Air, and liquid water. There is not enough water vapor in plain old air for seeds to grow. That's why dry seeds don't grow. (duh)
the tree woulnt randomly grap a chunk of land somewhere to feed off of, it comes evenly from the area around it, the cycling of water, the nutrution of dead animals, the suns ATP energy to be converted into the trees food through photosynthesis. the earth is still my best answer but youve said its wrong, but i just wanted to clear this little thing up. Tell me now!!
Was the question restated? I think I read mention of such in previous posts, but I am tired, so sorry if I am wrong. I said cells, cause they make a tree. Air does not make the tree. It's common sense that trees don't come from thin air. In addition, trees need more than just air to survive. They need water as well, and although air can contain moisture, it is hardly enough for plants to live off of without a reservoir of built up water. I live in the desert, so I know trees can live a long time without rain, however, they cannot survive purely off of the humidity. So to say just 'Air' would be neglecting everything else a tree needs to grow. Trees do absorb the minerals from the soil, and water as well (the reason FOR roots in the first place) and it makes "food" with the aid of the sun in photosynthesis. Etc. This question is not simply a 1 word answer... Not to mention the use of the word "stuff" throws a person off. Stuff is not direct, so it can mean the "minerals in the soil, stuff" or "the oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air, stuff" or (in the case i was thinking) "the organic material like bark and leaves, stuff," which would be cells. Sorry if my statements and answers are 'incorrect' or make no sense,I am just incredibly tired right now, yet can't go to sleep, so I decided to argue a void point.
Assimilation is the answer (right English word?): Making anorganic substances to anorganic substances. CO2 and H20 to glucose, starch etc... HOW? : 6CO2 + 12H2O ->light, chlorophyll-> C6H12O6 + 6O2 (Netto)
It's been answered already, move on. The question wasn't to test how smart you are, rather to test how basically people can think. It's one of those questions that are asked of grown people as well as children. Most children get the answer correct, most adults do not. No one cares about this really, it was designed to get a basic response. A simple answer. You've completely missed the point and are just trying to show off now. It's kinda annoying and somewhat condescending of you to think that you are better than the others answering the question or that you're simply trying to out-do the others or impress. Move on, next subject.
Ye, I only looked at all the wrong answers at the beginning. I was bit too lazy to read the other answers. I did not want to impress anyone, and I do not think that I am better than anyone here. Sorry for posting again, but stop writing this provocative answers. They do definitely not fir in here. A simple "The question has already been answered" would have been enough I think. Or just edit first post so it says that the question is answered.
Ye, but I was too lazy to read posts b4. Everything I wanted to say was that it was unfair to say somethign like It's kinda annoying and somewhat condescending of you to think that you are better than the others answering the question or that you're simply trying to out-do the others or impress. And you changed avatar pic between... Did you edit 1st post?
what is CBF? and why uuh? Oh and by the way, i hate discussions like this, lets stop it. Seriously, what is CBF?