Forgehub: Save Yourself

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bnasty574, Nov 2, 2008.

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  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Oh but there you are wrong. Because you are not the same member as you were.
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    The sad thing is I didnt' know Vorpal Saint be for he was loyal. but besides that... I was out for a month for personal reasons but besides that. I think we shouldn't argue who and who shouldn't be loyal I mean we have had some bad loyals and good ones... but I like to share what some one in the hub pub said... the real loyals know it in side that they are really loyal... they don't really need the rank...
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I'm not discusing whether he deserves loyal or not. He has it already, which meant they felt he did infact deserve it.

    I feel he didn't and am going to express my opinion(s) as many times as I can/need too.
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright Playerhata27 express what you want but word are often cheap.. like the spam people post... or what people say we should do better it is only in actions that we live.
  5. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    hey guys, join my group im about to make. im calling it "The good ol' boys".

    We are the people who are still active at the site and participated in things such as off-topic discussions and G&A. the people who still enjoy what we enjoyed in the first place. The community.

    We will be bent on discontinuing spam and trying to make the community a better place

    EDIT: Heres the group
  6. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Yea I'm not reading this whole thread. Bnasty I read your post and a few others and for the most part I agree. Un-loyal loyals, people getting features for ty maps that neither play well or even look all that great. Other people becoming mods for no apparent reason.

    I'm like you, I've been keeping track of things here since The wordpress Blog but only joined when they switched to vBulletin (easier to use honestly) so I do remember the old days.

    But to be honest, this isn't going to change anything. Morons will still be morons and little kids will always ***** about things and ignore the rules when it suits them because they have no respect for anyone but themselves.

    Hell, Shock posted something very similar to this thread on the front page even not too long ago and most have already forgotten it or never read it to begin with.

    Summary, happens life moves on.

    EDIT: And seriously? Censorship on the internet? I suppose that means my time on forgehub is coming to an end. Any site that wants to force me to change a part of who I am to aviod offending others that honestly should just wake up to the world just isn't worth my time.
  7. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wait, who is Vorpal Saint?
  8. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Anyway, I've got a few people to respond to, but I've read every single post in this entire thread and I really am not going back and quoting things.

    First, bnasty I'm in complete agreement with you. Majorily, maps don't play well at all. They look pretty or are "innovative", but honestly are nothing near fun or competitive gameplay. Fuel Rods and Sentinal Beams are fun for five minutes, stop piling them on maps. This is my opinion, and therein lies the problems with features. People have different opinions of "fun" gameplay, and a lot of the people here no longer enjoy competitive gameplay or never did. Where is the fix? Dunno, get some new blood having decision in map choices. I've been working for the TG testing feature noms and recommending them to Insane, something may come of it. Problem is, people are recommending maps based on looks as well. I've started actually browsing the map forums in search of under rated maps though.

    The major issue with this all is no one with the "talent" or "knowledge" or "experience" wants to reply to peoples map posts. Even still, people leave very little feedback. If the map is terrible, the degrade the map creator with how terrible it is and fix your interlocks. If the map is made by someone popular, it's automatically epic and feature worthy. Good maps that just need a little something else never are provided with that little something else feedback. Damn, something like 74 replies to my map and only maybe hmm 3 or 4 helpful posts? Most are commenting on how they liked it. Maybe 20 posts were people looking at my pictures, I got players, they just gave me no feedback.


    I've like most of your maps, can't say I was a huge Fan of the gameplay on Vertibraille, but your maps usually "feel" like maps. This is what forgehub is lacking. The popular map is the Bl00dfire maps, the Blaze map. I'm sorry if I offend you guys by calling you out, but I have nothing against you. Your maps lack a feeling of a map. To be harsh, I call them random **** foundry maps. Basically you just place very well constructed structures randomly around you map to have something "unique", yet generic in the long run. You are both premium, thus you've spawn many, many copies of yourselves. GDbluedevil, I'm sorry you fall in here. You guys need to pre-plan a bit more. You say that things are placed based on gameplay, but I don't believe it, because some of your maps play terribly. Vorpal, Facade falls partway in here to. Though you had some pre-planned thoughts, and my weapons helped. The gameplay surprised me, and turned out good, so I can't say these maps are always bad.

