Presidential Election (Voting Booth!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Nov 2, 2008.


Who are you going to (or would) vote for?

Poll closed Nov 5, 2008.
  1. McCain

    37 vote(s)
  2. Obama

    77 vote(s)
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  1. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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  2. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Obama becuase he cares about middle class and lower class people.Against all the money spent in Iraq.
  3. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    AgGhGhGH HiPpIeS.
    Sorry my hippie alert went off, i'm voting for mc cain i dont see wha people see in obama.
  4. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    oh how long has this been going on?? i was going to create one myself.

    my momma loves obama

    and you guys if your voting for obama make sure you go to the polls tuesday ;)
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Hippies? Care to elaborate on your poorly referenced accusation?

    Also, your sig is too large.
  6. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    You should add more presidential candidates.
  7. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    ralph nader ftw but not bob barr
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    y4 ey3 n0ez rite i meen McSame is liek a sup3r heerow
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Mister Hat probably bases his opinions off of what his family or friends say. That's the worst. I'm the only democrat(or federalist) in my family because that's what I chose to be.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Lmfao, at least half of you can't vote, just goes to show why the hell candidates like bush get any votes at all. Not that it even matters, seeing as the Electoral College makes the real decision anyway.

    Sage, the amount of ignorance you displayed in your posts leads me to lose ALL respect I had for you. First: you don't seem to know what communism is. There is NO money in communism. True communism involves doing something for a neighbor so he will do in return for you. Build the doctor a fence, and he will cure your child. Give the farmer a tracker, he will give you the vegetables he grows. There is never ever ever ever going to be a way to achieve this, don't bring it up.

    Socialism, which is what you are referring to, is a party of people controlling the economy to create "stability", which usually involves everyone being poor. To be honest this actually in ways resembles a fascist society basically because the past socialists all evolve socialism to become a form of Stalinism or whatnot. This is not happening to America, Obama is not a socialist. Bush/the Republicans drove your economy to the shits with their methods, why the **** would you vote in bush clone number 2? Puppets, the republicans are puppets.

    I don't think you can comprehend economy or taxes since you are 14, but as of now you have a health care system and economy geared towards the super rich. It benefits only the super rich, who get richer. In Canada (yes I'm Canadian, thus none of this matters all that much to me, other than your election effects us more than our own does), we have a lot higher taxes than your country, for multiple reasons. 1) WAAY less people, 2)FREE health care 3)Social Assistance. Do you know what social assistance is? It's welfare, it's unemployment. It's you got in a car accident and are paralyzed, now you can't work, but you don't starve to death. It's your company laid you off, but you won't lose your house. Yeah, people are out of home in the states. Not dirt poor people, middle class people. Your system hurts them the most. I work, and I pay taxes for these things, and I don't mind cuz you never know when you might be in their place. My girlfriend had a baby at a young age, she gets family allowance and subsidized daycare so she didn't have to quit school or get an abortion OMG AMAZING? Guess that makes you abortion point invalid and supports Obama. Non-issue in Canada if you want an abortion and your doctor and parents (under 16 I belive) say it's alright you can. If you wanna have a baby, you aren't poor. Democratic society eh? Choice is amazing.

    Now for your homosexuality comments? Who the **** cares? You aren't gay are you? Nope, than why does it even matter to you? It doesn't. To each their own, let people live their lives and be happy. Don't force anything on anyone. THATS democracy, not your republican governments system. Why elect someone who is going to throw the bible in your face AGAIN? Learn from your mistakes, all of this would be a non-issue had Bush never been elected.

    Oh and for the record, a lot of what Obama aims to put in place was partially in place during the Clinton presedancy. Why weren't gas prices ridiculously high? Big bad rich oil companies had regulations. The middle-men couldn't jack the prices waay high. Obama isn't stealing from the rich, Obama isn't trying to turn you into socialists. He is looking at the old ways, at successful countries systems. As of now, your country isn't doing well. Hes fixing that, McCain is more of the same. But at least you know what to expect right?

