Prejudices-annoying on xbox live, too

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Plasma Napkin, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Often, when playing matchmaking and entering random groups, I hear lots of prejudices when I say where I am come from. Especially children start fighting or say stupid things about foreigners. Because I am German, I hear stupid comments everyday. I know Germany has a ****-history. But thats been about 60 years ago!

    No, most Germans aren`t nazis. No, we do not eat Sauerkraut and Weißwurst every day. No, I do not want to kill Jews. Yes, we can laugh!

    Often, I hear things like: All Americans eat only Hamburgers, all day. Seriously, when I hear stuff like that, I just stop listening. Or I try to defend other nations. When I was in England, they asked me if I am able to laugh!!

    Prejudices are bad for international contacts. And I really love FH because I have never heard any prejudices by any member.

    What are prejudices against your country? What do closed-minded people in you country think about foreigners? What do you do against them? I am interested.
  2. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Most people like that are ignorant and stupid. That's why we don't have many people like that on here. Xbox live contains some of the idiotic, worthless pieces of trash in the world and you can tell who they are by their behavior. When I was 9, I wouldn't of gone around on Xbox Life calling people names or being racist. It just shows how stupid you are. Even though I'm a fat American (honest to god, I am) and I like my cheeseburgers, I don't like hearing the ignorant generalization that EVERYONE in America is a fat cheeseburger loving idiot. Although I laugh at some generalizations (because I know they're joking), I can't stand it when someone is serious. Also, arguing is worse because then you're just throwing slang and idiotic generalizations out there too. Anyways, I have a Canadian friend I play Halo with sometimes (shes cool) and you can tell she's Canadian by the accent. Well, when slang gets thrown at her I defend her. Anyways, I'm obviously against it and this rant can end now.
  3. E93

    E93 Guest

    Look, with a gamertag like Eduardo Dubs, how many times a day do you think I get called things like: ''beaner'', ''mexican'', ''juanito'', etc...?
    No, I'm not a beaner, no I'm not mexican, and my name is not juanito.
    I'm brazilian, I can speak fluent english, just ask anyone that's played with me, I am not mexican, I'm Brazilian. And Juanito is not a common name in brazil, since it's more of a spanish name, and we speak Portuguese in Brazil.
    People who don't know anything about Brazil, think that we eat tacos like mexicans, which even they don't eat everyday. I've had people say that Brazil is in Africa, or Eastern Europe (like, wtf?!), and somewhere inside Mexico.
    Those people who know a fact or two about Brazil, think that every woman is a *****, and has been in a porno, at least once...-sigh- some think we only play soccer, ever, etc.
    What do I do about this? I just sometimes may try to correct them, but if they're being idiots, and don't even let me talk, I either leave, or I might just turn off my mike, file a complaint, whatever I feel like doing.
    It's pointless to try to teach someone on Xbox Live something. You may think not, but it's not that easy.
    Sometimes I wish my gamertag was something like... Mastur Cheef117. No one would ever say anything about my gamertag, and I'd be able to play, like, and just enjoy it, without being called a beaner everytime I pwn someone in Matchmaking, or something else.

    What can you do to help? Don't judge. It's that simple.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Is it bad that I laugh at the American stereotypes?
  5. l 1337 Hax0r l

    l 1337 Hax0r l Ancient
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    I often hear all Americans are fat.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I live in America, and although it isn't necessarily a stereotype I get, it's just as bad. Most other countries hate America right now, as they should, we had the biggest dumbass as our president, and we RE-ELECTED him! And now, with this upcoming election, with accusations that Obama is a terrorist, and that he supports Communism, just adds to how ignorant Americans are. Most of us are complete ignorant bastards, and I hate being surrounded by them, but the thought that other countries label all Americans as such regardless, upsets me cause I am not nearly as idiotic as my American neighbors.
  7. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    You know what I just found: A poll of American people in New York 1999. It asked: Who is the German chancellor: 7 percent said Hitler.
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    prejudices are just wrong. period. every nation/culture has its flaws, as does every individual. Our flaws make us who we are. As do our nations/cultures flaws make then who they are. We would not be ourselves if we did not have flaws.
  9. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Prejudices are annoying indeed. Whenever someone asks me on XBL "Where are you from?" I reply "Ireland" and they'd be like. "Are you a leprechaun or something?" and I hate it. It's very, very annoying as I am an Irish guy who does'nt start fights with people. They start the fights with me, sometimes when I join my friends Custom Games, little kids (under the age of 10) ask the host to boot me for no reason.

