Yeah you really don't have on the job training for this kind of stuff.
Yeah it's just a slip-up I know, although a little more interesting considering he takes some time to think about his answer before he gives it. It just bothers me that if John McCain had said this, the media would be all over it. Yet Obama says it and no one reports on it. It just goes to show the bias in the media today.
haha wow he didnt even relize what he did wrong lol Usually presidents of the united states know how many states we have lol
Oh guys it's just a slip up. There are many territories like guam and american samoa outside of the states. And yes there are only 50 states and he should have said that, but don't make this into a big issue when you well know that barack obama knows that there are 50 states in the union. And sure I support him, but it's because he actually has a plan and doesn't lie.
my momma loves obama.. i have to admit that this is a pretty funny thing. i love obama too.. we should have a poll..