    Sorry for the book guys, and seriously if you post and don't put why you support the candidate (like McCain FTW!), than just vote, don't even post.
  11. cortinator

    cortinator Ancient
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    Obama's economic policies are really dumb. He's targeting a group of people based on their income. That's not what this country needs, and that will not solve this economic disaster that we're suffering from. If anything, it'll suppress it. The more wealthy create jobs, and when the more wealthy do not have the money to create jobs, that causes a problem. And the outcome of him taxing Big Businesses and his social agenda, will make us pay more taxes. OH, and lets not forget. The owners will jack up their prices to make up for their higher tax rate. Would you really want to spend 70-80 bucks on a video game in the middle of a depression? Would you even WANT to experience a depression? McCain will probably not heal the country to it's fullest, but he'll try his best.

    Besides, I would rather want a war vet with 25+ years of government experience than a young liberal who hasn't gone to any war, and only has 10 years under his belt.

    Obama's changing the US alright, and it's in a very negative way.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Both candidates are going to ruin this country somehow.

    Anarchy '08.
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Where the **** to start. To say I support Obama is too rash, too bold, immediately will get the people who need to read this, to look past my post because they are too ignorant. To say McCain is a blatant lie. No, I will begin off my showing cause for my answer in correlation to the American people.

    Fear. Fear is what keeps us down, keeps us from fighting, yet ironically enough results in us fighting to hide the fear. "Anyone who gives up one ounce of freedom for stability, deserves to loose it all." You tell me? Does America then deserve to loose all freedom? The past 8 years have been tragic, and enough to make anyone afraid. Bush's first term resulted in so far 8 years of an extended military contract, in a country we didn't belong in. But then what happened? We stayed. We stayed by re-electing the sock puppet of the republican interest. We were afraid, we feared what would happen if we should draw out of the middle east. After all, was that not one of the main counters against Kerry? That he wanted to pull us out of a "war" that would leave us vulnerable? People, we listen to what we hear on the news, biased news, propaganda bullshit. We stayed, because we are afraid what should happen if that should change.

    It is the same now, my country is falling apart because of our own fears. It is easier to go with something that has been keeping you alive for the past several years, than it is to pull away from that path, take a new one, and hope it works. In the holocaust, when **** Concentration Camps were evacuated as Russian troops closed in, and prisoners could stay behind, but most of them didn't. They didn't because they were afraid that staying and waiting for rescue would get them shot, so they left, and ran for hours with the SS officers holding guns to their backs, because they had made it that far doing the exact same thing.

    We, as Americans, cannot let go of what has kept us alive thus far. We have had Republicans, we have been fighting a war, the news tells us we are on the right course, why go against all that? Why? Because look at us. We have caved into fear, giving up our power to choose change, for stability. Do we deserve to loose all freedom for this? In my opinion, we already have. True freedom starts in the individual, and if the individual does not use what freedom he/she has, than what is the point of having free and equal rights to begin with?

    No, McCain is another puppet, another tool, another anchor for "stability" and Obama is the fear, the "nightmare" of change, the person that will show us that we still have freedom. Seriously, it is bringing tears to my eyes of anger, and sadness, to see you ignorant asses rant like a ***** who does not know what hse is talking about. This is why, I shall now tear up certain posts that stood out to me at first glance. God this will feel good!

    Hmm, you are by chance an ostrich are you? Sorry, I could be wrong, but the way you walk around, sticking your head in the sand, yelling out lies to hear them echo back in your ear for reassurence, makes me believe you are one. Not to mention the fack that you can't seem to write for ****. Really, "cuz"? That's pathetic. You sound like a true patriot, a ****ing southener who talks with the sure conviction that you would give your left nut for our country. I spit on the ground at your feet.

