Death's Labyrinth

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by OMG Its Storm, Oct 28, 2008.


What do you think of my map?

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  2. Alright...

  3. Bad!

  1. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    Death's Labrinth

    Death's Labrinth is an infection map maze. (I know Labyrinth is spelt wrong, but thats because the actual spelling wouldn't fit) This is similar to Predator, but the zombie has more gravity, and is somewhat slower. Also nobody can get out of the maze at all thanks to the ceiling, so nobody has to worry about a zombie jumping down on them. Well this is my first map post on forgehub, I hope you all like it. ( and yes I have posted this b4, but i put it in the wrong catagory) Here is some pics:

    Human Spawn

    Zombie Spawn

    After 10 seconds, man-cannons spawn to keep out non-playing people and cheaters

    After 10 seconds, a grav lift spawns to release the zombie

    Once Players spawn, they walk into the "Teledoors"

    "Teledoors" lead to the inside of the maze

    Merged Tunnel

    Crouching Trap

    Zombie Attacks

  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Looks, cool. You used interlocking, had pics. Everything seems to be in order. I'll test it out later. This sounds/looks nothing like predator though.
  3. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    You should have just asked a mod to move the map instead of posting it again
  4. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    ughh, There have been to much of these. I mean it is a good map, It just gets boring because of all the maps they have been made from this type. However the interlocking is good, but you will loose dls because of the originality
  5. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    read the 2nd to last sentence in the first paragraph "i posted this before, but i put it in the wrong spot" i put it in minigames, instead of casual..
  6. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    This seems really cool. I like how you made the anti-camp/cheat system in the spawn room. Nice job using traps. That's a cool feature. Nice job! 5/5
  7. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    This map gets a 3/5
    Its seems like a good idea but it doesnt look like there is much to the map and it also feels like a copy of preadator
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    this looks like kind of one of those obsticle maps, but this one has traps...i like the crouching one alot, like it would catch alot of people... oh and how long is it? perhaps an aerial painted pic would help get to know the layout, you know? Looks like fun, 7/10
  9. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    This is a good map and all it just doesn't have anything to set it apart. Also if the zombie has normal gravity he can crouch jump up and out of the little hole he is trapped in. Also traps are ok but i don't really like them and pushed me not to dl. Im not asking you find a breakthrough in forging technology just bring your own style to the map.
  10. Kitsune Yosh

    Kitsune Yosh Ancient
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    I've always wanted to make a maze map with zombies! But, yours looks good too. I see one problem though...Can't the humans just stay back by not going through the teledoors? Or are the teledoors in the same place as the mancannons? Over all, I think this deserves a 4/5
    I'll dl and play and get back to you...
  11. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Can you add more pics so we can see more of the map? So far it looks a lot like the Saw maps, but with more lives. I think i will try it out because it looks like it was made better than any Saw map i have played.
  12. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    yea the mancannons spawn in the human spawn. and im going to fix it because sometimes people get stuk behind the mancannons, im gonna merge them into the ground
  13. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    I didnt know that. this is my first post here. soo ill remember for next time. thx

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