Original Source (Oct. 31) - A piece of space station trash the size of a refrigerator is poised to plunge through the Earth's atmosphere late Sunday, more than a year after an astronaut tossed it overboard. NASA and the U.S. Space Surveillance Network are tracking the object - a 1,400-pound tank of toxic ammonia coolant thrown from the International Space Station - to make sure it does not endanger people on Earth. Exactly where the tank will inevitably fall is currently unknown, though it is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere Sunday afternoon or later that evening, NASA officials said.
Wait, didn't a piece of toxic spacejunk already crash into the Earth or is this another one? They're probably going to shoot this one like they did the last one.
lol what if someone is reading this thread, then look out the window, and see the thing falling right towards them, and it destroys there computer... i would lol. How will they know exactly where it will land, and how will they make sure its not going to hit someone?
Can it be Photoshopped? because If I get it well photoshopped you can believe it lol nah I wont even bother, big offer though lol I wonder if it lands in St.louis hum...
When I read the first post, I was thinking Oh crap! I hope it doesn't land on me. Then I saw Nitrous's post, and I want it to hit my house! Not really I predict that the object will probably land in the water. Just saying.
The title's kind of pointless because objects from space hit Earth every day, they are just too small to notice.
thats true have you ever had a tiny rock hit you randomally on the head cuz it happend to me and i was like what the hell and no one was around cuz it was like midnight and i was walking home