This map looks cool, i like the unique layout to it and the gameplay should be very good. Nice structures btw I would have geomerged the double boxes `more but still good job
Thanks, man. You were in on a lot of games so I'll be very curious to hear what you think of the changes. Explain yourself once you've downloaded the map and done a forgethrough. Merging just for merging's sake is just stupid, and is a waste of time and resources. Everything I've done here benefits the map in the way it plays, not to be pleasing to the 'moar interlox' crowd.
This looks good but breakable. Put it forward to the map testers guild and see if they can break it. Or is that the reason why this is version 2? It looks really clean. Well done on going for forging a symmetrical map rather than an assymetrical one.
Ya maybe so, I still believe that gameplay would be incredible, I dont think lowering the boxes would change gameplay. The only thing it really could change is aesthetics
No, the updates were mainly made to add to gameplay value. As I was doing updates someone mentioned that it was still breakable, so I did what I could to prevent it. If someone wants to break it and show it to me via youtube, fine. I still don't know what exactly you're referring to when you say "lower the boxes". If you're referring to merging the outer ring into the floor, doing so creates a major map-breaking situation, one that even I can accomplish with ease. I learned that after I merged the entire ring into the floor just enough to prevent grenades from trapping under there and not affecting the person you threw it at. It took countless hours to do and it didn't work. Needless to say that I was very upset. I've merged more objects together on this map than can be appreciated through the few pictures that are posted, which is why I structured my response the way I did. Do a forgethough and get back to me as to what you think could make the map better, or better yet play one of the preferred gametypes and send me the vid.