Hey, just wondering if anyone here has a favorite book. And yes you can use the halo books as your favorite ;D Anyways mine is The Hero of Ages, it's the third book in the Mistborn trilogy. It's so amazing if you get a chance go and read the books. They are truly amazing.
Not everyone is like you Norlinsky...My favorite book is Final Theory by Mark Alpert. It is sci-fi, action, mystery all at once with a romance in it.
I know series of books I like, Darren Shan, The Inheritance cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisngr and the future ones), and yes even Harry Potter. I'm currently reading Halo First Strike. Its Awesome.
I read Manga sometimes. Nothing much lately though. A real book would be Constantine. The one that was made into a movie. Although my real favorite is The Odyssey. Quite a good bit of work there, we had to read it in school and I read it all within the first week. The teacher was amazed that I read it.
i thought the harry potter series was good, and im reading the Inheritence cycle right now, i like 'em all
Those are really epic poems. But sure, for sake of discussion we'll call them books. My favorite however would be "tuesday's with Morrie" and "For One More Day" then finally "5 People You Meet in Heaven."
Well, since I don't have favorites, I guess I'm just going to have to put the ones I like the best...: Night by Elie Wiesel Inheritance books by Cristopher something something Harry Pottsss by the woman that's richer than the queen of england A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket Feed by MT Anderson Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis Ender's Game by OS Card Holes by Louis Sachar Those are all of the books I could think of, for now. I'll edit the post if I remember any other ones.
No, I'm actually talking about the one that was made into a book. I'm not totally sure what the name was though... And I'd like to mention that my brother who is in prison has ready every book imaginable. And I'm sure he's drawn everything once too... That's what you do in prison, read and draw... He could be an artist.
I have favorite authors, but I read about 800 pages/week, so no definite favorite book. Authors: Walter Moers, Trudi Canavan, Alicon Croggon, Bernard Cornwell... I think thats it. Oh, I forgot Sergej Lukianenko. Lian Hearn has a good writing style, but his stories are not my taste.
i like the books with pictures and and without the words they be called Mooooo veez yap thats right movies ftw reading is fun when the book is interesting at all times like a suspensful mystery book with puzzles
Ah man the ones where you chose what path you want to take and it says 'turn to page 14' or something. They rock! rofl jk
My favourite would have to be the Cry of Icemark. Its about a small kingdom under attack and they have to enlist mythical creatures to help them like Vampires and Werewolves.
lol i read that book 6 times, no joke... lol i loved it soo much. I also read teh book "Monster road" 8 times...