Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Chance vs Design?

    Why can't they exist hand-in-hand?

    If I drop a load of paper clips on the floor in a pile, they will probably land in such a way that couldn't be replicated by designing the pile.
    But if I take apart a pocket watch and drop the parts in a pile, it is near impossible that the parts will fall together and form the watch again.
    However, there is a chance the watch parts will fall to form the working watch.

    It's amazing how some people believe everything the media say, but question the Bible. Hoever, it's amazing how little evidence their is to support design. Mind you, I guess that's the idea of faith...

    I believe more in Murphy's law, myself. The idea that "If something can go wrong, it probably will. That's why toast falls butter-side down".
    So, whichever path I pick, I'll be ****ed when I die.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I don't know the math behind, so I generally just blindly accept carbon dating as a good method. I trust that someone has painstakingly done the math and made the formula that will show what the outcome is. Is there a reason you think that scientists are wrong? If the dating method was so easy to disprove, why do they use it? It seems foolish to think out of the millions of scientists who have used the dating method, none have found there to be any problems with it but there actually is something wrong with it.

    I don't think we have spirits, souls, or whatever. What makes me different from other humans is my consciousness. That also differentiates me from a computer programmed to do the same thing. What differentiates a sentient computer from me is its consciousness compared to mine.
  3. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Life is like Pandora's Box. Once you get near the end, there is something undescribable that appears that leads you in never-ending line.

    Well, if evolution was true what could we evolve from way back when. What were the earlier species of the our the last evolution? Its never-ending.

    If God created the world, then why would he watch us suffer and not save us? It would make sense, to destroy the Devil. He would have the bigger Army.

    I believe its just a phenomenon that happens. Sort of like we're so small that we can't see the big things and big things can't see us. Like micro-bacteria that has been discovered.

    Think about the color spectrum. Why is there color?

    How is history accurate when we weren't there...Faith.

    I can't believe something that I have not experienced. Why would a God send his son to become Mortal on Earth to just get written about by 12 guys? Why couldn't Jesus himself write the Bible?

    I'll continue later if I feel like it...
  4. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    The jesus being written about is completely logical cuz if so one wrote about themselves being the savior of the world you wouldnt listen.

    God cant destroy the devil because even if he doesnt like what he is doing he created him and he loves him ubondantly. and We are given free will so only if we trust in him and let him do it he lets us do our thing cuz if we just had him do everything he would be a slave to us instead us being he children
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Sorry Sage But you got to read revelations on this one.
  6. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I know revelations but im talking now not in the future and he is saying now or before so im giving him the facts for now or before. and yes in revelations it talks about him destroying the devil and him saving us
  7. Furry

    Furry Guest

    What were we before monkies?

    ....And before that?

    ....And before that?

    ....And before that?

    Must I continue?

    1) Its not logical, why would the Bible be logical but the Kouran or some other sacred writing of another writing not be logical to the Christians or the non-believers? You would just shun them because most people are narrow-minded about religion. What about the Greek/Roman Gods, sure they're not true but why Christians shun them.

    People writing for a savior is actually not very logical. Some people believe that Homer was a group of people who wrote epic poems. The Odyssey is a good example of this. Written about many people that were not Gods nor heroes. Why is this not true but the Bible is? There might be exxageration in The Odyssey but who's to say they didn't do that in any Sacred Writings?

    2) Read the Bible. regardless of religion, its a good read and gives you bigger perspective on things. I'm an atheist, previously Christian, but I enjoy reading religious literature. Each writing brings some of the same interesting conflicts and resolutions while bringing new diverse views of things.
  8. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I'll be really weak here and go with the compromise. What if [a god] created the first bit of matter in the Big Bang? That would lead to the creation of everything else: the stars, gas giants, planets, including Earth. It goes along with the belief that [a god] created everything as stated in certain religious texts. (For most religions.)
  9. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Have you ever read the Kouran. It actually says in it that Alla (not sure if spelled correctally) is the God of Sin. Also, it says that anyone who is not a muslum is a infedel and should be lied to, tortured, and killed. So if they own a store they can lie to you about any of items whether they are working, it is that actual item, or even the correct price.

    They are tought in the Kouran that muslums shall be the rulers of the world and they must first kill as many infedels as neccessary to claim that power and then kill all that still dont believe in Islam.