    Maybe you guys think I've got no cred since I have one map released that you probably don't like, but I think I've made about 13. Yeah 13 maps. Not 13 2 hour maps, 13 real maps. Harmonexus is the only map I felt done. Fully tested out to like 100 games (no joke) before I posted it. It took months, ask sweeny. Thats how you make a map. Blaze, I've heard you don't even test your maps? I don't know if it's a rumor or not, and if so your spawns work very well for not doing so, but it's pretty much a necessity.

    Picceta? Your maps are well made and they feel like maps...but uh, please sign up for map tests before you release them.

    Okay thats maps, whatever..members:

    I've been here since December, hardcore since like march. I remeber everything. I remember how fail the guilders were, don't anyone say that was the best time, the community was terrible and cold and unwelcoming and the reason my join date is january and not sometime in december when I first learned about FH. A gamefaqser who now posts here once said generally: "don't bother with forgehub, there just a bunch of 40 year old douchebags who masturbate to them getting off on tearing your maps apart". He's a member here now, has been for a long time, longer than most people. He makes good maps. Most of you probably know who he is, but I won't name names. Basically, that describes the community around the earlier stages. I'll give forge it's best days between oh about March and June. The summer is when some of our worst members joined or became active.

    Colored members? 90% of them deserve to be their. Insane is a great member. Shock is awesome. Tex actually mods, even though people give him ****. Linu, Grif, Matty, I can go on, but whats the point. They all do what they are supposed to. So there are some inactive loyals, who cares loyals don't have to do anything. Vorpals loyal? You didn't get it for the TG vorpal. You deserve it yes, for posting reviews, for making all of your posts of substance. But it helped, MAJORLY that you play with them on live. Proving...whoevers point that was earlier.

    A colored tag doesn't matter at all. It's a nice gift yes, but if you want to be a dedicated member, your gona be. Working towards a colored position is pointless, what are you going to do when you get there? Be an asshole and than leave the site? Well, you just furthered everyones opinions that colored members don't do their jobs. So why work towards a colored tag if you are just going to leave when you get it? Leave now. If you wanna be a real member, be one. Who cares if you ever get ****in loyal? Yeah sure, premium is definitely a reward for your hard work, but if your map gets a ton of downloads, if people like it, if it's in the TGIF playlist, if it's in bungies, if it makes MLG pro circut. There, isn't that all just as good? **** off about the colored membership already. Go out and ****in improve forgehub, or you wont have a site to be a colored member on.

    Um..****, I had something else to say. Whatever. Like Go4 said, you know your loyal inside. Thats what ****in matters, not some purple name. Go4, those are the posts that make me miss rep. It doesn't matter, all this bitching does nothing to improve the community because no one will read it. I know I do ****. I know who does **** and who doesn't. I've gotten multiple messages from people telling me whats a scope or kidbomber are doing awesome tests, reviews, helping with peoples maps. Does anyone know who they are? Dunno. They don't care they are enjoying themselves, they are being good members. Try taking examples from people other than the asshole spamming off topic. Stop the competition. Whatever sorry for wasting your time, but I'm glad I got some of that off my chest anyway. Thanks guys.

    Oh and for the record, I've got a year off school, a girlfriend, forgehub and xbox. All my friends moved away, and I've got my online ones now thats it. So I love this community, and I'm not letting it die. Maybe people should stop complaining about the internet and start helping a community that they obviously want to be a part of or they wouldn't be here in the first place.
    #68 chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 3, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  9. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    *sigh* Christ, you all are taking this way too seriously. It's a lot simpler than you're making it out to be.

    Bnasty, the OP is pretty accurate, and I agree with a lot of it. I've been here since December and tried to stay as active as possible despite my involvement with GoO. Truth is, this site has changed and it's not the same as it once was, nor will it ever be again.

    Thing is, people need to stop looking to the past. That time in FH's history is over and things will never be the same again. Nothing gold ever stays.

    And another thing people need to do is stop being so damn racist. Talking about colored members, and saying BS like all staff and colored members are corrupt.
    We are all the same guys we used to be, and we were once normal members like you. The difference is instead of complaining about things and acting like spoiled douchebags, we actually contributed positively to the site on a regular basis.

