It's 1280 x 800. Pretty small for a wide-screen, I'm not a fan of it much. No, I find my desktops mostly on 4chan. ___________________________________ If the few of you were wondering, the "Dream Journal" is all of my dream typed up that I remember, I'm trying to become a lucid dreamer. First step is to remember your dreams then you can start trying to lucid dream.
I didn't know that Vista had a dock for applications like the Mac does. (Then again, I never use my PC.)
Yeah, Rocketdock, Objectdock, etc. Watch my video Pimp Your Desktop - Improvements (link in my sig) It explains that, and some other stuff. And while you're there, watch my other ones too, kthanx =]
Most of you guys have tiny monitors (Not project though! Holy ****!!) It seems to have been shrinkified. Damn photobucket. Anyone know how I can ensure I get my images accurately sized in the future?
There's an option that automatically re-sizes it. It's next to where you upload. Just uncheck it or whatever.
My desktop is pretty simple. And yes, I am running XP. I'm using the old square theme becuase my comp is really slow on occasion.