Some kid was being retarted and faking he was fat but he actually screwed up while faking it by sliding and accidentally let go of the wii remote that flew into the tv,its so funny lol!
lol the first night we got our wii, my cousin broke a vase, and i through the remote at the 72 inch screen, lol we didnt like the wii after that...
HOLY F-ING SH**!!! I SWEAR THAT I KNOW THIS KID! He actually goes to my school and his name is Matt Duncan. I could swear, just by that one look at his face, that that is him. Wow, that is insane. And no, i'm not joking. This seriously is him.
There was this one time where my friend brought his Wii over me and all of my friends started playing Wii Bowling, I'm getting into the position that I usually get a strike with I swing back a go foward, next thing I know theres a huge dent in my wall...XD
This just proves that you should not mess around while playing Wii. Also, you should not have a 600 dollar tv on the floor.
Lol, he was just laying there for a second, being incredulous on what just happened... ( For those of you who don't know what ''incredulous'' is: incredulous: not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical).
Well then I wonder whos the kid at your school that gets picked on a daily basis..... hmmmmm...... I'll make up a name - Matt...... DUNCAN!
According to his Youtube page, his name is Matt. And he lives in San Fran, just like you...could be him... Tell him I said hi.
Who the hell puts a flatscreen on the floor, what a dumbass. Anyway that vid isnt that funny it really sucks to be that kid.