Tremor N' Mouse Reloaded.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mastar, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Im pretty sure I've played version 1 of this and it was a blast. Comparing V1 to V2 I think you need to add a bit more obstacles to V2 as it seems a bit open.

    Overall Great map 4/5
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    looks great
    great geomering, with the bridges and the mancannon
    the fence jump looks kinda rickety
    mabey make an arching pallet bridge
  3. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This is a good game, but I really don't think it warranted multiple versions. I mean all it really is cat and mouse with a chopper on foundry. If I'm in a party with enough people I would personally rather play snow mice and this isn't different enough to make me willing to play both games.
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks pretty fun. I love it when the chopper slams into the mongoose. You really have all interesting maps, and I really like them. I hope I will have one helluva game in this map. Perhaps you can add me on Xbox Live so we can play this. GT: I BlacKOu7 I. Peace.
  5. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    lolol, even if this map looked like crap (which it isn't, its freaking amazing) i would still d/l it because of the awesome description. roflcopter=ftw. the only thing i would complain about is you never say if the tremor can use his cannons, when i was playing it with my friends we used an honor rule so that he couldn't, is that the way it was intended to play like?

  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Umm.. Did you read the whole thing?

  7. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I love these type of games. And adding mongooshes is a really good twist. Everything is moerged and good and the map it's self looks very good. I'm sure you will get some idiot who doesn't go on the mongoose but I don't suppose they will get far. Best bull ring/cat n mouse type thing I've seen. 5/5
  8. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Well you could say something similar about Valley of the Beast. But it would a stupid thing to say as, although VOTB uses a mixture of other classic minigames, it is a superb idea and works out very well. Just because it is made after other classics doesn't mean it can't be alot of fun to play.

    Tremor n' Mouse combines the funnest aspects of Cat and Mouse, with the funnest aspects of Tremors. Although Tremor n Mouse is made off of those two classics. It works out into a hybrid that plays completely differently and has its own vibe. It is definately not "Cat n Mouse with Choppers instead of Wraiths" and the same thing applies to VOTB.
  9. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Well I'm glad you find my minigame so interesting... I understand where you're coming from and I admit that termors n mouse can be a refreshing change to the old cat and mouse.(and it's nice to switch it up every once in a while) All I am saying is similar to the fact that VOTB resembles the orginal tremor valley, I would never play them back to back and I have a personal preference towards one, as we all do. While I admit the feel of tremors n mouse is somewhat different it's still infection style vechile vs vechile survivial and falls into the same catagory of mini game map in my personal opinion. I apologize if you thought i was over generalizing your map, I do enjoy it and keep it on my HD.
  10. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    very,very,very cool map this map is just insane its just like the map Bull In The Ring very cool. This map is way better than all the map related to this type of game. Great idea i like the map a lot!!!!
  11. Yum_Toast

    Yum_Toast Ancient
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    Awesome, the first one was a blast and all of the chages look amazing. The jump in particular looks very fun. Q'ed
  12. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    that looks realy fun, i love minigames and i loved cat and mouse so its worth a Dl, looks nicely geomerged.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I can't remember what the original looked like, but I like the idea of geomerging the jumps so that the Mongeese don't 'jump' on the ramps. Let's see how the hinour rules play out though...
  14. breszhnev

    breszhnev Ancient
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    I love this game but I do see one MAJOR flaw. One guy decided to be a jerk and stood behind the shield door corner, so I couldnt kill him. I had to kick him. And then everyone started jumping on the dumpsters instead of driving a round, so I had to kick some of them. Ive never kicked so many people before that.
  15. Purplehaybusa

    Purplehaybusa Ancient
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    Wow, that is really cool! *downloads* The geo merging is nice and how did you get that man cannon under the floor?? I can never understand how to geomerge.
  16. Synthysteel

    Synthysteel Ancient
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    Wow, this is a sure download. I love both gametypes and now I want to see them fuzed together. You sir, are the winrar.
  17. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    Looks like it'll be great, I'll be DLing as soon as those Micro$oft people finish tinkering with my 360. The only issue seems to be convincing the people I play with to obey the honor rules...

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