Explanation: Okay, You may have noticed that it doesn't say "FlipStik" it says "SoulSniper1 [1]" That's because whilst sleeping over at my friends house, we were too lazy to plug in my hard drive and switch all the stuff just so I can sign in on my profile (Which we ended up doing after we got this footage). Anyway we had just seen "Goosetage" and "Lord Mongoose's Mongoose Montage" and we loved it, so we thought "Let's try that stuff! It looks like so much fun!" And so after playing multiple games of team slayer, in every single one we would try and get a Brute Shot, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, or Spartan Laser. Preferring to have a Bruty and one of the other 3. And finally it paid off. In MY First ever Mongoose Noscope!! Here it is, enjoy! Mongoose Noscope hosted by GameVee.com
Nice no scope, I thought it would just be a close drive next to him and a pop-off the head but no thats quite decent!
Wow! That is probably the most insane and amazing thing I have ever seen... Wow.. I can't even say anything but wow.
Umm.. I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, but if it wasn't I guess you haven't watched a lot of halo videos, have you? But about the video: It was pretty decent one, though I was hoping to see something breathtaking, and that you would have at least used the bruteshot... well done still, I haven't done any mogoose no-scopes yet, I have noticed that it is very difficult and that it's very likely that it's you, who will get owned...
Wow, that was a really epic headshot. I remember my first time i sat on a mongoose with a sniper. It was on Valhalla, too. My fist mongoose sniper shot was a cross-map headshot. It stayed my only mongoose headshot. Tried a few times after it, but I failed.
Sorry to disappoint, but it was a Shotty/Sniper Game, and last time I checked, shotguns don't propel Mongooses into the air at incredible heights, so yeah.. And also, I'm pretty sure Th Knight doesn't watch Montage's often..
Pretty good, but I don't think it should be a thread, I got a double kill with no-scopes on a mongoose, its on my second halo 3 montage.