Chief, don't listen to them... Go with the cool one... Cool Chief Wiggum 00 :lol: Anyways, I think you have many suggestions.. getting confused is a sign. Perhaps you should try one. Grif offers unlimited name changes for a cookie you know :joker: Anyways, if you choose something while I'm asleep, don't scare me with your awsome new name. Later, hope I was less confusing than some... and more confusing than more :happy:
True, but no offense, but almost everything the we've come up with is better than the 00 in your name... I mean 0s... they aren't speshal. They aren't speshal at all.
Or "Ever Since 1959" Nothing like: xxxxkillerxxxxx II Unoriginal II "your name"78273978972384 Or anything of those matters If you have those in your name, your unoriginal and you suck.
ok, im going to request a change, but dont expect anything big, im just taking away 2 things and adding a different one...
nooooooo!!!! multiple chief wiggums i thought 1 was bad. jkjkjk lol it was a joke bout the s after wiggum