops and enchanting tables, spell creaters scattered at key locations around the map. You start off with 1000 gold and you have to kill the enemy to get more gold.

    At the shops, you can buy an increase to stats(Blade, Destruction, Mercantile etc.) buy new weapons, buy enchantments, buy mercanaries, spells and armor.

  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    I just played it for the first time, and I played it a until I got out.
    Then I played it for like...3 minutes, then I had to get eat dinner. Sadfaic.

    I got to kill a dog, a wasp-looking thing, and some mutant woodchuck.

    Oh, and like, when I was escaping, I couldn't figure out how to change it from melee to a weapon, even though I already had tons, so I fought my way with my fists. Oh yeah.
  8. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    I think you mean bloatfly by wasp thingy, and they suck horribly. Free exp basically. Same with dogs, and a lot of the wild animals. (My brother says that the wild animals get better as your level goes up, for example he fights King Scorpions now)

    Sounds like you don't really know how to use the pip boy eh?
    To draw weapons, you press "B" to bring up the pip boy. Use RT or LT to go over to the center column (items). Use the left stick to go over to the weapons column. Press "A" on a weapon to make it your active gun. Or hold RB to bring up the hotkey menu, and use the directional pad to hotkey the weapon (usefull later on w/ multiple guns).

    You can also activate quests, view status and maps, and listen to radios using the pip boy.

    If you used VATS to fight the animals, it tells you the enemies' name.

    Hope I helped out ^.^
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

  10. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    Lol sorry I thought u meant you hadn't found out (I feel a tad dumb). Joined the group. Fallout 3 is teh epic game.
  11. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    I joined yay

    And for the Megaton: nuke or save the city thing, I did both (2 save files).
    Save: you get a house in Megaton and 500 caps and exp.
    Nuke: (I did at night, It was AWESOME) 500 caps, exp, and master suite in the tower.
  12. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i literally cried when my dad died.
    and i am definitely going to find argyle for herb dashwood.
  13. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    Nooooo why must you spoil the game!?!?!?! (you were talking about the game right?)
    If not than im sorry that your dad died. (lol)
  14. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    yarly, no spoilers.

    And if you haven't gotten that far in the story you seriously need to log hours in it.

    Should I make a thread to discuss the main story rather than the game in general (I'll put in the title **SPOILERS** or something along that line)

    This could also be used to help people stuck in quests.
  15. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    I played this game for awhile, and it is really hard without the AP thing.. It is also kind of annoying when you can't regain health. Overall.. I was kind of upset about it, played it at a friends house, and it made me not want to get it.

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