    As a lot of people pointed out, the problem with FH isn't the forums, the loyals or the staff. It's the people. The regular members, the spammer idiots, the rep whores, and offtopic trolls that are running this site into the ground. All this nostalgia talk about the glory days of FH was when the site was more focused on maps. For better and for worse, the site has evolved since then. There are good things and bad things about it I think, but complaining and wanting to bring back the good old days aren't going to help anything.

    This is the heart of the problem right here. Well said, I agree 100%. If you or I had banning powers I'm sure 95% of the current members would have their accounts removed. lol
    90% would equal all the inactives and 5% would equal all the douchebags.
    This is personal opinion bnasty, and doesn't help anyone. I've actually noticed that unlike the 1v1 tournament, the majority of people were satisfied with the gameplay of the 2v2 maps so far.

    But that's besides the point. What you're doing here is nothing more than complaining. If you are concerned about the site and want it to change, then you're going to have to stop doing **** like this. Whining and bitching about something isn't going to get things done. You need to lead by example, and do your part cleaning things up by reporting posts and sending messages to people.
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    Ya, mine, and markiss' and kenny's.
  11. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    No one has answered my question yet.
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    He's some member that got Loyal for being active in the Testers Guild.
    Apparently, that's where he lives, cause even I didn't know he existed anywhere else on ForgeHub before the promotion.

    I did see him playing a lot with loyals and higher ups on Live all the time though.

    And once, he booted me from a game, even though I didn't even say a word. I was there for a minute or so, idk. I just remember that cause I thought it was kinda jerkish of him.
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I r Vorpal Saint. lawlz. Oh, and there's other non-colored members that have been playing with the staff/other loyals/premiums way longer/more than I have. Playing with them doesn't mean all that much.

    That's one of the few reasons why I got loyal.

    I don't live in the Testers Guild. That's just silly.

    In that statement, you make yourself sound like some superstar. If you haven't seen me before then I don't blame you for thinking that I'm just some random guy who got loyal. But maybe if you checked my posts before I was loyal then you would see why I got it.

    I actually hardly do that... Sure I've got friends that are color-ranked. But I spend most of my time with default-ranked members. Oh, and on my friends list I only have 16 color-ranked people. 51 of my friends are default ranked (the rest are either real life friends or other friends that don't have anything to do with FH). Last time I checked 51 was way higher than 16.

    That was one time. Even right off the bat, I don't think you should be thinking that was jerkish of me. Now, if I did it over and over and over again (not just in one game, but like daily) then I would say that your point is more valid. So in simple, don't be so quick to judge I'm sure if you actually got to know me then you would see I'm not a total jerk.

    (also, color-coding ftw!)

    I think I'm going to steal this idea from you.
    #73 Nobody Worthy, Nov 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2008
  14. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Oh. I don't think I've ever seen you before.
    My name is Whisper. How are you? What do you do for fun?
  15. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    I give up.

    Maybe in a year or two you all will grow a couple of pubes and mature a little bit, but for now, I have better things to do than listen to a bunch of 12 year olds not comprehend the idea of community.
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Careful with that gun... your not pointing it at the right targets.....
  17. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    majority rules right?
  18. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    ....No... God Rules..but, as well the followers allow the leaders to lead...and before you can lead you must follow.

    Simply Don't take this personally... it isn't helping solve any thing...
  19. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    hes right. point them at babies. not children.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I've known Vorpal Saint since long before even Blaze or I became of color. He posted maps, and was looking for friends just like any of you. He was mature, thoughtful, helpful and friendly. He wasnt needy, he didnt ask for jackshit from me, and he was a nice person to play with.

    Now, Vorpal Saint is a loyal. I was the first to suggest him. It took awhile to promote him because the higher ups wished to watch him and really see if he had what it took. Look at him now. Hes mature, thoughtful, helpful and friendly. He also isnt needy, and doesnt ask for jackshit in return for the things he does, and he is a nice person to play with.

    I noticed a pattern of the people who are bitching are all from the same clique of people who band together and think they are somehow above everyone else. Surprise.
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