
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Spitfire III
    Download link

    Map Creators: BlazeIsGod, Phreakie, and Vorpal Saint.

    Briefing: Spitfire is an asymmetrical map that takes up most of foundry. The back halls and rooms are closed off. Though asymmetrical, you'll notice a similarity between certain structures. I'll go ahead and note this now that there is no interlocking or geomerging in this map. So please, don't advice us that we should either learn how to, or do it. We all know how to and very well mind you. The map layout was made in basically one forge session (I went back a few times to add a few cover here and there)... and another main forge session was spent to lay down weapons and spawns (later did a few minor changes). This map has been tested numerous times, and it plays really well (IMO). So yeah, hope you like it (though since there isn't any interlocking/geomerging and I doubt some of you will even bother to read this, I doubt you will).​

    vII changes:
    Moved around some weapons

    vIII changes:
    Changed the Chopper out for a Ghost.
    Changed the Sword out for a Flamethrower.
    Changed the Plasma Turret to a Machine Gun Turret.
    Added some BR's and a Carbine.
    added/removed/shifted some cover.

    Layout Screenshots

    The Spartan Laser Spawns in this area (behind the fence wall)

    The B side is the attackers side (bubble shield spawns next to the white power up)

    The Attackers Base

    Attackers Bunker

    The Garage

    Defenders outer base area

    Overshield spawn area

    Behind the overshield spawn (looking towards the Defenders base)

    The Defenders base

    Action Screenshots

    2 4 1

    Imma Firin' My Lazar!


    He'll never find me here!

    Kick you in the face with my ENERGY LEGS!!

    Pink Bursting Dino

    Close Call

    The King goes Boom

    Roche, Do a Barrel Roll!

    Here's a color-coded bullet-list of weapons/vechicals/equipment for Spitfire.​

    • Weapons
      • x2 Assault Rifles: 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
      • x8 Battle Rifles: 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
        • x1 Sniper Rifle: 120 sec. respawn, 1 clip.
      • x2 SMGs: 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
      • x2 Spikers: 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
      • x1 Plasma Pistol: 60 sec. respawn.
      • x2 Plasma Rifles: 30 sec. respawn.
      • x1 Needler: 60 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
      • x2 Bruteshots: 90 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
        • x1 Spartan Laser: 150 sec. respawn.
        • x1 Flamethrower: 120 sec. respawn.
        • x1 Machine Gun Turret: 120 sec. respawn.
      • x5 Carbine: 30 sec. respawn, 2 clips.
    • Vechicals
      • x1 Mongoose: 60 sec. respawn.
        • x1 Ghost: 150 sec. respawn.
    • Equipment
      • x6 Frag Grenades: 20 sec. respawn.
      • x6 Spike Grenades: 30 sec. respawn.
      • x1 Bubble Shield: 60 sec. respawn.
      • x1 Power Drainer: 90 sec. respawn.
      • x1 Trip Mine: 90 sec. respawn.
        • x1 Overshields: 120 sec. respawn.
    Unfortunately, while placing objectives, we hit the item limit. So not every gametype can be played here. Those being VIP, Territories, Juggernaut, and Infection. I will now list the five top games I recommend you should try out though.​
    1. Team Slayer: 3v3-5v5
    2. 1-Flag: 3v3-5v5
    3. Team King: 3v3-5v5
    4. Team Oddball: 3v3-5v5
    5. 1-Bomb: 3v3-5v5
    *BR starts may be a good idea...

    So yeah, there you have it. Hope you enjoy this map as much as we did. Thanks all who helped test, and thanks you all who download/comment the map! :)

    --And sorry, but it's very unlikely that we will make an interlocked/geomerging version of this...
    #1 Nobody Worthy, Oct 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  2. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    if you make a map without interlocking and geomerging even if you tell us that you dont have any you still are gonna get hasseled about it i was expecting a good map from a loyal member but from what i can see this isnt that great and a laser is usually not a great weapon to have on a map like this
  3. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Not only did a loyal have a hand in this, but so did a premium (BlazeIsGod)... and of course OtherDark... but that's besides the point. :D

    Anyways, I think you should at least try a game on here before you judge the map.

