Hey guys, here's a picture I took when I was playing some infection yesterday. I told the guys I was playing with that I wanted to get a couple of shots. They cooperated...sort of. I managed to come up with four good ones, this one being the first. Here is the one edited in Photobucket This is the original with the link. Please feel free to comment and tell me what you think.
hmmm, i dont really know what is going on, but it looks really cool, for some reason it reminds me of the movie "saw", i have no clue why though. great job, just some regens and some people, but it is pretty awesome. good job making an awesome screenshot with an easy effect.
Sorry, I made this with Photobucket, not with regens. You lose because you did not read the words "I will post the original tomorrow." =D
i know why! its because there is about 6 people in a little boxy screenshot, so it gives us the Saw movie feeling. But onto the screenshot. I like it but its a little boring. The edited one makes it feel allot more, "dramatic". But anyhow, decent screeny. 3.5/5
That is an awesome screenshot, well at least the edited version is. Seems as if it were taken right from a movie...one with spartens...and aliens...yeah.
The first one is AWESOME. It looks like a horror movie. Great pic with the effect, but the original is a little bland.
Nice! At first I thought you took that green one in game. Which makes the screenshot believable. Very cool.