It is, linu found out its kronos. The guy with like 6+ proxy accounts. Can't believe the site is turning into this..
Everyone in this thread officially wasted about 5 minutes of their life including commandermatt who spent the most time in this thread.
I think the original account(Kronos001) is unbanned. So I think this does not constitute as a ban evasion. But I'll look into it now.
Wouldn't making proxy accounts be sort of a ban evasion though? lawl, I'll let you guys figure it out
So, I guess this is just another clone account that someone made... I hate myself now; It took me the longest time to write that long post. Well I guess that's an hour of my life that I will never get back. *Cries*
Yeah, I agree. Shouldn't ban evasion technically mean that he's evading a ban, therefore, his first account would be banned, and the proxy accounts, banned, therefore, banning everything, therefore Ip banning him. Therefore. There. Fore.
Hay -flr- [And just so CHUCK wont warn me again...] Blah blah blah its nice to have you here... ....blah.....I'm Y35..... blablah Get to know me ?
How many times have you posted in here? Does batman ever get old? Do you think before you post? Have you checked the other "Introduction" threads?