
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. ch33s3yboy

    ch33s3yboy Ancient
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    This map needs to be featured NAO :DD
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I beg to differ it need to be featured EALIOR!
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thanks guys, but I didn't expect that to happen on my first map. Though I did get a nomination in the feature thread by someone I didn't know. That made me smile :)

    I've got something in the works that is a lot cleaner than this. Cross my fingers on that one.
  4. Whitehawk

    Whitehawk Ancient
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    TO be honest about this map. One of the best CQB maps I've seen in a long long time. In fact, since Halo 2's Turf. Thats how good it is. The aesthetics are wonderful and the gameplay is fun. But encounters are short-n-sweet.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm glad you liked it and compared it to the epicness of turf (one of my all time favorite maps). The combat can be short and sweet yes, Rockets and Mauler are able to be used in that sense, but with BR starts, or even a team who controls the BRs, the main room can turn into a shooting gallery. Plasma pistols and BR's from the corners behind the teleporters, throw a couple of grenades and with skillz you can lock it down pretty tight. Thats how like to play, especially in flag and bomb, which are honestly the more competitve gametypes. Most people end up scrambling and mashing in the halls and rooms lol.
  6. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Harmonexus is an excellent map. I would like to see this baby get featured. Whatever map you are looking to churn out I will definitely test, just let me know when.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I seriously doubt this will get featured, as a matter of fact, I think it'd already too late. I didn't really expect it to, seeing as it is my first map post, and it did do quite well, but without any suggestions for improvement, I really didn't stand much of a feature chance. I appreciate your opinion though.

    As a matter of fact im 60% through my newest enclosed map. It's slightly larger than Harm, and has more available spawn places. It's kinda a sister map, with a similar feel with a new approach. I have as well though of doing a Harmonexus rework kit. Trying to change the flow of gameplay a bit, make it more circular rather than back and forth.
  8. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Good heavens, what a thorough post. I can't help but think that only the most dedicated fans will read all of it. I mean, yes, it was informative, but it was quite lengthy. Thanks for all the tips, pictures, descriptions, etc.!

    This map appears to be an excellent one. I can't download as I'm at school right now, but the layout, balanced weapons, flawless interlocking/geomerging and the general concept are all fantastic. Really.

    I have only two minor dislikes. The open room (in which one man is getting blasted by a rocket) feels very dangerous and could cause your players to avoid that bottom floor altogether. Secondly, one of the hallways look very long with no cover whatsoever. Without any sort of quasi-safety, I can't imagine many people taking a trip down that hallways, as once you're in it, you're committed to whatever direction you're headed, with no hope if someone with a superior weapon appears at the other end. Unless that hallway is leading to a rather impressive weapon, I myself would strategically avoid it at all costs.

    Everything else appears to be professionally made and well thought-out. Fantastic work, sir.
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thank you for the awesome response. I was pretty satisfied with this map, and thus why I finally posted one. To address your concerns:

    I tested this map a ton! lol, like a ton...about 100 games before I posted. The hallways don't attracted that much attention, the underneath ones are pretty short and have connector where the overshield is, so they are pretty safe. The upper hallway is a bit long yes, but their are plasmas in the middle giving the person a fighting chance. Some great battles go on, and on either end of the wallway there is lots of cover, along with teleporters to take you behind your enemy.

    As for the main room, the lower section isn't as trapping as you think. The bridge ledges provide great natural cover and allow for some decent top to bottom BR battles.

    I really hope to have your response once you play it. I'm always looking for suggestions, though I haven't gotten much (there must be something to fix if no feature right lol?)

  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Alright so, i got a few games in on this one, but they were relatively small partied games. I enjoyed multi-flag, but slayer was just alright. The weapons felt stale, and there wasnt always one when i needed it. they work fine for the mix, but i found myself repetatively using the same ones over and over again. Additionally, my concern is the rockets being on the same floor as the brute shot on a level of this size. i know theres jumps and stuff required for the rockets, but they are in general pretty close.

    The layout is fantastic. Plays really nicely for objective games. You chose the objective spawns well, and the gameplay has no real suffering points. I had an off spawn here of there in slayer, but thats to happen with small enclosed maps such as this one.

    My only real feedback is that ive personally grown less fond of playing on smaller maps, and that you should try to expand your horizons a little more. Make your enclosed areas a little less enclosed and your open areas a little less open.

    thats just opinion and personal taste though. congrats ona sweet map.
  11. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    this map looks great for the 2v2 tourny. im gonna dl and get back to you with a rating
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Chrst is you are looking to improve on Harmonexus further I can totally Simon Cowell review it. I'll pull out all the stops on this review. Expect it to be blunt, not sugar coated, and very detailed.
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    To adress you points:
    Yeah I guess slayer can grow a bit stale with the weapons. See I find it hard to discover this through my own testing and playing, as it is my own map and I know what to do and where to go all the time right, this is why I like other peoples comments.

    I personally never had a problem with the brute shot, though a few others have brought this up so it could be fixed. I liked my weapon layout as it remained competitive, yet I agree on it being boring (sort of). I don't personally like the mauler, it's boring, but as well I hate weapons like fuel rod and sentinal beam. They just aren't competitive. I used to have more weapons, but I had complaints of "too many weapons". I had a few more Br's, carbines and smgs/spikers.

    I really enjoy objective games, and I felt my teleporters worked well, though I feel the gameplay for slayer has a back and forth flow. I thought about opening up to paths from the spawn bases to the main room, allowing for a more circular flow. Though this would greatly impact 1 sided objective games.

    I've realized that small maps aren't really a favorite around here, though I am personally not a fan of the well.."random" maps. Maps that feel like foundry square with just random structures. I enjoying making maps feel like a seperate map on their own. My newest enclosed map has a larger area than harmonexus, so it may support up to a possible of 4v4 which would be nice. I will take your advice though, and try to move towards larger maps, maybe only partially enclosed. Ohmy I wish for sandbox :(
    Thanks for the kind words and response though :)

    Haha thanks, but the 2v2 maps were specifically made for it by colored members. Would have made a good practice map though.

    Yes, if I do fix my interlocks and try changing some stuff that'd be awesome. I want people to be as ridiculously hard as possible, as long as they understand that if I dont take a suggestion it's for a reason. I'd rather more feedback on what to fix, and more informed feedback than people just looking at the pictures. My next map will be I hope a large improvement on Harmonexus.
  14. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    I love this map! I really would like to see some gameplay on it, it looks sweet. Why don't you just use gamevee.com instead of buying a capture card? The quality is fine, and the video can be converted to wmv. or mov. format with some free software you can download on apple.com/downloads. It would really help get the movie up faster
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thanks, I tried doing this the other day but it kinda confused me. Plus I would need to get another game on it. Can I edit the vid though? like just have clips from different games, rather than just straight slayer, or three different vids?

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