Presidential Election (Voting Booth!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Nov 2, 2008.


Who are you going to (or would) vote for?

Poll closed Nov 5, 2008.
  1. McCain

    37 vote(s)
  2. Obama

    77 vote(s)
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  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    There has been some really ignorant comments made in this thread by various people who don't have a clue what they're talking about. My advice to you: stop regurgitating what your mommy and daddy tell you and go find out for yourself what the truths are. That takes reading comprehension and a strong distance from anything Fox News related.

    P.S. Your parents are stupid.
  2. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    lol, so harsh, but sooooo true. I find though that the really ignorant ones just vote for obama because everyone else is, and some other ignorant ones, have parents who are for mccain, so they just automatically think he is the best, and vote for him. Too much obligation and peer pressure in the voting system if you ask me.
  3. Snowmanthatknows

    Senior Member

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    I vote for McBama
  4. Sabre

    Sabre Guest

    Obama is the anti-christ and he has won you all over.
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i would vote for mccain, i feel he is more experianced than obama, and coming from a strong republican family.

    Senior Member

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    I vote for Obama for what he stands for in the world. (Yes, I have listened to the Presidental debate before)
  7. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i vote for whoever legalizes prostitution and public coochie kicking. also whoever says that i am allowed to rape esxy girls if they are not wearing jeans. i just formed the perverticrat-rapican party! yay me!
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Again man? God, after tearing you up for poor grammar and spelling once (resulting in a sig change you made) I thought you would be more dedicated to removing those red lines from your posts. I can't take your opinion seriously man, if I can't even read it.

    First off, the scary thing is, most people who do.can't vote are, in fact, the knowledgeable ones. It's quite scary, because people with the "power" to vote cast their votes away as if they were a dove with a note of ignorance attached to it. Second, you might be too young/stupid to understand this, but what happens here in the U.S. greatly affects other nations besides our own. And not only are the English for Obama, but many other countries as well. It's sad to see foreigners (who don't have a say in what happens in our country sadly enough) become more educated than our voters. Downright pathetic. We should at least listen to them though, because if they care so much about something that doesn't directly affect them, then they must have their facts right.

    Well, I don't know much about economic stuff yet, for I haven't gotten to take Econ class yet, but I do come with a backing of observation and logic. You say McCain proposes tax cuts that will result in lower prices, blah blah blah, but what you fail to mention is the fact that that is not something the government can afford currently. The reason our country's economy is so bad, I believe, is due to the fact that we have spent billions in our effort over seas. Our country is in debt, and tax cuts will not take us out of it. Deflation can be as bad as inflation, and lowering prices on everything and creating more jobs will result in people actually becoming poorer, but not really know it. This will also increase the wealth of many overpowering companies. Obama proposes redistribution of wealth, and limitations to keep the aquirement of it from getting out of hands. Also note that McCain is of the Republican party, who are for oil drilling, mass corporation, and taxing, so it makes little sense that McCain would actually go through with those promises. Keep in mind that canidates say stuff, but don't always mean it.

    I know you believe that this is the internet, and so spelling doesn't matter, but it does. "I hop Obama" makes your already unintelligent threats seem even more idiotic. The only reason I wasted my time reading your rather profane wishes upon Obama's well being is the fact that I couldn't stop laughing at your ignorance. Let's all just take a **** on a person we have never met in real life, where the only things we know about his character are those the news exploits. Thumbs up man, great idea! Great spelling too.

    You expect me not to jump on this just because you say not to? **** that, this post is brimming with idiocy!

    First off, do you really think that the ownership of firearms is a serious concern right now? Or is there really nothing else to disagree with Obama on? Because honestly, this is nearly as pathetic as all these "pro-life" pricks.

    Second, in case you haven't noticed, but that "real life instance" you finger painted for us, already happens. Courts let criminals pull **** like that all the time anyway, so I highly doubt that you alleged proposition by Obama would really change that.

    I went out of my way scouring the internet for the truth, which is a near impossible task since it is full of ignorant people I guess, but found this site. Here is what it said about Barrack and his views on gun control.

    • Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
    • FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)
    • Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
    • Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
    • 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
    • Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
    • Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
    • Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
    • Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)
    • Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
    • Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
    Ya, he really wants to abolish the second ammendment. It appears he wants to leave the decision to local government, not his entire decision, and base gun ideals on morality. Just because he doesn't like them, doesn't mean he is forcing everyone to give them up. On that site, you can see where other politians stand on the same topic. Please, research something, even if only slightly, before posting a "concern" that is nearly pointless as an issue America has to adress.

    And you are a 12 year old brat that was probably put up for adoption by your bioligical parents by the age of 5 :)
    See how that works?

    Spam is bad. Illiterate spam is worse. Good day.

    Yes, but how many years of that "experience" was actually well learnt? It would appear as if he went whichever direction the Republican Party pointed. So, if you are voting on the next president based on who has had more years of following someone's ass, then yes, McCain is probably better suited. Honestly, STOP BRINGING UP EXPERIENCE! It is not a valid reason. same with "he comes from a strong republican family". Thats like saying "that boy comes from a 'strong' line of do-gooders, no way could he have killed his neighbor." Also, whys is it so 'great' that he has come from a republican family? That made me lol, because you are obviously biased.
  9. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    wow dont insult people for their religious beliefs this is about politics not religion so you can leave him alone and you know he is 12 how ooo wait you dont so you can just STFU
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    um, i didnt change my sig dumbass. it is still the same. and for some reason i dont get red lines, and since it doesnt count for **** and i know what i said already, i just type as quick as i can, and usually type shorter words if you can tell wut it is. some words like hop, yah that was a single screw up. but you know what it was meant to be, so its k. jesus, stop criticising peoples grammar. noone else gives a damn.
    also, you cant just say every single person in the republican party is for those things. im pretty sure oil drilling on our shores is a good thing, to help further lower gas prices. this may not be important for you, but for me, who relies on my moms 9mpg chevy suburban, it is. and you just ****ed up your own argument. if everything they say isnt true, then foreigners would be even less informed. do you think that people around the world are any more or less ignorant than the majority of americans? no. they do the same thing that we do. plus, just because they are abroad doesnt mean they know more. thats like asking me what was going on in the english prime minister election and all that crap.i know it already happened, i said WAS. you are putting too much faith in people who don't know **** about the election. mccain will create jobs and wealth. obama will create socialism and undermine our system that has thrived for 228 years
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I'm giddy like a little school boy who just got a piece of chocolate! This is too much damn fun.

    Now, you see, you obviously can't comprehend ****. I know, you try very hard to speak intelligently like a "great writer" as witnessed by one of your posts I tore up earlier in this thread using reverse sarcasm. But think before you post.

    First off, you said it yourself, and I love you for this, "dont insult people for their religious beliefs this is about politics not religion." Now that, is funny. I can hardly contain myself. That is the whole point! I would say you might just have a brain, except for the fact that you thought you had gotten me good with that one. Ha!

    This isn't about religion, this is about politics. That kid just brought up his religious views as a reason for his political decisions. If you ask me, he was asking for it.

    Oh, and I nearly forgot! I said "see how that works?" after I called him 12. I obviously don't know that if what I said to be his life story is true or not, because he doesn't know for fact if Obama is the anti-Christ. By all means, share your opinion, but if he can't take me eating him up for it, but rather have other people praise him for his ignorance, there are plenty of online communities full with people like that.

    Hmm, well it is funny that after I nailed you for in-proper gramar, somebody who had read my posts against you sent me a message changing your sig had changed to include your views on proper grammar. Is it so hard to type properly? I am not perfect, hell no, but I can probably type faster than you, and still have less mistakes. Anyway, carrying on. You bring it upon myself, and my biggest arguement here, about using poor English, is that I should not have to take you seriously, if you don't put enough thought into your opinion to make it presentable. Good day.
  12. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    I didn't realize there was only two candidates.

    (This is sarcasm for the purpose of questioning why there is only the the two major candidates. I really shouldn't have to point this out, however I guess it's necessary.)
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    actually, there are at least 3. the socialist party candidate(who turns out not to be obama?!) was on the colbert report.
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well in which case, I am terribly sorry, but it makes your sig all the funnier.

