You are a perfect example. Why did you say that? What was the need for you to go out of your way to say something rude that doesn't contribute to this thread at all besides be a good example of the people that just like picking fights for no reason. Vinny - there's no reason to be a ****. I did it for a while, and sometimes I did have a point, but mainly I just did it because I was sick of stupid people saying stupid stuff. How about you just ignore someone the next time you get irritated. No need to add negativity. Now I'm the one being the **** because you two and the overwhelming majority of forgehub can't seem to be mature enough to just let things go. It's not the site that's the problem, it's the people. Because of the target audience of Halo, this site was just predetermined to be consumed by immature kids. Until you [the population of forgehub] can grow up a bit, why bother?
i've always been a **** and for a while even when I tried seriously helping people like no flaming and **** but they dont bother improving themselves so why help if they dont take advice?
I do agree that there is a huge amount of spam, a lot of it coming from newer members, but some of it coming from older members. You can't solve much about the new members, theres going to be more and more of them everyday. They only way would be to have the rules pop up on newer users screen whenever they sign in for like a month. I also agree that there are maps these days that all they try to do is look good and play horrible. Although, critisizing maps outside of their own threads is not cool. You are always going to have people that care about post count, young or old. You won't change the way they think. Some people think a higher number LOOKS cool than a lower one. There has also been more than ten maps that have played remotely well in the last 8 months. Theres my thoughts, take from them what you will.
If you guys really care about the spam, why is nobody doing anything about it? Sure, reporting is a good way to dump it on the staff, but why don't you take matters into your own hands and nicely explain what the person is doing wrong? That will do much more than an infraction will, in general.
Me being very good XBL friends with zonked and Matty, I can tell you right now that every object placed on Flux and Aperture were placed for a reason to gain competition. There's no crates or barrels inside fence boxes. Every penny of those maps budgets was used on objects that make the map competitive and play well, not for your aesthetic pleasure. Those two of maps that had legitimate thought into gameplay and competition. Not about making things look pretty for a feature. You really think the 2v2 maps play well?! The only map with any decent kind of gameplay was Ivory's map (I forget what it was called, but it was like a Halo 1 style map). Did you even play Cosmic's map? Although he has made many previous maps that were very good, this pretty much **** in a golden toilet.
I have done that a fair bit, although it was made easier when I learned of the report post button. Some people just won't listen though. Like there was a kid freaking out at me saying I took his idea of pushing something through a hall. He acted as if it had never been done before except by him. I either wen't to you or it lightsout, I forget. But he continued posting retarded things.
Needs less walls o' text pl0x. (China called, and they want their wall back. lawlz) It's because I'm now a loyal... and I guess that means I'm no longer the same dude? (even though I am) =\ Harsh words... and that's all I have to say about that. <3 Also, if anyone does have a problem with me feel free to PM it to me. Don't act like little kids and talking behind someones back. That's just rude.
See thats basically why I have a set opinion on you. Its a thread, your name was mentioned we discussed it. We're not 'talking behind your back'. We're just implying why we think Forge Hub is changing.
When we talked to them on Skype about this, I said that I knew nothing was going to happen if we posted it, so I felt it'd be useless to post it. And I admitted I was pissed, and just had to rant for a while. But I still felt the need to post it, just get it out there, even though I bet a lot of people are going to hate me, more than they already did, probably. (Except Bnasty, he loves me. Remember when I told you who won american idol bnasty? Oh, good times... lol) And I know, every site has issues like this, maybe even worse. FH can't get better than it is. One of the only problems is, that Halo is getting old...-er then it already was. People are getting sick of playing it, and moving on, that's why it's kinda dying off, too. Not much we can do right now to stop it. But we can evolve from solely being ForgeHub to being The Hub (farcry included, etc). And when the new map packs come out, and Halo 3 Recon, then maybe The Hub will kinda come back to life. We'll see who's really true to the site, and who really sticks around in the in between time. For now, we just have to be active, like I said. Higher ups make mistakes, w/e. Doesn't everyone? And I dind't even post your name on mine. You said you didn't want it. I beg to differ. I for one actually get out of my way to try and help some other members. Give them tips, tell them what they're doing wrong, and if they keep doing it, and refuse following the rules, then I report them. Example This member refused to follow the rules, so I reported him, and he got his sig changed for him =] lawl There's other members that do this as well. We're not all like that.
is the name of the site not forge hub? people making big deals of all the other forums here such as off-topic and debate are the ones that are ruining forge hub. they were the ones that came in and made a big deal about rep. most of them are the ones that cause flame wars and other problems within the forums. I've always come here mainly for the map forums and ventured into the other forums when I found an interesting topic... such as this one. If you don't view forge hub as a main forum for Halo 3 maps, may I ask what you are doing here then? BTW, please name a few higher ups that have never made a map bud. I would love it if you proved it to me.
