MLG Tumult V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by The Sock Man, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    MLG Tumult V1 (with GameVee)

    Created by The Sock Man : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details <-- Discussion Thread | Halo 3 Video | Video | Gameplay of MLG Tumult V1
    <-- Gameplay

    (Note: This is a V1 form of this map, and should not be thought of as a complete version. It is to showcase what the map has to offer and to provide suggestions)

    Tired of the same basic format on almost every MLG map? Big wall, two bases, a centerpiece? Too much room to move around, and not enough chaos? Well, then here's the map for you, my friend. It's called "Tumult" for a reason: Gameplay on it is absolutely frenetic, leaving almost no time to sit down and take a breather while you search for people. With strategically placed cover, plenty of weapons, very workable spawn points, and many other things, this map is full of nonstop action. Keep in mind that it only works for Team Slayer at the moment, and you can only have Red and Blue teams so that the starting spawn points don't group several teams together. So, without further ado, here's a description of each section of the map.


    ^ "A" Base

    ^ "B" Base

    The bases consist of two pillars, in between of which is an alley and a double box sticking through the forged floor. There are also alleys on the exterior sides of the towers and a walkway in the back. The bases are "A Base" and "B Base", and should be called out as such.


    ^Green Walkway

    ^Fence Walkway

    The two walkways connect both bases along the top part of the map. For cover, they contain two upside down open single boxes that stick out just enough for a person to walk through. At their centers they have bridges leading to the centerpiece of the map. The walkways are named after the bottom part of the wall; thus, the one with Double Boxes as the bottom wall is named "Green Walkway" (because double boxes are green) and the one with the fence boxes as the underside of the wall is called "Fence Walkway".


    ^A top view of the center.

    The centerpiece of the map is where much of the action takes place. It includes the main structure as well as the floor. The main structure is made up of several stacked boxes, as well as two interlocked horizontal double boxes that prevent people from jumping from the bases to the center as well as enabling grenades to land on the platform, which is made from a fence wall, allowing people to shoot through it at each other. If one wishes to get back onto the walkways, there are interlocked floating fence walls that can be used as platforms with which to jump onto the walkways. You can also run underneath the center structure to give yourself cover.

    So there you have it. Make suggestions on it, and I will change the map accordingly for a V2 and upwards.
    #1 The Sock Man, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  2. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    I really dont think there is anything to suggest, this map is epic O.O
    I love the idea of it and its very original, great job i really hope to see more maps from you if this is what you make.
    The only thing i could offer is to make the map a little more pleasing to look at, like the bases.
    Maybe throw in some fun things at the top you know?
  3. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    I see a small way out, and its pretty easy, I will see if I can get out there....The mpa looks awsome, though, I would interlock the walkway, it would look better. 4/5 on mappy. Also great center parts. lolz!
  4. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    pretty good idea for a map. liek u said it its different. to me, some of teh spawn points seem alittle to open to lead to spawn killing. also if going to make a v2 or what not, merge the double boxes on teh 2nd floor for alot smoother pathway. mayeb if u have any, just put a single box in the gap. good job though
  5. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Thanks for the advice, the only thing is that it's kinda hard to make any real changes cuz I have like $4 left, lol. I'm not a fan of budget glitching.
  6. iiNoMoRe

    iiNoMoRe Ancient
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  7. The Benergizer

    The Benergizer Ancient
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    Stop going around advertising your own map. It's not professional; not to mention probably against the rules.
  8. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Lol, you scared me there. I thought you were talking about me. But I see that you were talking about iiNoMore, so it's k.

    While you're here, do you have anything to say about the map?


    As a heads-up, I'm currently working on making final adjustments to Insurrection as well as a totally new map that uses half of the blocked off rectangle on Foundry. They are both coming along well, and I cannot wait to share them with you all.

    Expect Tumult V2 soon, but definitely not immediately. I have hit a few time issues recently, and as such cannot work on maps as long as I would like to.
  9. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Really nice mlg map! I saw very nice interlocking but i don't thing i saw any geomerging.That's ok though..its good.

    I'll try and play and get back to you
  10. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Thanks, geomerging ain't my thang. It used to work fine, but now nothing geomerges right and tends to fly along the floor before embedding itself in the windows.
  11. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    I like the way it looks it does seem prone to spawn killing unless there are some hidden spawns i can't see( i swear i'm visual impaired) Also N33D5 50^^3 1NT3|210C|<!NG ( needs some interlocking) on the green path way, bumpyness interferes with game play a rather large amount!
  12. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    Yeah, on my new map that I'm working I'm starting out with a smoothly interlocked floor, because as I've tried with Tumult V2 tests, it's incredibly hard to redo an entire wall with very few funds and a full map.
  13. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    In forging 101 they have vids because i would reccomend to interlock the pathways and to geomerg all the boxes slightly to prevent stray gernades and such from getting under them but other then that good job
  14. LRT Skittles

    LRT Skittles Ancient
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    This map is a very good idea i love the cover and the interlocking
    Awesome Map 10/10
  15. Username Loading...


    Likes Received:
    Really nice mlg map! I saw very nice interlocking but i don't thing i saw any geomerging.That's ok though..its good.

    I'll try and play and get back to you

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