to cut down on the high ground being able to see roughly90% of the map, might considering haveing a big 1 layer double box wall at the same level as the floating boxed merged into the dividing part
If you want to give me the map i have a good deal i could do on it.. I am free to get online sometime tonight as well. I will build completely on gameplay. :-D and it will still look good so noone worry. You know how i roll.
Haha, Blaze acting like he's god... wait *looks at Blaze's username* of course. My concerns are pretty much similar to everyone elses here. It's looking really good. I can see some elements of Code Impulse in it, although so far it does seem more aesthetically driven, if you get me. I don't have much to say that's already been said. I know with the right amount of thought and planning it will play well, so keep on trucking. Oh and Sdrakulich, you really need to turn off notifications when you're making videos. I've seen that a few times now. It really ruins the videos when you see "ThoraxTehGreat is Online".
Lol, and I asked you about this over LIVE. When I clicked the vid yesterday, because I'm his subscriber, it didnt work, but when you gave us the link, it weird. The map really looks good so far. Sorry man, I cant think of any ideas but when do you think it is coming out? Btw, kickass song for the video.
I see you set me an FR, I will invite you when testing is ready. That should be when Blaze gives the map back to me in about a week. By the way, blame sdrakulich for the kick-ass song!
err i dont think you should ask for ideas. Especially since the last map you made was diminished in value since other people's ideas were all used and you got so much help it was kinda iffy. Gameplay on the other one was awful fast too so I think that you should just do what I usually do. Get a whiteboard and just start drawing up the layouts from structures. Thats what I do. I have a large whiteboard spanning across the wall of my room and I scratched in a very neat template of foundry that is very to-scale. I would show you but i dont have a camera at the moment.
Wrong. Feedback is the number one key in developing a great map. Finding problems and making solutions for them.
i was just giving him advice on how to brainstorm im not sure what you are trying to say because he asked for suggestions and im givin him one O.O"
Although making a thread here is not necessary, showing people you trust and seeing what they think of it should be essential. Atleast getting an opinion from someone eleses perspective. Seeing how they like it when they don't know what went into it. That can be really helpful. But you have to know who are the right people to show it to.
He wants this map to be "right" for EVERYONE though. He is sooo set on making this perfect. I see what you're saying Matty but he is dead set on making it as perfect as possible. Why don't you give your opinion. You're a very good forger that ialways used tolook up too. I'd be glad to hear some of your thoughts.
Overall obviously. His poinltessly amazing geomerging with my layout and gameplay designs.. I think were going to have a pretty amazing mapif we get everyone elses likes as well.
I'll answer that! lolz I have been in like desprret to get a map featured since I joined FH. I want it to be the Best map ever.
That doesn't work. It might sound right in concept but it just doesn't. You can't make half a map for 'aesthetic' purposes and the other half to support some balanced gameplay... Without a stupid amount of communication, most collaborations don't end up that successful. You are both doing two different things on the map, making that even more difficult. Instead you should both be present in any Forge sessions where you don't know precisely what you are doing, down to the tiniest detail. You should both have exactly the same visualization of what you want your map to be. And you shouldn't be wasting your budget for what you associate to be 'aesthetics'. If you create a style, and you maintain that style for the entire map, weather that be keeping straight edges, or curves, or creating full buildings, or making a lot of objects appear to hover or be supported lightly, or creating an enclosed, condensed feeling, or creating feelings of openness or vulnerability. If you maintain that style, your map is almost guaranteed to look nice. When i look at your map i can't see a style. Sure you might have some merges that took you a long time, and hell, it might even have good spawns, but there isn't anything that gives your a map a theme, and thus individualizes it from all of the other piles of merge.
Blaze described our GOAL pretty well and I fully understand what your saying but... your jumping to conclusions. Me and Blaze are working on the together, and you can't judge the theming of an unfinished map. The next time I invite you on xbox LIVE, it will be to test so please come. When Blaze said that, it was right for the most part but I can see how that would give you a wrong impression. We both have the same goals and different talents (Blaze is very talented at being creative) that we are combining to make this map. So test with us!
All this kid (GD-something) does is get other people to make the structures for him, its basically like you "Premium vs normal" map contest only its everyone and he says its his own.
Thats cool, I didn't thinky uo stole it or anything and I actually thought it looked cool, but does it really serve a purpose? Gameplay > Aesthetics
Official. You don't know what your talking about. All you do is screw around and rep *****, make useless comments and piss people off. You have no life and your on this website 24/7 I am asking for other people's opinions. I am collaborating on this map allready. If I am out of ideas I hand the map to Blaze you dumbass. I don't NEED help with ideas or dezigns. I have a brain and so does Blaze. My brother contributes to more than half of my posts. Me and Blaze have lifes. Furry, I i had to block off the back part with teh awsome geomerge because that part needed to be blocked off and I could just use a door because that would create a dead end.
I do know what i'm talking about, infact i think you named about 7 or so people that helped in the making of you map last time. You also spam the **** out of your maps commenting over and over, sending PM's and Visitor messages to all the higher up members because its the next best thing from sucking their dicks. And if you have a brain you would have knows rep has been disabled so its kinda hard to ***** for it, you also dont have to make up bullshit lies just because noone would rep you. YOur one of those people that think rep actually means something. Next, if you would name just 2 people i piss off, and prove it to me then i will agree with that part. And blaze...I never said anything about him, you just put words in my mouth. So grow the **** up. Hes talking about the one in your mouth currently, not that little mini hot dog under your thong. Theres more Wait, who does your maps again?