Why yes, you may. I enjoy ForgeHub because it's a good site. It's really fun, most of the members are sweet, and I like the boards, in general. I never made a map after I joined ForgeHub. I used to like making maps before I joined ForgeHub. Never made one since then. And I used to enjoy playing in the TGIFs. Haven't been able to participate in one in ages...but still, there's another reason, right there. Oh, and did I mention I haven't downloaded a map from ForgeHub in ages too? That's right. I like downloading maps after having played them with someone else on live, and if I like it, I might download it. So, please, take a look around. This site if full of people that aren't here for either the maps, for posting maps, or maps in general.
Ruining forgehub? So you're saying by the Admins making those forums they're actually ruining/created the site? See thats where you're wrong. You 'map addicts' don't even venture out into the other forums to see whats going on. You assume that we ruin the site when I think we make it more social. Just think if there was no off topic? None of this great ForgeHub legends and such never would have happened. Debate forum is actually a great forum where you can debate to people with out getting infracted (Well if you be mature). What am I doing here? Having a good time, making friends, laughing, etc. Just because the names Forge Hub doesn't mean it can't be FunHub. Just to name some who haven't made maps are (were) reynbow, Orangeremi (He made a map long after receiving mod),Project, and some more just don't want to spend the time looking it up.
Sitting here complaining isn't going to stop people from spamming. Go out onto these threads, and report the spam.
FOR a topic that was posted last night..this have moved to what is it page 5 now... I agree with that Forge hub has changed.. I mean it isn't just forge any more.. its about peoples point of view... its about working on something new but not coming off cocky as you do it... Simply said I agree FH has some issues about spam and about maps posted not being up to par in game play but I fully think we as a group should work on it ... Forget about Loyal forget about mods forget about spam... if you give it attention ..and not correctly deal with it ... just ignore it... I mean people will grow up. What is more important is forge discussion IT DOESN't happen any more... WE need to talk about the idea of forge not just about a single person's map... that is why I like GoO over FH... I mean I am not suggesting every one go GoO . It isn't ment for every one but instead of coming to forge hub for Debates...or Offtopic games lets talk about forge....AND NO MORE complaining... that isn't solving any thing that is just taking more people time to read a post of change... Let the example be better. So I included will do more..but PLease lets focus back on forge instead of rank... I never have.
If I don't know about it then I would call that talking behind my back. I only did learn of this because I was talking in the shoutbox and people said something so I checked it out. I would like to know why you have a "set opinion" on me though (so could you PM me about it). IMO, FH will never really change all that much (as of now, and I wouldn't know how much it has changed since it's early stages as a site since I only joined back in June). Sure it might have very minor ones. People might leave and never come back, but that's bound to happen. I don't plan to stay here for the brest of my life... as I would think the same for anyone else. Oh, and about the spam thing. I'm very sure I've stated this before... but with ANY message board you will have spam. It's the nature of some people to post short/illogical posts. <3. But yeah, you make a good point there sir. This was the main reason I joined the testers guild. So I can help a number of people. Sure, now a days since I'm in college and I've got an active social life, it's hard for me to pull that off. But I do find time to help even a little. Sure, I may not get credit for helping/giving advice all the time, but that's not the point. As long as I helped for a better outcome then I'm fine with that. And, I'm sure I'm leaving out some key points that I'd like to make... but I'm really tired so I'll just end it here and with this. Night all.
I may have joined a month ago, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ever here a long time ago. The only thing that has changed is the member number, and the maturity level. You still have all of what was previous, but you also have all this junk, immaturity, and spam added to it. You just can't tell because there are so many maps in between the new gametypes added. Then you get the ones that fly of the front page too quickly.
Sorry not going to PM you I'm going to just post it here like everyone else has. I have a set opinion on you because I saw a significant change in your ego and activeness after recieving loyal. I felt it was jerkish ans such...
Really? Because I haven't noticed a signifcant change at all. I still feel the same. Maybe you just didn't get to know me all that well before I was a loyal. I covered reasons why I may have seemed like I've lowered my activeness in my last post in this very thread... and well... I could go on and on... but really if you've got a set opinion then I don't see the point. Just know that I don't care that I'm a loyal. I'd be the same person with the same ego/activness even if wasn't.