    Uhm, which post? The first one in this thread I got you on, or the second where you defended yourself (tried to that is)? Because the first one I covered many points besides poor grammar, and if I missed any, I am terribly sorry again, because chances are I couldn't even understand what the **** you were saying.

    And if it was your second post, well I have read that over and over again, and now I see that you went ahead, and edited your post to make it appear as if I was taking you out of context, nice. In which case, now I will nail you for it.

    I was not saying that, but I am saying that it is in the general interest of the Republicans, a known truth. Also, drilling on our shores has the potential of lowering gas prices, sure, however it is up to the corporations what the price of gas is, and since it is already so high, they can just keep it as such making even more profit, as long as no regulations exist. Besides, it's time to search for alternative fuel. Read my posts on previous pages, I won't re-iterate myself. Hold up, when did I say anything about offshore drilling in response to you? How could I **** up my own argument when I wasn't talking about gas to begin with? My mom drives the same suburban I bet, and she can't have a job because she is medically incapable. I know more about it than you give me credit for.

    Wait, what? What about foreigners saying stuff that isn't true? Don't think I ever said that. Compared to what I witness around me, to that what I witness from discussions with foreign friends online, they are not that ignorant. You see far less ignorant, un-intelligeable foreigners discussing politics than you see actual Americans. The reason is simple. Americans get their information from local news. Local news is biased, often leaving out facts to support their own opinions. This site, has facts. This site, has some of those facts listed, but leaves many of them out. See the difference? Foreign news channels are not nearly as biased about the subject, since it doesn't affect them as greatly as it affects us, so what they report are straight facts about or elections, not their own personal opinions. And since when did I say my opinion is based off the opinion of foreigners? I only brought them up because you bashed them directly. So far, I fail to see how any of your counters have managed to with hold.

    I should have known you would throw out the socialist card. First off, that last sentence of yours had nothing to do with the rest of your post. Just saying that without any support, after I clearly countered your original statements, would be like one person saying "The sky is yellow" and the other person says "No, the sky is blue, and obviously blue to the human eye" and then the first person says in response "The sky is yellow." You did not counter what I said about McCain's/Obama's economic plans, but rather went around what I said, bringing up gas (a topic I did not specifically adress in that post) and tried to use it against me.

    So far, you have not insulted me, or discredited me at all. In addition, you have yet to explain yourself for your "hate" for Obama, resulting in death wishes to a man you never met in person. I grow bored with your feeble attempts. You are a squirming cockroach under my shoe, whos scrambling legs are beginning to loose their original amusement.
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Anybody have some popcorn? 'Cause that is one funny flame war.

    Obama. Nothng else to say.
  16. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    **** Obama and Mcain, I'd vote for Steven Harpor, for priminister of Canada! :) Anyways from what i've seen, I'd go Obama. Sad thing is that he'll be assassinated though, there was allready plans for it.
  17. schopend

    schopend Ancient
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    i voted obama, i agree with a lot of the facts hat sweeny has said. Just not the parts about insulting people, no matter how true or funny they may be.

    *gives Telrad some yummy popcorn*
  18. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Hey dont forget the soda.I got some.

    *Hands out Montain Dew*
  19. l 1337 Hax0r l

    l 1337 Hax0r l Ancient
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    My family is democratic so I lean there. I don't like a lot of what McCain says. In my opinion the war is stupid and he has already said we would stay there 100 years if we had to. It's pointless. Ya we were bombed (US) but fighting fire with fire doesn't work. I understand we aren't gonna let people attack us and what not but its been years and many life's have been forfeit.
  20. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Yes, but how many years of that "experience" was actually well learnt? It would appear as if he went whichever direction the Republican Party pointed. So, if you are voting on the next president based on who has had more years of following someone's ass, then yes, McCain is probably better suited. Honestly, STOP BRINGING UP EXPERIENCE! It is not a valid reason. same with "he comes from a strong republican family". Thats like saying "that boy comes from a 'strong' line of do-gooders, no way could he have killed his neighbor." Also, whys is it so 'great' that he has come from a republican family? That made me lol, because you are obviously biased.[/quote]

    no i ment i come from a strong republican family lol
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