You guys here play at all still, I've loved the game since I was a child and still play it when I get the chance, I used to be a local tourney kid for Smash Bros Melee and I refuse to play Smash Bros Brawl (No advance techs, such as L-cancel, wavedashing, wave shine, etc.) All videos by me, done playing frame by frame though. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Me actually playing (sound is crap, turn down your speakers.) Anyway, anyone play this game here?
Yeah. Sixty four was the best. I think they kept getting worse from there. Mele was still awesome, but I have a strong distaste for brawl.
hate new one, the old one is pwn, and me and my friend play every summer when we go to our lake cabin and there is no xbox around. MARIO FTW
I love the new much better. It's harder for me, and the techniques allow more playability and scenarios. Instead of just the same solutions over and over. The first one was too easy. You could easily take on three lv.9 people, and win. It was pathetic.
The first one had 0 to death combos on humans, the comps were pathetic though, but Brawl has no techs what so ever, it's slower and the gravity is low. (Just makes it less competitive) Melee however was very fast past and took the most skill. Brawl is for newies at Smash. 64 > Melee....Brawl can't even fit the list. ha
I agree 100% I seriously used to play just like you in this video, using link and all. I was effing pro. If i could play you online i so would, although it's been years...
I wish I had an adapter to play with my GCN controller online. I love 64 more than Halo, but everyone local wants to play Brawl. -.- That video was played on a laggy comp screen before I got my S-video cable and on my classic controller (I modded my Wii to play 64 on it) On a GCN controller I rape, I would pull of 0 to death combos about 40% of the time, I can hit a Pika's recover with a angled u-air as CF, stuff like that. From tool assisting the game, I know it inside out.
Alright, I can't say I'm a pro melee smasher, but I'm pretty damn good. My friends and I went to a mini-tourney for Melee and we didn't win first place (someone had a rape Pikachew) but we were able to beat these kids easily. I even played someone who was like "Ya, I'm so pro" and he totally wasn't. I four stocked him. Anyways, if you don't know what a wave dash is or L cancel or anything, you're not even close to becoming a pro or even getting good. Like I said, my friends and I are hardcore smashers so I would have to say that Melee is and will always be the best Smash. Then I would have to say Brawl due to character selection (cause it's got Snake). Man... I so totally want to play Smash again... Edit: All three of us (my two friends and I) think like the dude on the left. It's horrible.
Ah, I remember the good old N64. Funny thing is, all of the good games were made a long time ago and they will always be classics. Now we just need to wait for nintendo to transfer SSB to Wii format in the wii shop and add online servers then we could play. Too bad that's never going to happen. :"(
Hack it and get it for free, you just need an SD card and it will save on your Wii forever. Or get Mupen64k and find a GCN adapter or 360 controller to play online. I was dying when I saw this xD It's way too true. Melee for the win!
Ah yes, Ant-D, that guy was the reason I started SSb64 TASing and became the 2nd best TASer of Smash 64 on Youtube. He blocked me however on Youtube, I still don't know why and it's been about a year already, the guy is a ****. ha
N64 RULES!! And this game is the greatest ever! The memories of the game! Unlocking characters, kicking my mates asses at it >.< I used to rule at it =]
I N64 was my favorite system and still is, it was all I played as a child. Zelda: OoT Mario 64 (Can beat the game in 24min) SSB64 Mario Kart 64 Mario Tennis Lickiton's Great Adventure 2 Goemon's Great Adventure
You forgot Banjo tooie and the first one. Those were one of the greatest and funniest games of all times. The new one doesn't look that great though.
Holy ****, yeah, I loved those games as well. Nah, I've been playing the demo of the new one, all the old music and whatnot is still there but the gameplay sucks.