
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Resix, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    By Stealth the one

    Supported gametypes:
    Fiesta Slayer

    Map Description:

    You know those time where you get bored of always having to play team BRs and you want some mmore excitement in your life? I have created a map that uses the well known fiesta slayer gametype. The map is a mostly empty foundry but with boxes strategically placed around the map. This map and gametype will bring you hours worth of fun if you have a party with 4-12 people.









    And for the best action shot ever overkill with the magnum

    Quotes from people who have played it
    Trust me i have gotten really good feedback from this map and it is probably the funnest thing to play when you are bored so please download rate and comment

    Download Mexico
    Download Fiesta Slayer
    #1 Resix, Nov 1, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    It looks easily breakable. I would suggest building the wall higher. Also, it seems a little too simple. I know simplicity is what you were going for, but you have to ask yourself if your map is better than the next guy's. Is it really worth that slot on somebody's harddrive?
  3. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    interesting, it looks ok, but i guess the only way to know is to try it out, ill get back to you when ive tried it out.
  4. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Actually it is not easily broken even though it may seem that way. it is simple because of the gametype and having more stuff in it would ruin the fun.
    thank you and i reccommend at least 8 people in the party for the most fun
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    1 looks okay because of the building theme but maybe you could add more thing to make it looks more interesting. I don't understand why have you named it Mexico when the map doesn't look a thing like it. I appreciate you creating a rare fiesta slayer map but try to put more barriers so that ppl wont escape easily. Cant wait for v2!(if you're gonna make one)
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    But i can see man, you can jump ontop of that yellow part on the wall and then just rocket jump out. It's not like you don't have anymore objects to spare, and it's not all that hard of a place to block off.
  7. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    i named it mexico because of the gametype fiesta so when you play it it says fiesta on mexico. i might add more things in v2 but as for what i will add right now i do not know
    yeah that may be true but breaking the map during a game is very unlikely because it is so chaotic

    Edit: why are you guys rating it without having played it yet seriously come on
  8. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Why would we download it if it doesn't look like it is fun. No, this may not true and looks can be decieving but it just doesn't appeal to me nor many others. The map looks a little bit of a 10 minute compilation of double boxes.

    I never really liked Fiesta gametypes and as far as breaking goes, people do it alot. Yes, it ruins the fun for others but some actually find fun in taking an unfair advantage over others. What happens if one person has a jumping weapon and a sniper rifle, is that fun? No. No it is not, but it is for the predator.

    So tell us why should we download this. For maps to come on my Hard Drive they don't have to be above normal. Normal is kind of a matchmaking kind of touch where it is dull and boring. Whats so spicy and envigorating about this map. I'm not trying to bash you. I'm trying to help you, believe it or not.

    You asked a question, I answer. Good luck on futur forges and I hope to see some really unique creations and hopefully this lecture has also inspired others like you to embrace your inner-awesomesauce making machine.
  9. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Its unbreakable if you play right
    And it may look empty but its really fun, we played it earlier and i got a sharpshooter and running riot with my beam rifle :)
    Maybe a v1.1 will be even better :O
  10. MacNCheese

    MacNCheese Ancient
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    I really don't see what is so exciting about this map? I also don't see how the boxes are "strategically" placed. To me it just looks like a map that could be made in 10 minutes. I'd rather play the original foundry than this. Sorry, no DL from me.
  11. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    ummm the reason i made this was just for a fun game and map not an aesthetically pleasing map and you wanna know why because a wise person once said
    Game play> aesthetics
    always so who cares if the map doesnt loook good as long as it plays good and your post seriously did not help me at all you gave me no suggestions at all. and the only way to break the map atm is with 2 people but i dont see how that will ever happen because of the other people shooting them. Also i have tried with the brute shot grav hammer and rockets and they do not work in breaking the map
    its not the map that is exciting it is the gameplay from the combination of the map ang the gametype so please if your going to post saying im not gonna dl this please do it in someone elses thread because you are just a trainee and im not trying to be mean but many people judge by pictures which i think is the downfall to great maps
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Hey I played that earlier with you. I didn't know you made it. It was pretty fun. But there is nothing that jumps out. But it doesn't matter. why? It's fun.

    Put action pics of me.
  13. MacNCheese

    MacNCheese Ancient
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    Me being just a trainee and not posting a lot means nothing. Also, if it really matters, which it doesn't, if you look at our join dates, I have been on this site longer than you, just not posting a lot. It doesn't matter at all though, so there was no point of you bringing that up.

    The combination between the map and the gametype? I'm saying that the map doesn't look like it has much gameplay. I don't usually judge from pictures, I just did on this map because it looks bare, overly simple, and quite boring.

    When I 1st started making maps, I thought the same thing as it seems you thought when you made this map, which is basically "There will be people dying everywhere, explosions constantly going off, and dead bodies all over the place! It'll be so chaotic and fun!" But frankly, there are too many maps like that, and yes, some of them are very successful, but that is because they actually added more to their maps. I'm not going by aesthetics, either. I want more to a map than double boxes randomly placed in a small area. You say they are strategically placed, but they aren't. I want a map that involves strategy and thinking, as opposed to random shooting.

    I'm not saying that it isn't fun, I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it. But what I am saying is that it isn't the best map. There are other maps like this that involve more strategy, rather than running around and shooting, hoping not to die. I know you were going for simplicity, and yes, simple is good. But TOO simple is bad. So my suggestion is too make a map that involves strategy and that isn't too simple.
  14. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Suggestions for V2 to please all the whiners:

    Have cover spawn over time(this is a huge addition and would make the gameplay something to lol at)

    Place equipment on the map. Such as bubble shields, oversheilds and re generators. This would make the gameplay even more interesting.

    Place plasma grenades on the map, again makes the gameplay crazier. NO FIRE GRENADES

    And guys please play something that looks simple before you destroy it. This map was not meant to be a super intermerged incredibly uber geomerged map that should be featured 600 times. It was meant to just download and have fun when your bored.
  15. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    Looks pretty good. ill dl and reply bak later 3.5/5
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Not much I can say. I'll DL it and then edit this post. Well done on building your own wall and not just stealing Griffball court's wall...
  17. MediateCobra

    MediateCobra Ancient
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    I will check it out but the map looks to be a little to simple maybe next time you could put some more stuff in the area. 2/5
  18. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    not to be mean but this took about 2 hours to make because the boxes are geomerged and interlocked for precision and they are not sloppy. v1.1 will have a better layout while v1.2 will be more aesthetically pleasing
  19. Furry

    Furry Guest

    I don't think Fiesta by itself is a good gametype for it has lag, crappy gameplay and random explosions everywhere. You expect me to believe you when you say it plays so great. The reason noone wants to download is because someone could easily set up somehting just as pleasing in 5 minutes or less. I'm not talking about the looks, I'm talking about the gameplay. It doesn't take that much to do. Its a fiesta map anyways, whats stopping Rockets form being overpowering? Honestly the gameplay isn't good for most people's liking. You can tell as far as that goes by the pictures themselves. No, I don't likee judging from pictures but I think that in a sense it is fair for this map.

    No, its not the crappiest map, but noone wants to download something they can create with little to no effort. Sorry if I sound harsh when I said that.
  20. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    so are ppl supposed to jump over the wall or something into "california" lol jk jk jk. nice map i tried it its pretty fun i guess... i have just as much fun in bungie made mapes though.

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