Bungie Favs :(

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jamster2112, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Jamster2112

    Jamster2112 Ancient
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    Is it just me or do bungie fav suck
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Well, Bungie dosen't choose the favs anymore. They give different groups the chance to pick them, and most of which the groups don't know how to Forge. Now, if Bungie would reconize us, there would be great maps every week... possibly even having the last 5 Forgehub features.

    but, we can only wish :(

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    Just to tell you; Just about everybody hates Bungie Favorites on forge hub since they are almost never updated and so many other things to list. Just to put it in simple terms Bungie favorites are Crap.

    That's why we have our own Forge hub Favorites that are updated a lot more then Bungie and the staff picks some of the best maps (That has not been featured on the front page) along with pictures on the site.

    @Bluejayfa94: Forge hub has already been picked to get on Bungie Favorites awhile back and we also picked what's going to be in the Bungie Favorites next time. The only problem is that Bungie won't update things and we are just waiting to get on Bungie Favorites. But, Don't worry we will soon get our spotlight shined on us again.
  4. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    We did! when was this?
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That was another site. They just liked our maps.
  6. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Bluejays is right, we should be getting on bungie favs soon, but like matt said bungie is too lazy to update. the most likely reason would be that bungies working on like 2 projects and other things.
  7. urk

    urk Ancient
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    We do get that the communities we've already showcased don't necessarily have content that will appeal to everyone. The current process allows the selected groups to generate and choose the Favorites content on their own. In concert, we've made improvements to our ranking and sorting tools, so it's much easier now to find good stuff via Bungie.net.

  8. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    no offence, but some of the communitys you get have very bad maps, good screens though. a suggestion would be to get maps and gametype from good map communities like here, H3 Artificer, and racetracks.org which all i think have been faved. then get the screenies and films/film clips from other sites.
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I agree. That would be a good system.
  10. urk

    urk Ancient
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    Eh, the idea as it stands is just to showcase some cool communities. Like I said, I understand that some of the stuff isn't Top 10 material, but if that were the criteria, we wouldn't have too many places to shine the Spotlight on.

    As it is now, you can tag your maps on Bungie.net, showcase them in the forums (and on Forge Hub), and if they're great, they should, in theory, rise to the top and queue up for people to check out.

    It's not a perfect solution, I know, but I think it'd be a bit unfair to tell the people in the Spotlight that their maps had to be vetted and meet some kind of criteria before they could show them off. Keep in mind, sometimes it's not about how awesome the maps are, but maybe how that map fits in with that particular community's playstyle.

    I don't want to come off as dismissive - there's room for improvement with the way the Community Spotlights currently work, but it might help to view the Favorites attached to the Spotlight features not as the best of the best, but rather, the best from the community being showcased.

    Make more sense?
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Well ya bungie should like our maps, its like the best place on the internet to dowload them.

    I reallly think FH needs to be recognized.
    I would love to see some featured maps on Favs
  12. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    Seems like no one here has the patience to wait. Just give Bungie some time to finally show off our maps. I've seen forgehub on the Bungie Favs once, so there's no need to worry.

    Plus, not everyone checks Bungie's favorites because they don't care to download custom maps or videos that could potentially be lame according to that person's opinion.
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    It honestly has gotten to the point where I can enter a random matchmaking lobby and come upon people discussing the "poor quality" of Bungie Favorites. Which, untranslated, can equate to: "OMG teh favs r ghEy" "ya lol they suk" "omg bungee r retard" "hay guyz i could maek a beTur map tahn the oens on favs, and seirously, im 13 and i almost have a girlfriend." Bungie Favorites seems to have lost its prestige, which is sad.

    On a serious note, I'm glad that Urk's now working for Bungie and in charge of the Favorites. I think I speak for the entire Halo community when I say that we're grateful that he's doing so, and hope that he doesn't have to put up with too much bullshit from angry people whose egos are bolstered by Internet anonymity. Fight the good fight.

    So, Urk, I have a couple of questions for you and it would be great if you could answer them for me! If not, I understand, seeing as the secret Bungie ninjas (under the guidance of the Webmaster) would probably take your entire family hostage and hold them for ransom if you revealed something you weren't supposed to.

    1) How long will "group picked" Favorites last? I remember lukems saying a while ago that over a year's worth of groups had been selected, but as we all know he has a tendency to exaggerate...
    2) Which groups are next in line as it stands now?
    3) Yomtvraps (now Dizzy Rascal, Gamertag: KaNgArOo KiLla) can has Recon? It's a bit of an inside joke within ForgeHub. Because he thought the mods here were unfair, he posted a petition asking Hubbers to promote him to Moderator status. After that failed, it was suggested that he become a Super Admin. Since we aren't capable of elevating him to the supreme status he deserves, I figure that Recon would be fair compensation for his extremely well-thought out and organized campaign, (in the true spirit of election season and the ability to rise from relative obscurity to a position of great importance)!

  14. raide003

    raide003 Ancient
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    yea bungie favs suck
    theres never anything good its retarded
  15. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I also have a question (or two) for you Urk. Might you know when Bungie will be implementing the rendering process on B.net so for those of us who do not own a capture card will be able to save our most prized clips and movies to our computer? I'm not sure if you're part of this area, but you still might have news on it.

    By the way, I like how all of the downloadable content is set up now. It is in a better order than it was before and I'm even able to find specific images more easily now.
  16. urk

    urk Ancient
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    Juggernaut448, I'm not hooked into the development progress of the render-to-video stuff. As soon as we get some concrete time frames, we'll let you know.

    Trust me, I know how slick it is to be able to render those clips out. I bought a Blackmagic Intesity Pro and had about 400 HD videos up on the web on my own before my time with Bungie.

  17. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Well thanks for answering my question-ish. Lol. I'm glad that Bungie realized that creating a video rendering service would help everyone make their montages, forge-thoughs, and Machinimas tons easier to produce since most Halo 3 fans like to watch videos and such. Also since most Halo 3 players are young, they don't have access to digital video recording tools that could help them get their clips and movies to the internet, so this, once again, is a great move on Bungie's part.

    Lastly, I would like to say that the Hornet video amused me. Great thinking by the player to do that.
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Hey, I say we start a petition for "Yomtmvraps haz recon!!!111one!!"
    It would amuse everyone, including Urk... Right?
    Or maybe even have flaming recon! But then... the world would end - I mean just look at what happened with Stosh. :lol:
  19. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    That would work if people didn't like forge by three year olds that are crappily forged armoury having fat kid games that the humans always win at. Sorry i don't like being mean but i hate when good maps get ignored and crappy ones get put up for everyone to see
  20. urk

    urk Ancient
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