    And thats stereotyping Christians. Most true Christians accept the other believers of other religions and try to show them what Christ has done for them through their actions and let the other believers come to christ and not force Christ on them.

    And we are suppose to read and understand other religions so we can see what they are saying and try to ask questions about there beliefs to guide them towards Christ.
  10. Furry

    Furry Guest

    I was using the Kouran and Christians as an example. Sorry if I came off as if I were stereo-typing.

  11. Palidin

    Palidin Ancient
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    I'm going to say that if your a Christian, why do we get into a debate about this topic? Do you we honestly think even if we had hours of footage of God and the creation of the world that it would spark up change in any non-believer? It sure would spark up belief, though we do not have footage. Now you may think, "thats great if we did!".. No, it means nothing even if we did and everyone believed. The devil believes and is more piest than those who don't tremble for he trembles- for I can say most people from what Jesus told us in Matthew 7:13-14 (the majority will not be saved). Be hot or cold, not lukewarm. The devil trembles knowing this, and the fallen angels (demons), who God did not send a savior too- they will all have eternity in hell. Believing doesn't mean anything, you have accomplished absolutely NOTHING if you get people to believe in creation. God doesn't even give room for athiesm or religion, it will mean nothing on judgement day. If your an athiest, your a Lier, and your blinded by your own hatred and delusions you have made.. is it too late?-No! As you live and breath it is not, the arms of God are wide enough to love a million worlds of our evil sinful depravity- seek him and he will let himself be found- repent and confess to him your sins and he will be faithful and forgive them!

    Romans 1:18-23 says "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who supress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles". I think that is enough to draw back all Christians from this vainful search for "evidence" in arguing.

    Believing means nothing, salvation is by faith- which includes repentance. Faith alone is what the bible says, but true faith has works and bears good fruit (James 2), faith without works is dead, and repentance is something you must see from a believer otherwise they prove themselves not to be a believer. If you cared for your life and you take a nap on train tracks and someone woke you up and told you a train is coming, if you truely believed that a train was coming then you would move out of the way.

    This is an unbelievable story, its truth is only revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. The more you rely on the arm of the flesh (worldly means) is the less you will see of the arm (the power) of God. You don't need to defend God and his word by trying to proove hes right because God doesn't even acknowledge that anyone can be fooled by the standards of Not believing, two quotes from charles spurgeon "You usually don't have a man with a sword defend a lion". "Let the lion out of the cage and it will defend itself". Brothers, lets trust more in the arm of God; so that something Good will be done. Don't forget John ch15, apart from the vine we can grow no fruit (we cannot produce disciples). And most importantly, we do this in love; for we are here because we love people and more over we love and want to honor God.

    Isaiah 55:6-9
    "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near.
    Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.
    'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways', declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts'"
    #111 Palidin, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Wait what? You didn't say anything relevant to the debate at hand. Whether the god of the desert is real or not isn't the issue.
  13. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    There is a theory or something about the Big Bang occuring continuously.

    So what you are saying is that God made the universe, and then magically plopped some humans down on Earth?

    Yeah, two of each animal really came back and repopulated the flood. Interbreeding wasn't an issue at all. What was the point of the flood again? Flushing out the evil? Haha, look at people today. All very happy happy fun people right? (Ha, sorry if I sound like a jerk, I'm just trying to add some humor.)
  14. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    If God can make a universe i think he could make humans so that makes complete sense.

    Animals dont have interbreeding problems. And if god and flood the earth i think he can make interbreeding not a problem. And if you know anything about the Great Flood is that he promised not to do it again. So he wiped out the evil then the evil is back again and this time he is going to just end the world all who are true christians go to heaven and the rest are sent straight to hell. Then he creatures new earth and the people in heaven get to go to new earth and live in a perfect world with God
  15. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    When debates get this far and people justify their beliefs by saying, "god did this because he can", then there is no point trying to debate.
  16. BetaWaffle

    BetaWaffle Guest

    I believe (from fake scientific evidence) that my pet potato Steve has evolved directly from God.
  17. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Why can't both co-exist? A being or entity can make something on accident or on purpose, whether it be the universe or the human race. The human race can alter it's appearance and other traits by other co-existing causes. Again, whether it be naturally by itself, by an external source or by a "God."