    EDIT: Laser works fine. Not too strong, not too weak.
  4. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    OHHHHH it looks sooo good!... anways. that's good for one that you put so many game types in this map! I don't spot any interlocking but who cares? not i! With a sniper rifle, sword and laser isn't it a bit hectic with all the power weapons? Also how do you be gettin a white power up? from the pics i'll be givin it a 4/5
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Needs more interlocking, 2/5 kthxbi


    This map plays really well. It's actually well built instead of some random stuff, it feels like structures are meant to be where they are, and everything flows nicely.
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    just to prove a point, i think was the words other dark used when he showed me and paulie this. just to prove a point. ill admit that yes this is a good map, but the structures arent at all close to each other, where interlocking could take place, so of course you dont need interlocking in just about any areas, but you have made it clear that a good map can be achieved without the technique. i do like this however, just not my favorite work of you 3.
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Don't worry guy, the power weapons are fine. They are spread out fairly and flow well together. Oh and white power up = Active Camo + Custom Power up.

    inorite? lawlz.

    Thank you good sir, I'm glad you like the map, even if there is no interlocking.

    As of now, it's the only work of us three together. xD --But yeah, I get what you mean. This map could be better with interlocking/geomerging... but like OtherDark said, it's just to prove a point.
  8. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    WHY DOES THIS MAP HAVE A 3. you dont need interlocking to make a map good. k i changed it, but we still need another 5/5 for it.

    of course, and your point has been proven, as i had a forge through with dark, adn everything is good in it. just that interlocking really helps, like vertebraille counlnt have been made without it, as well as many other epic maps you all know about.but as far as un interlocked maps go, this is quite epicccc.
  9. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Wow I am really surprised how well built this is and yet playing it looks really fun. I knew as soon as I saw those three names together I was like OMGWTFHAXBME. Anyway I look forward to playing this and having a blast playing it.
  10. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    The gameplay on this map was top notch, I never really got bored through out which what happens with me and most competitive maps these days. I love the fact that it's a competitive map with a balenced Chopper since they don't too much of that treatment they truly deserve. I think that aesthetics, even without interlockz, are great and especially on the truck garage, reminds me slightly of Turf since it has an urban feel to it.
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Idk, nubs do it all of the time though...

    Yep, I agree. And thanks for thinking this map is quite epic. I must agree with you. ;)

    lawlz. I hope you have a blast too. :)

    O noes! I forgot to put in my screenshot where I had a triple splatter kill with the chopper. :O! (You were one of the dudes I killed) --And thank you for the reply. Well done good sir.
  12. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    hey vorpal I don't care about interlocking since when does the community decide what we do with our maps. Interlocking is not needed IF gameplay is great, which I'm almost positive is great ima DL this and check it out.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Someone pulled this one up randomly yesterday, so i already got a game in on it.

    It plays pretty decent, and of course it looks nice. Its not my favorite work from any of you really, but there are a few neat structures in there than i havent seen before. Its amazing how unblaze-like blaze is when you take away his interlocking lol

    worth a download.
  14. fluffypancakes

    fluffypancakes Ancient

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    god this is so awesome that i feel like sucking on a raw pickle.
  15. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    inorite? Yeah, not our best work. But still pretty epic for how long it actually to take (which was like an hour for the layout). And yeah, there's like only two or three fence walls in the map. xD

    Uhm... ok? Lawlz. Well, could you elaborate a little. Like, what you do you like so much about the map. (well, I guess you cant now since you're banned... =\)
  16. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I don't know man, It played ok,
    but honestly, it wasn't very pretty at all...
    It looked like you kinda tried to remake bunkers, but w/out inter/merging

    I rwally didn't expect this from mods, since theyre perfectionists,

    but over alll, i guess its baout playing, not aesthetics...

