Credence Created by Iv0rY Snak3 Gametypes Supported: Faceoff Slayer, Faceoff KotH and Faceoff Ball Recommended Players: 4 Forgehub 2v2 Tournament, Round 10-11 As far as aesthetics go, Credence has the upper hand on most maps. The large, imposing arches, and elegant and seamless walls along with the awe-inspiring stair-wall create a relatively natural, organic feel, a feat that is difficult to accomplish in the bland warehouse that is foundry. Gameplay-wise, Credence is not one to disappoint. The looming arches are more than just a nice touch, they provide strategic cover for those on the run from a BR fight, or others who have just come out of one victorious. Download Credence Download Faceoff Slayer Download Faceoff KotH Download Faceoff Ball
ah yes, Credence. The map where Sir Shad0w Viper, I believe this is the correct term, pwned Iv0ry Snak3 and myself 2v1. Awesome job, Mr. Snack; the epic staircase master is a very fitting title.
That staircase structure is amazing!!! This map is probably the best so far in the 2v2 tourney maps....but I will have to confirm that when I manage to play a game here. Too bad I'm not in the tournament. A very great job on this beautiful map, Ivory Snak3. BTW, I am glad to have my 300th post on this thread!
What shame... Credence was posted early in the morning for most people, making it have less attention right away. To add on to that it got bumped down a spot on the front page. Anyways, the map looks awesome, the stairs are really cool too. I think if the arches were geomerged on a slant though it would be better, mainly because you would have more to work with and we would be able to see more creative techniques and aesthetics from the great Snack himself. I'm not in the 2v2 tournament but I sure as hell am going to play on this map. It will probably forever stay on my HDD. Kudos to you Skillful Stairmeister. Ivory is teh Staircase Virtuoso. EDIT: I have broken the map really easily and very quickly, this could be a problem...
amazing, everything from the pics = epic, the arches, the merging, and of course the stairs.i was planning on doing somthing kinda like that stair wall thing but now its not original so i wont bother. anyway as far as the map goes its pretty astounding both in size and probably gameplay, il dl tho im not in the tourney 4/5
Oh yeah, the original post forgot to mention that the entire map is merged down... As for breaking it, it doesn't matter since people who break it are disqualified...
I have heard so much about this map from other FH colored people. I am so glad it is finally Featured. I do like the fact that the map is geomerged down so nothing is caught on the edges. and i do like the stairs that everyone has mentioned So this map rocks and it is now on my map list.
This is a truley amazing map. I love the first pic with the stairs merged with the bridge wall. That had to tak forever to make. The map is just amazing. You could put a couple more pics and a little bit more of a description but the map itself makes up for any thing that could have been wrong with the post. The interlocking and geomerging is perfect. This map defenitly deserved to get featured and forge hub has found another great map to find its way to the best of Halo 3. Definite download and a 6/5 from me
i saw this map a long time ago... from ferretness and sqorck... it is great to play on and i just love the strip from the stairs thats really cool i will be DL... i really like the layout as well as the general effect while playing on it the weapons are far and it is just really fun to play on nice job
not many maps do i look at and immediately say this good there are even fewer that make me say that is great and this is above great to bad im not in the tourney but im still downloading the master piece 5/5
I love the look of the map.The staircase thing is really cool.I played slayer on the map and it was a sweet run.The map is kind of easy to escape though.The map deserves a 4.5/5.The spawns and gameplay worked well.Too bad i'm not in the tourney
I'm not partcipating but I have found a way outside the map, here's a tuturial. 1) Pick up the Trip Mine. 2) Go get a Battle Rifle or Covenant Carbine. 3) Jump on top of the Flare platform. 4) Deploy the Trip Mine, aim the BR/Carbine down at the Trip Mine and pull RT and press A at the same time to jump to a close platform with nothing on top of it. 5) That's it. The map is very, very nicely built, every object on the map is Merged or interlocked, mainly merged though as everything I see mainly is on the map. 4.25/5 and the map is fantastic!!
I agree with what you said how this map's aesthetics trumps most others. This is an awesome looking map. I like the stairs on the wall. That has to be the part of aesthetics. This would be an interesting map to play on. Are there any spots like tiny ledges where you can stand, but it might not seem like it? This looks amazing. 5/5
In my opinion this map is a 4/5 Aesthetics are very good in this map but it does not look like it would be a very food map to acutally play a competive game on but other than that good job Gratz on feature
Wow this map is awesome, The things you did with the staircase on the wall with the first screenshot guarantees my download. Nice job
I dropped out of the tourni a while ago, but I still usually play the maps to check em out. I thought this looked great as Ivory's stuff usually does, and it did play great, except for a terrible spawning problem? The start of the game, an opposing team member spawned behind me and assassinates me (we were playing both red and blue as the teams). Throughout the rest of the game, I continued to spawn right beside people? Alone, without my teammate on top of the other team, or beside my teammate dying to them. The map is fairly decently sized, so I wouldn't have thought this would be a problem. Is it possible it could have glitched and deleted spawns or something? I didn't really look into them, but it was more than just the occasional bad spawn, and the starting spawn was the real negative. Otherwise, the map looked great, and played decent when I actually got to move around lol.