This proves you don't need to make a super fancy interloxy map to have something fun. Just having a good premise is enough to have a lot of fun.
This looks really fun, and I'd like to play it... but the links to the map/gametype don't work and it's not on OrbitalShot's or Uncle Borat's fileshare.
this is very fun. 4/5 maybe next time less vehicles and also i found an easy way across (right when game starts just start jumpin for it) try fixin dat. till next time -Beastness
not that easy when you have 12 people in the game, you probably played by yourself, when you have like 10 people, theirs lagging, people pusing each other into the water, assasinations going on, lol its chaotic with more than 4 people. BONES GET BROKEN! lolx
umm.......... and what was the easy way across? did you mean jumping was the easy way across? thats the only way..... i dont get it really and the vehicles add a zing to the map, i find it unnesseary to take some out.
I remember when you showed me this a few weeks ago. That map is so addicting! I wish there was a way you could make the rocks re-appear faster though, because they sink and you have to wait a bit for them to come back.
My Review Just got done playing this game with Orbital and Uncle Borat, so here is my review: Playing this with the number of people that we did was very entertaining; jumping on people's heads to avoid falling to your death, colliding in mid-air, all that fun stuff. I was in awe at the greatness of this map; the way that the boxes spun, how a warthog would randomly crush the box that you are jumping to, how the turret cases were placed so that they would not float out to sea, and so on. There were a few minor flaws in this map however. Firstly, the spawn area was very cramped, causing many accidental deaths. If you have enough money, space, and objects, you should probably add an upside down barrier to the side (expanding the floor) to provide more room for the players. Finally, it is a bit too easy to win at the very beginning. I recommend having some more objects come down, such as warthogs hornets, to smite those in the lead. All in all, this has got to be the most interesting mini game I have ever played, considering the amount of unique, creative mini games out there. This is definitely up there in the long list of my favorite mini game maps, just below Pennyless. I wish I could've played longer, but I had to go play Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, as I have finally acquired it from Blockbuster. To sum it all up, this game kicks ass: 10/10 And for Uncle Borat, "very nice!" *I rated a map 10/10 on 10/10/08. LOL.
thank you for your long and agonizing to read post. just kidding, thanks for the post these are the kind that give you that make your consience pat you on the back and say "good job"
you know, that just made my day! i read this long and extravagant post to find right at the end, and for Uncle Borat, "Very Nice!" Gosh, ForgeHub People Rock!
seems pretty kool lol a fusion coil? hmmm if someone wanted to be a **** they could shoot that when someone gets near it lol just a though
the idea is simple but I like it. you just jump across a bunch of floating trash and pray to the lord that you dont fall and drown. why hasnt someone else thought of that? good effort, original, and other people like it. 4/5
actually the damage is set to 0% so yuo cant even melee them and blow them up. thanks for the post though. to tell the truth your the first one ive seen say that, really this does not gat boring (well so far with the people ive played with atleast). reall the whole lost thing was really random, and the items do vanish but there are about 4/5 rounds within the actual ten rounds but respawn within 30 seconds allowing for a break.
ooo fusion coils dont do anything that sucks haha but yea seems pretty different then other games out there me and my friends have been playin it
I played this with my cousins and it was really funny. We'd always fall just before the last box. Jump, jump, jump, FAIL. Great mini-game, and props for thinking outside of the box. BTW Uncle Borat, I liked your old avatar better. (The purple guy.)
This is a good concept but i would have to admit it does get kind of old. Not to mention there is a lot of just waiting on the crates til the other garbage spawns. Maybe there is some other aspect you could throw into the game? like a one sided flag game where you have to carry the flag across the rocks while one team of people is trying to kill you from the shore?
to tell the truth ive been thinking of making something like that, mayby guys with turrets or something trying to stop you from getting across. its an improvment and may happen in the near future.
Yeh, you could make it so they have to try and either blow you off or move the stuff you're trying to jump to. Gauss hogs, maybe? I really like the look of this map, I'll admit I haven't downloaded yet I'll wait till someone else does and then get it off them in game (My pc is so slow atm) I really like the idea of getting smashed in the face by a warthog while trying to make my way over water when I can't swim and the only thing beneath me is a fusion coil and er... My shoes. Great job!