    Evolution does make sense because do we all look identical. It might not be as drastic but if you look at everybody you're different in one way or another. It does not just have to be physically though. It could mentally, and health-wise.

    Identical twins for instance. One can have freckles or a birth mark or something and the other does not. In another scenario the identical twins are separated at birth and caused to live in different environments. One in the cold and one lives in the Sun's warmth. The "Cold" twin adapts to the environment but when the "Warm" twin comes to reunite he/she is not used to cold causing a health disruption.

    I know it seems like I'm comparing adaption to evolution but it is not all that off. It is just a brief comparison. I respect people's religions and beliefs. I am not sure what to believe in though. For all we know, we might just be a speck of mold on a sandwich that is about to be thrown in a compost.

    /End of Rambling
  18. curlybrows

    curlybrows Ancient
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    evolution is a process that takes thousands of generations (I say generations and not years because there is a species of cricket in hawaii that effectively stopped chirping in a couple of months). Also, if evolution took so long as whatever time amount you believe, then maybe we are the perfect species? maybe we've maxed out the ability to get better. according to darwin's laws, we'd only change traits if there was an exterior stimulus, such as a predator or new environment. we have no natural predators and humans have expanded to every continent except antartica. who knows? I'm agnostic, I think there is (was?) a god but maybe we killed Him/Her

    Ive always thought god was some twisted student in some school for life creators who started the entire earth to see how far we'd get. well, we got so far as to have chunks of metal talking to one another about his existence. Bravo, mister earth buildy guy.

    Woah, mikey---- does that make me god? SVEET

    and anyhoo back to god:
    so what if hes there or not? if he isnt there it aint no excuse to sin, and if he is why the hell does one man get so much power from him and others none at all? coughcoughPOPEahem

    I'm reading lots of bible argument. now dont say im claiming to be Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but I'm pretty sure the holy book of all Judeo-Christian religion is on a spectrum of how you can interpret it: it goes from extreme literal (EVERYTHING in the book is true) to extreme theoretical (just look at the morals in the story). now knowing the history of humankind, we have a tendency to embellish the truth so I dont think that the moral is the only thing to look at, but there werent millions of fighting, biting specie on a tiny boat.

    what I want is another alternative. not evolution, not creationism, but something else. chuck norris's crap getting up and walking away, and everyone evolved from that.

    Read Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Genius of a man, a different view on god.

    I'm afraid you're wrong. for athiests (which i consider myslef part of) our heaven is earth. and the bible states faith is good, but doing right unto another man is better. who says the athiests cant do that and get into heaven twice?

    not quite correct. if the buddhists are right everyone gets in as long as they havent disrupted peace on earth. so if everyone was a buddhist, win win win!

    as far as the thing with our body, mind and soul, i believe my soul is my mind without the body. No physicality involved. No sensualism like what it feels like when you get a paper cut, or when you scrape your knee. I always thought that was what heaven was, no physical pain. but the emotional pain is what makes it seem like earth but better. Human brains are programmed to avoid anything different until it's clear what side it's on, so why should heaven be any different?

  19. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    A few simple facts i have to clrea up here,

    1- Evoloution is a fact. We did not evolve form apes, we evolved with them. However, we, and every other aniaml, have evolved. Fact.

    2- The reason we are not evolving any more is pretty obvious if you know how evoloution works.

    Example (This is a fact. Btw)

    Most rabbits used to have small, and pretty crap ears. The occasional rabbit had large ears, and thus could hear its predators coming, and thus survive. The rabbits with small ears died out as the years went by. The rabbits with big ears went on to breed, and thus make more rabbits with big ears. Now, pretty much all rabits have big ears, so they have evolved.

    That is how evouloution works.

    The reason we are not evolving is because we have bulit everything for our own use, if a tiger tries to kill us, we shoot it with a gun. If we get a disease, we treat it, so our immune systems do not evolve. However, the diseases do, which is why, in the west, we have cancer. We treated the diseases, we did not evolve, the diseases did. In some non-developed countrys they are immune to cancer, because their immune systems have evolved.

    And creation has no proof at all. Sure you guys have theorys beleifs and storys, you have no solid evidence, i think you can admit that.
  20. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Domo, the only fact you posted was #1. The rabit analogy was good but not how it happened. And, no one, to my knowledge, is immune to cancer.
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