Download Process (30+ downloads) Process is a small Head to head/ Team doubles map themed after imulsion. My goal was to try and make a decent sized map that plays well for 1 on 1, or 2 on 2 gametypes. Process has many long lines of sight. Players will be forced to take cover behind anything they can, which makes this map feel all the more like a tactical shooter. Along with the paintball style scenary in the middle of the map players will also have interesting structures to use. I have spent over a week furiously working on this map and I know that you will like it. So after you hear what i have to say i encourage you to click the download button and try it out. Process has three choke points. that control the flow of gameplay. However a team cannot control all three at once, so you always have a chance. For example if one team controls the guard tower the other players can take the bunker and overthrow their opponents. Rather than have somebody camp behind the door with a shotgun and kill everybody that comes around the corner. The three choke points are as follows, The sniper tower, the cubby (which houses brute shot), and the bunker. There are also two unique bases. Two teams, locust and COG. two bases, imulsion pool and command center. The bases of process are both unique in their own way. In the COG, imulsion pool, sheild doors create the effect of imulsion being sucked through a pipe. The locust base, command center, is where the locust overview everyhing that goes on in the mine. Both factions are equally distanced from the power weapons, aswell as having the same amount of weapons in their bases. //:Backstory:// COG serial 43251487: That's it nice and easy on those imulsion barrles, this place is like a match waiting to be lit. Command overwatch:Sir, The command station is getting readings from deep underground, the seismic counter is off the chart. COG serial 43251487: Like an earthquake Command overwatch: Larger than an earthquake Radio: (static) What the h*** was that. (More static) Command overwatch: I don't know sir! Imulsion miner: Aaah! my hands they're burning! COG serial 43251487: Dear god, everybody away from the imulsion, It's heating up to a meltdown. It's going to blow any miniute now. COG serial 43251487: Is there anybody who can contain the imulsion. Command overwatch: I can sir, everybody in the command center! Radiostatic) holy s*** (static) what the bloody (static) are those? Radio: Gunfire; screaming COG serial 23419978: Everybody get in the command center. After fall back COG serial 43251487: Get the tape! Guard: why? COG serial 43251487: We need to send it to the surface. Guard: It's in the overwatch tower, they'd kill you if you go. COG serial 43251487:........I'll get it and you have to get it in the burning slot before........We make our last stand. you'll need to defend it no matter what, NOW GIVE ME A LANCER!! Radiogun loading) COG serial 43251487: See you in another life brother. Radio: running; gunfire Unknown speciman:"for the queen" Radio:(more gunfire) COG serial 43251487: I love you maria. Radio: (endless static) This audio transmission saftley made it to the surface 2 days before the locust attacked. It gave 5 star general hoffman time to rally his troops and meet the threat known as the locust. It is this act of bravery by the imulsion miners that ultimatly lead to the slight, but hopeful survival of humanity. two days after the radio transmission made it to the surface a sole survivor of the battles aftermath came out of the mines elevator. He had 28 broken bones, much blood loss, and a fractured skull. The doctors were able to keep him alive long enough to hear about what happened in the mining facility. This is his story.......... //:Map info:// Map: Foundry Time to make: 28 hours Budget used: 697$ game-types: all except VIP and territories Reccomended players: 1-2 per team Tricks used Interlocking Geo-merging Save and quit //:Weapon list:// Brute shot X1 (1/yes/90 sec) Carbine X2 ....(2/yes/60 sec) Battle rifle X2 (2/yes/45 sec) SMG X4.........(2/yes/30 sec) Sniper rifleX1..(1/yes/120 sec) Needler X1.....(1/no/180 sec) stickies X2.....(N/a/yes/45 sec) Assult rifle X1 (2/yes/10 sec) //ictures:// This is an overview of the locusts base. Originaly made to be a sniper bunker. I started messing around and created this masterpiece. It has everything you could ever want in a base, a carbine and battle rifle for long range fire-fights, an interlocked wall which is great for cover, SMG's which are great for rushing brute shot, and it's color coded for aestetic purposes. Pleas note the roof which can be used as a sniper point in a match. I just know once a noob gets up there they'll jump out of the map and i'll get ton's of feedback. Here is the C.O.G's base, where the cog were pushed back to and where they made their last stand. Basicly a complete replica of the locust base in terms of weapons. Notice the sheild doors running up from the middle platform, this is supposed to resemble imulsion being sucked up through a pipe. Same as the locust's base it has a carbine, battle rifle, and duel weildable smgs. Down in the bottom of the imulsion pool is a dumpster to get out and 14 fusion coils to prevent people from hiding in the bottom. I know that you can grenade jump the right walls and i don't care, just don't play with people who want to cheat. My budget would not allow it. Here is an overview of the map from the locust's base. From here you can see several weapon spawns. Plasma grenades spawn on top of the truck, and an assult rifle spawns in the bunker above the truck. Across from the bunker is a crate in which the needler spawns on top of. The middle of the map is made up of barriers, crates, and other moveable items. You can also see the maps two main structures. The sniper tower and the brute shot cubby. Let's take a closer look at these two structures starting with the cubby. This is the cubby it houses brute shot. Players can jump on the door to reach the brute shot. Grabbing this power weapon comes with a risk however. The four fusion coils on the corners can be set off by a grenade or battle rifle burst from a distance to automaticly kill a camper. This unlucky player got killed by a grenade bounced off the wall by a user he does not see. Risky bussiness. Note the angle of the roof thanks to Boyle06 for the tip. Here is the sniper tower one of the key choke points in gameplay in this map. The sniper tower consists of window panels and corner walls. From their high perch the weilder of the sniper can overview the entire map. This is where the sniper rifle spawns. I wanted to create a feeling of rush so a placed the most valuable weapon on the map in the most imporntant building. Once people learn where it spawns it is the place that everybody goes to. Here is the bunker another key choke point in gameplay. It does not house a power weapon but it does have grenades which are a very imporntant factor on this map. It also houses the Assult rifle which is really just there for if you run out of ammo. Underneath the bunker on the back of the truck is where the obbball spawns in oddball, which is suprisingly fun on this map. Going to put in action pics Going to put in gameplay video DOWNLOAD PROCESS
It is very obvious that you are very good at making maps very well and are great at involving the advanced techniquies such as interlocking and geomerging. For a non-symetrical map this looks like it will have great gameplay in many different catagories. I am very interested in how the gameplay works out so you get a download from me and from the pictures, this is a 5/5 and an extremily well made map. By the way, the first picture is very grabbinmg and should bring you a lot of views.
