Far Cry 2's map editor totally destroys Halo 3's forge. I just got FC2 a few days ago and I honestly can't go back to Halo 3 because FC2's editor is better in almost every single way. You can edit almost every aspect of the map and you don't have a crippling budget/item limit to worry about. The maps are on a much bigger scale and there are way more items to work with. Overall FC2's editor rapes Forge in the ass.
exactly what i thought!WOW! damn i never even played farcry 1 ... but now i want to buy it just so i can make **** like this! this totally kicks forge ass, rapes it , and doesn't call the next day.
You really can't compare the two. The thing with Forge is that it takes ridiculous amounts of time, patience and skill to say geo-merge consistently or create a thought-out one-sided objective map, ya know? It was more the great people of FH turning a mediocre map-tweaking tool and turning it into a wicked make your own map kind of thing, and so naturally it isn't like Far Cry because it isn't a make-your-own map thing it's and edit-your-own-map thing.
question, can you share your maps and gametypes on farcry because if you can't i'm not gonna bother getting it, unless the campaign is good.
You can only share them through an ingame server that only allows one screenshot for now. They will be adding the ability to put them up on websites like Halo soon though.
well then i guess i'll wait for the update then. hopefully it will happen very soon, although is the damage like cod4, no shields, or like halo, shields?
Battlefield, stimpacks, but u have a limited number. Well thats campaign anyway, can't find a damn match in Mp. As for people comparing the two, stop. There is no comparison. FC offers in "some" ways more possibilities, and in other ways limits you. Honestly, overall when I complete a forge map, it feels like a way greater accomplishment.
I'm gonna go with the only maps we are going to be seeing is competitive and possible race maps if there are vehicles, but there won't be any mini games unless there is something I dont know.
agreed, but i'll still try farcry 2 and its map editor and if it isn't to fun, then I will kick the crap out of the campaign, because today, I heard it was pretty good. P.S. Get deadspace, very good game, sort of like bioshick (well a little bit). Pretty creepy though.
Campaign kicks ass and is super unique and fun, and is the reason i don't regret buying this. I just got into the MP, and it's awesome too. Honestly the map editor is the worst thing about this game, and thats saying something cuz it's pretty good.
Does anybody know the names of some of these maps? mainly the swampy-tree fort looking one and the sky castle. they look superb, i want them >.<
I know some of them. The one with the dam is incredible. I played on the D-Day map a couple of time and it was just terrible. I did play on Time Glitch's (from FH) map and it was really good but just a tad to big. But, overall Far Cry 2 is a awesome game. The campaign, MP, and Map editor are great.