  17. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty shiny map. Nicely done, especially disregarding the interlocking and merging. Flows pretty nicely and the laser balances out well (how the hell did you get that double kill... ?)

    Anyway, Vorpal, I haz a question: Why DIDN'T you interlock? I read your whole description, I know you guys just built this in one quick forge session, but... why? This map could have been so much more ownsauce if you three had taken the time to interlock and geomerge some stuff. I know between the three of you that would probably take like... 30 minutes. The map could look so much cleaner, and you wouldn't have to deal with magically vanishing grenades and the like... why didn't you interlock?

    The map is incredible for something like the ol' LMC, if that's what you're doing. But please, for the love of Forge, make a V2 with interlocking. It would be so much shinier =)

    Ok so actual review: I really like the whole area behind the OS building. It's really well planned out and the firing lanes all intersect nicely. It seems basically impossible to find a nice place to set up camp on this map. The laser helps out for some hilarious long-range combat, but due to the majoritively close-quarters nature of the map, it isn't overpowered. In fact, none of the fairly abundant power weapons are. The only thing I don't like about the map is that it doesn't seem like a cohesive whole. I mean, it flows pretty well and all, and battle play out ALL OVER this effin map, but all the individual structures seem like just that: individual structures. It doesn't seem like one solid map with some focal points, it seems like an amalgation of mini-maps. This sometimes leads to a couple of WTF moments just running around. Maybe I just need to play the map some more, but that was kinda bugging me...

    Still, amazing map. Of course, it's effin Vorpal and Blaze, so of course it's a good map. Rating by the standards I'm sure we all expect from you guys, 3.5/5. Normal rating, 4.5/5
  18. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
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    not a terrible map
    it plays well overall and can be used for many gametypes, which is a big plus
    only thing is that i expected to see more things (well, actually everything) interlocked from such a high status member
    not counting interlocking, ill give it a 4/5
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Never played bunkers. Wouldn't know what it looked like.

    We're not mods. I'm a loyal, Blaze is a Premium, and OtherDark is a default-ranked member. In most cases, we're perfectionists. --And to be honest, I think we did a good job with the time that was spent on this map which I'd say was roughly four hours total (doing the layout, weapons/spawns, testing, tweaks)...

    And yes, I agree 100% with that. Sure, the way you build your map has everything to do with gameplay, and in some cases interlocking/geomerging helps... but it's just a small factor of the bigger one. Anyways, thanks I'm glad you like the map even though it doesn't have interlocking/geomerging. :)

    Thanks? Lawlz, I've never had a shiny map before... woot! --Oh and I got the double laser kill because of lag. =\

    In short: To prove a point. --But no really, it was like 5 in the morning -for blaze and I anyways, it was like 2 or something where OtherDark is and we were in forge and I was like "lulz, lets build a map". The next thing I know Blaze started building... so I started and then OtherDark started. While we were building we had no idea that we were about to make a half-decent map. So when it was all done and over we were like lulz epicwin (and with the budget gone to hell, and what-not interlocking/geomerging neatly would've been too time-consuming) and so OtherDark had to go, and we agreed that him and me would work with weapons and spawns. I told them (jokingly at first) that I would post it later... and then after testing it... I was like Ok, yeah, posting this for sure --If it played like crap then I doubt I would've. But I do agree that if it was interlocked and geomerged then it would look much shinier... but it's not that bad to where I think we should (As for the grenade thing, that rarely ever happens anyways, plus theirs only spike grenades on the map, so the only frags you can get are the two at the start or the ones off dead people who didn't use theirs).

  20. Sep7aPhobia

    Sep7aPhobia Ancient
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    Just goes to show you that you dont need lots of interlocking and Goe-merging to have a good map. At first I thought all the power weapons would be a bit to much but they flow well and balance each other out. All in all a very good map.

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