I understand that Guardian is in the MLG maps list in matchmaking but what about Blackout? I mean, since there was Lockout in Halo 2, why not Blackout?
They had it for a short time, but it had a very constricted feel, and bad gameplay. Most of Lockout's jumps aren't in Blackout, remember.
Its mostproboblt becuase they dont want to make it so you have to have the legendary map pack to play it
Until the release of the Legendary Map Pack being free. MLG may include Blackout. Why do you have a desire for Blackout? Falling irritates me...
mlg dont want enthing to do with blackout im afraid so theres no chance for it im not shure y but if bungie make a remake of the remake no chance
I love Blackout. But MLG TS is not very good on it. Some of my favorite jumps were taken out, such as the door frames and that un named (at least to me) where you could jump through that window and onto the walkway.
Well lets face it, its hardly a feasable remake as the dimensions and pure feeling of lockout arent there, and there the basics. It doesnt play the same way as it did on H2 as it is much slower-paced. IMO they shouldnt of made any remakes, but just made more MLG based maps for H3 that can compete with the Midships and Lockouts of H2.