Neon colors hurt the some of us who are still on old-school. Onto the map. It looks pretty fun from some of the pictures but in some of them you can see sloppiness which many will complain over. I think that the water feature is a bit overused in maps now-a-days but it is a feature none-the-less. The center structure looks like a waterfall that is spiced up with an MLG flare up. The rest of the map, no offense is kind of blehh for me. Don't get me wrong, thats some impressive interlocking but the layout isn't very original. I think you took a good amount of time to post this map correctly so positive reputation for you kind sir. I'll download and will try to comeback, if I don't forget. Good luck on future forges. Sorry if I offended you in any way.
this looks very good nice interlocking and geo. it is very smooth and such.. the first actual picture looks VERY GOOD... i think u should remove the tele porters... if they move they move... u could put a gav. in the bottom of the box pulling the box in and mayb that would help or completely change it to like a fence wall.... i dont comment on any maps but the better ones... so im trying to say this is nice i will anticipate the vid and thats how i will overall judge the map... this looks really good 5/5
This map looks very good. I love the interlocking, the merging and interlocking is very neat. This map is very complex and i usually don't get that in the maps i look at but this one is very complex. Very nice job!! Keep on forging You're doing a great job!!!
This looks like a pretty okay map from the pics. The....uhmmm....'water place' in one base was very well done. I see that you are trying to have good aesthetics w/ the teleporters but why did you put them on the truck? It just doesnt fit in. Keep up the good work.
Thank you and plus rep for you, but do you mean the opening neon picture or the picture of the locust base Great i see what you're trying to say and I will be glad to include it in my VERSION 2, so keep the comments coming! Yep i agree with you on the teleporters and i will change them with a version 2.
I honestly don't understand why people say you are good at interlocking or geomerging, for the pictures clearly show you aren't. I don't even see any geomerging in any of the pictures and even in spots where you should have geomerged. I can't say too much about it cause I haven't actually inspected the map hands on. This map is very sloppy. It looks like you didn't even measure up for any of your interlocked. Why would you put reciever nodes around a truck? You could have used them on the barriers you have put down instead of wasting them on a truck. Just from the pictures I can tell you I could escape your map multiple ways. Bruteshot style. 28 hours my ass. I could have made this map in 1 hour. From the looks of your weapon list, it doesn't seem like this map would have fun gameplay with weapons. It seems like it would be an AR fest, which is boring. The sniper house looks like it would be way too dominate on this map. You did say that you can see the whole map from the tower and that is not a good thing. I would download this and see if the gameplay would be decent, but I can tell from my general knowledge of Halo and your pictures that it wouldn't be. Overall you get a 2/5.
idiot, bad rep There were no spots that needed geo-merging. so i don't know what your talking about. I didn't waste them if they were'nt there than the fusion coils would make it explode and pop out of position making it impossible to reach the bunker without grenade jumping. I clearly said that you can escape the map in sevral places, so just don't play with people who wan't to do that. If you are going to review a map atleast thouroughly read th post and larn everything you can. Wow! your pretty aggnorant, i hope you're sarcastic cause your maps don't look anymore special than this one. With how close to the tower other players spawn the sniper tower is not a place to camp. It would appear that your knowledge of forge is not what you think it is. You don't review a map without downloading it sorry you hate it so much i don't see what's so bad
The picture I am talking about is the opening neon picture with the awsome red effects. I really dont no how you did that but it is a very nice pic and should help you a lot getting downloads.
This map is sweet. Some of the people here are right and this map is so escapable that if someone threw a frag and you tryed to jump over it you would fly out of the map. The interlocking is okay and I only saw one thing geomerged. 4/5 Keep up the forgin'.
You're right, i did however say that my budget would not allow me to add a third wall. In a possible version two i will place a budget glitch so that i can make a 4 story wall. You need not play with people who want to cheat and ruin the fun for you anyway.
This map looks beautiful in alot of different ways.I love that lake thingy you got there.The thing i don't like is all the fusion coils together,it just doesn't go well.The map looks like you can escape it but its ok.Nice work
787 views/ 14 comments/ 33 downloads. kinda depressing. some maps get 1000 views in thirty miniutes and others don't get any