YEAH Canadians rule!!!!! And Bl00D F1R3 is cool as well. If you didn't notice, I am Canadian and I really don't care who gets elected. I'm just glad to finally see Bush GTFO!
It italicizes the choice you selected. Anyways...I voted Obama/Biden We should also see how many people here are actually registered...and who is actually going to vote. The results may be different.
I voted for Obama/Biden And to answer DTL's question, I'm registered to vote and am ready to get it over with already.. I hate election time.
I may be from Illinois, but Im still putting McCain-Palin on my ballet! Main reasons: (1) McCain cares about the middle class, and dispite what Obama ads say, McCain has way more coverage for them than Obama. (2) The media is becoming more and more biased against McCain. Is it just me, or is every media story Pro-Obama and AntiPro-McCain? (3) Palin is WAY more qualified for VP than Biden. She is a Down to Earth person who knows what this country needs. (4) McCain is also WAY, WAY more qualified than Obama. Obama needs to have some experience before he is ever qualified to be President. McCain is a born Leader, and has been in many leadership positions through his distinguished career. These two, McCain and Palin, know what to do for this country and how to do it. They, my friends, are the REAL change we need.
Maybe the media coverage is biased, but I see this entire election as a joke. Palin is a ridiculous choice and completely discredits the McCain campaign. And the McCain campaign is really just bringing all of this negative attention on themselves by it's behavior. So yeah, it's biased, but I think it's only because of outrageous and stupid behavior by McCain's campaign and it's supporters. So yeah, I voted Obama.
McCain has been too negative for his own good, and Palin was an unethical choice to get more votes. If he had picked a better VP, he would have more credibility and maybe wouldn't be putting up so many negative ads. Obama a terrorist? Get real. On a side note, I just want to say that I vote Nitrous as the next God.
Come on now, if you're trying to make this official and professional looking you should of put the other canidates in to. NADER FTW!
I apologize to the thread for the irrelevance of this post, but I'd like to note that Nitrous doesn't believe God or a god exists. So....maybe something....else
1. Meh, I wouldn't know because I don't pay much attention to that kind of stuff anymore. I think they're both idiots. 2. First...AntiPro-McCain? What? Second, you shouldn't let the media's opinion affect your own in any way. 3. Palin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. 4. Some of our best presidents had very little experience. I don't know them off the top of my head, but I've had this discussion before. Also, being a "born leader" is the worst reason I have ever heard, and it is used way too much. Even if you are going to use it, Obama is clearly much more charismatic, making him a much better leader (in a sense) in my opinion.
Obama/Biden. My reasons are the same as most. I don't want Bush to have a 3rd term. Not while I'm alive. And that's that.
I vote for Obama/Biden. If only I were old enough to vote in this election... BTW, the poll says "John Biden" instead of Joe. lol.
I would vote for Obama but he can't be elected president do ya know why? Because then he'll have to live in the white house lololololol But seriosely, Obama wants to take the troops out of Iraq so he has my vote.