To have a good map, do you think it would be necessary to merge everthing into the ground and/or walls to make it so there is no slip grenades? What other tips would be including into making a perfect map such as a featured map?
Hes just giving you a hard time, maybe in bad mood. Ya geomerging boxes really helps with gameplay and usually are in every featured competive map, i believe, not always
Why would people want to slip on grenades? D: I'm not totally sure if it's necessary to geormerge everything slightly so no grenades are lost. If your looking to get a featured map you might have to. You should ask someone who knows more about this though. Try and get them to tell you.
Yes, I would. You should geomerge everysinge double/single/open pox you put on the ground. Even if it is just a tad. That shows true dedication towards your map.
You should merge everything only if you really feel that your map design is truly worth the time. If you think that you have an ok concept for a map, you may not even want to bother. If you have a great layout, spawns, scenery, weapons, and so on then yes take the extra time to geomerge everything.
Lol, theres irony in that statement... Geomerging everything isn't necessary, as in order for grenades to slip under (they don't they just stop moving), you need to throw it at that exact spot, and thus isn't that where you wanted your grenade to go if you are throwing it there? Geomerging all your boxes just endes up making it look messy when creating an entire wall.