    Okay, but seriously, what the **** was that. I hardly get what you are trying to say. Communism, communism... there is this great book called "the Dictionary", it allows you to use words in the correct sense. "Pracitcally communist" is down right stupid. There is no "practically communist". Society is, or it isn't. And even then, it's not communism that Barrack professes! Our economy is in the gutters right now, and you know why? Major corporations. Gas has gone up to over $4 a gallon. Trust me when I say this, but 20 years ago, that could not happen. Could not happen. Why? Because of the very thing Obama is proposing, and the very thing that causes people to say he is "Socialist" and therefore "supports communism". There used to be regulations on these corporations that kept them from inflating prices. However, Alan Greenspan removed those regulations saying that the morals of humanity alone would keep those prices in check. He was wrong, and recently came out and proffesed his apologies. Obama, wants these regulations back in place, and yet, people say that he is socialist for this? That he will turn our country into a communist nation because of that and other ways to regulate and distribute wealth? I am sorry, but if you honestly believe that, then you HAVE to admit that our country was once "communist". Because it was no different after the Great Depression.

    You also say something about Homosexuality? I'll skip that cause your sarcastic logic was too poorly executed. You obviously can't type like a great English writer, what makes you think you can use words as efficiently as one? Exactly, you can't, so stop trying.

    Oh, and abortions. HA! I agree with chrst one hundred percent, if we can't make the choice about an unborn infants fate, we can't call ourselves a democracy. In all honestly, I want to find a group of people protesting abortions, pro life people, and just stand there with them, not saying a word. Then, I will start to ask, "What do you think is the biggest issue America is facing today?" and I bet you one hundred percent, they won't even mention what they are protesting. In which case I shrug my shoulders, looking forward and saying "So much for priority of 'pro-life'," and go on my merry way.

    Oh, and by the way, another case of your poor use of words you said "And most of those children that are born will probably just be killed in abortion"
    First off, you don't 'kill in abortion' you are 'killed from abortion'. I am also praying this be not the case, but should you honestly not see any issue with the statement you made, I will point it out. ABORTIONED BABIES NEVER ARE BORN!
    Good day, ignorant ass.

    Perhaps I said goodbye to soon? PLEASE FIND THE ENTER KEY AND SEPERATE YOUR ININTELLIGENT OPINIONS INTO PARAGRAPHS, "CUZ" THEY CONFUSE THE **** OUT OF ME! That felt good, caps lock not only saves you the effort of the 'shift' key, but gets your point across quite well. Time to dice through this.

    Dogs have nothing to do with this, hence whatever you were trying to say there failed at shedding any light.

    Okay, yes, you can take stem cells from umbilical chords, you aren't completely idiotic. But I nearly forgot, Bush passed a law prohibiting further stem cell research, umbilical or not. Thanks to religious asswholes who ignored science since their precious "unborn balls of life" (notice the irony) were concerned, my uncle died when his disease could have been cured by such research, and my mom would not be sick everyday. Your point failed to prove anything, since Obama is not against stem cell research, but Bush, a republican like McCain (hell they even agreed 90% of the time!) already threw a stick in the gears of medical research.

    Oh joy, oil discussion! Obama is tired of the United States pissing off other countries, another reason why gas prices are so high! And he also does not wish to further destroy the earht. Here's a thought, instead of millions that go into our "extended military contract"(wait, or is it billions, or maybe trillions by now?) and put it toward research into alternative fueling. But, shifting money from one place to another is communit! Almsot forgot, my bad.

    You never stop making yourself look like an idiot do you? Man, I would love to have you in one of my classes at school, then I can be entertained! Hey, I heard Amazon is having a sale on their Dictionaries! You better hurry up fast, before you confuse the meanings of words further.

    Your definitions of a "communism" is, in fact, utopia. 1984, and Brave New World are great books that display dystopian societies, and totalitarian governments. Therefore, any points related to communism you make hear on out, are void, cause you don't know it's ****ing definition.

    Homosexuality, followed up with abortion. Putting a child up for adoption is not quite so easy sometimes, lots of paper work for that, but I LOVE how people only look at the mental aspect of having an unwanted child. Lets have the mother who never wanted to be pregnant go through 9 months of pain! That is one of the biggest reasons why people get abortions. Start looking at the obvious.

    Oh my god, I am finally done with you! Never thought I would see the end of your quotes that I had to shove back in your face. Now I can breath a sigh of relief... though I think I might get carpel tunnel...