    Yes, I'd end up getting booted and I'd tell the host not to listen to them, as they are little kids who are ignorant little sh*ts towards other people. I can't see why their parents would end up getting them Xbox Live Membership anyway. I have little kid friends too but these guys are'nt allowed to use inappropriate language to others, as if they do, they're moms/dads take the xbox away, which I think is right if the kid(s) are being nasty.

    Some people on XBL can be **** heads but I just mute them, give them bad rep, block them from sending you messages (Not always) and file a complaint against them if they are saying vulgar/hateful language towards me. However, my little brother is one of these ignorant little Sh*ts, his Gamertag is: Subtotalchief and he will say hateful words to other people through the mic. While his Xbox 360 was getting repaired as he had the RRoD, he began Playing CoD 4 on my xbox. I had 75% good rep exactly, he used the mic and was telling people to shut up and my rep got brought down to 56%. I took the mic away and my rep went up to 68% which I thought was good enough.

    Ignore people if they say bad stuff about you, mute them if you have to and that's it, just do what I told you to do above. ;)
  10. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Well being from New Zealand. Apparently I have sex with sheep all day and pronounce "fish and chips" - "fush n chups"
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Who came up with the goat stereotype? Do you even have goats in New Zealand? And if you do, why wasn't I presently aware of this?
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    well, you know all the people who say this junk are stupid as hell. one time, a 8 year old british kid was telling me and the rest of my team in shotty snipers that all americans are gay, fat, obsessed with mcdonalds, and make pornos and stupid movies all day. trust me, he was 8! i have also heard bad things said about mexicans, who i actually think are very polite and nice for the most part(not trying to stereotype or prejudice if you think i am) and ive heard british people bashing me and americans, becaus ever since XBL started, theyve just been taking crap from americans. i would never prejudice any race, nation, or religion.
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I laughed really hard after you said this;]. I love prejudices online it makes it more tense when you get in battle I think at least for me I play better mad. I piss off my teamates and we win most of the time I think stereotypes help some people get into the game more:]. If its just racism then its not good or even a point but if it helps them playbetter or worse if your playing against them hey its a "legit strategy" like camping .
  14. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Where did that prejudice come from? Because, I have never heard anyone in Germany saying evil things about New Zealand. Most German prejudices are against Poland, America, France and China.
    Lol at sheep thing... that is strange. Where do people get such an idea from?
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You know, I always find those funny!

    How can you not find it funny when a load of people start saying, "Speak English you cowards!" or "Ireland... Ireland... Is that in Cuba?" or,"Damn! What state is Ireland in?"

    Then the English v American ones are my favorite! It ends up with the English saying 'mmmmhhhh Hamburgers! I'm a fat american **** who eats cheeseburgers all day' and the Americans say 'Fish 'n chips' over and over again.

    The prejudiced people of Xbox Live are not to be mourned, they're to be laughed at!
  16. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    What goat stereotype?

    Yes we do have goats.
  17. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    It's near impossible to go a game without hearing a homophobic comment.
  18. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I get alot of **** belive or not for my GT for some reason. IDK why i mean its not a sexual joke or a racist comment. But people still make fun of it. Also I am american which is preatty much the center of all the close minded racist **** in the world. I dont like cheeseburgers. For some reason we think we own the world which is so not true. I here so many racists comments and sexual innuendo I try to defend the people reciveing it unless they deserve it. The two biggest group of people who get **** are girls and non british europeans. I end up muting alot of people.
  19. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    to break all the cereal

    fush n' chups??
    lawllllll, isnt that like a south african accent?
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I'll disagree on both. The people who get the most **** is the kids.

    Girls actually get better treatment in genaral and when they get insulted, it's the exact same thing someone would use against a guy.

    Non-British Europeans actually don't get a lot of ****. If anything, they get less. Most of them can speak English but in genaral they party up with friends and when Americans give them **** about talking a different language, they normally respond by ingnoring them.

    Trust me on the foreign thing, I've been there many-a-time.

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