    Sir, are you homeless? No, I am sure you are, you have to be. Anybody with a home had education, and anyone with education can spell right. No, you must not have had a good education, I doubt you even know what "English class" is. Not to mention you talk as if you are off in your own little ignorant world like some of them do as well. Hippies! You tickle my sides. I keep saying that line over and over again, trying to find the accent you must speak in. I think I got it.

    Honestly, you had more errors in a single sentence than sage did in all of his bullshit! That's just sad. I can not take your statement seriously, hell, even if it was with proper grammar. I dun see wha people see in mc(space)cain. There, your point has already be obliterated by common sense.

    Now excuse me, ignorance has kept me away from a good book long enough.

    EDIT: I urge you all, do not make the mistake of accusing me to by all for Obama. I personally believe their is someone out their more capable of running our country, but voting for McCain is just voting for stability, that is why I am for Obama OVER McCain.
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Seriously? If you'd rather some "seasoned" vet, why the hell wasn't kerry in office? Bush is no vet, bush didn't even do any real time. Hes a draft dodger. Get your priorities straight, or at least visit another country and check out their system. Seriously, all McCain will do is continue the republican parties wishes and drive your economy further into the ground. Good luck with that lol. I'm enjoying my low gas prices thanks to your **** economy ;)
  15. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I won't quote that kid again that chrst got (so mad with myself I missed his post), but I will add in on how stupid he sounds.

    First off, read my post attacking sage based on economy. Companies won't jack up price due to tax because of regulations. Even if their are not regulations, you fail to see that this "taxing of larger businesses" is supposed to help our economy out of depression by redistributing wealth. Who knows, maybe $70-$80 dollars won't be that much? Also take into the account that the value of the American Dollar is declining, so although prices look larger, they really aren't in theory...

    Also, this "we need someone with government experience" is a joke. We need someone who can LEAD our country, not follow the path people set for them. That was Bush's faulted, all of his decisions were heavenly influenced, and McCain's will be as well. Also, in case you haven't noticed, Sarah Palin has NO government experience, short of being a mayor for an Alaskan city? I saw an interview with the current major of the same city, and in that interview, they asked her about various responsibilities. The lady (mayor) flat out said that the city council doesn't even have control over the local fire station. Maybe Palin was a Senator as well? Can't remember, but it would still be from Alaska...

    Palin has no experiance to be a Vice President. Obama was at least a Senator and Biden as well.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I agree with your top statement. I wish we had a GOOD candidate running.

    However, if there was REAL Anarchy let loose in America, you wouldnt last for a second. Preach chaos all you want, but we'd crumble in days.
  17. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Try to guess who I voted for.
  18. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    oh and also, please dont even post on this thread if you are not able to vote in the united states 2008 presidential election. it just takes up space. we all know that europe is in love with obama, and wants to him to be elected as if he was going to give europe all the money they will ever need. non-americans cant vote, so your opinion doesnt matter for ****. you dont know whats actually going on. mccains tax cuts for the big companies will make more jobs, decrease prices, and re-stabilize economy. obama will only give temporary relief in the form of tax cuts to a fluctuating group of people. he said 250k, then 200, then 150, then 200, hes probably gonna change again too. plus, 60something percent of americans don't even pay taxes(odd, huh? but true, its a statistic. damn illegal immigrants) so that doesnt help them at all. jobs do. lower prices do. mccain will help everyone and give permanent relief, not relief that will last until the money runs out from high prices. i hop obama dies before he gets elected. or mccain justgets elected. either one. i seriously hate obama. i wish i could **** all over his face and piss on him and force im to eat **** and piss till he dies.
  19. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    You wish.
  20. Vengeful C

    Vengeful C Ancient
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    Hilldog :)


    I voted McCain, Not that I can vote for the real thing but heres why.

    Obama is against the ownership of guns, basically thats giving criminals rules heres what would happen. Somebody breaks into your house to try to kill you and take all your stuff. You pull out a gun to try an defend yourself he runs and calls the cops, the cops come and arrest you after some ****ing criminal breaks into your house with the intent to kill you and steal all your ****. WTF IS THAT?

    Thats just on of the reasons, don't flame me.
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