Tremor N' Mouse Reloaded.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mastar, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    The Revamped version of Tremor N' Mouse

    I was not satisfied with my first version, so this is the V2.
    Download MAP
    Download GAMETYPE
    I was playing some customs the other day, Tremor Cliffs to be exact.. And I thought.. The funnest thing about Tremors is being the Tremor and splattering people. Then I realised that the most exciting part of Cat N' Mouse is being the mice and running away.

    So... Why not combine the best of both worlds?

    Tremor N' Mouse uses the infection gametype to bring a fresh and exciting twist on two classic mini games.

    __________________________________________________ _

    How the game works

    Its Tremor vs. Mice.
    At the start of the game the mice are free to frolic in the rolling meadows of their cage..

    Until 20 seconds into the round, a grav lift spawns. Allowing the infected player access to the Chopper.

    So at about 30 seconds in, the Tremor is in the mouse cage. His ROFL Chopper goes OM NOM NOM NOM.

    The Tremor boosts into the panicking mice, exploding them in a shower of blood and fire.
    Mice only have one life per round, they ain't no cats yo.

    More and more mice fall victim to the Tremor's powerfull OM NOM NOMs. The Tremor gains one point from each mouse he/she eats.
    Untill only one is left..
    The Last Mouse Standing gains 5 points for his efforts, but death is inevitable.


    Quick info

    • Tremor gains one point per Mouse kill
    • Last mouse standing earns 5 points
    • Five rounds total
    • Five Minute Round time limit
    • One life per round for the mice.
    I gave the mice a 10m motion tracker, allowing them to glimpse a gigantic red blip in the lower left hand corner of their eyes and yelping OH SHI- before getting slammed.

    The Tremor too, has a 10m Motion tracker, he/she can feel the vibrations of the mice as they scurry around in fear.

    Tremor should not try and follow the mice around, but instead attempt to predict their route choice and cut them off with a boost mega OM NOM to the face.

    Mice need to stay moving as much as possible, these Tremors are smart y'all. If the mice fall over or spin out, they're pretty much done for.


    • Pretty much everything has been Geo Merged
    • New obstacles added
    • Tremor player is now invisible, so it looks as if an empty Chopper is chasing you.
    • Extended wallplant bank.
    • New jump interlocked into wall, and geo merged into the ground. Near the man cannon.
    • Towering new structures made from stairs, have replaced the dumpsters.
    • I have set the Mongeese to respawn - Never.
    • Added respawn points to let players who join mid game spawn inside the map.
    • Cleaned up interlocks and Geo Merges around the map.

    Honour Rules
    Ofcourse.. there are some little rules...

    • Hijacking of the Tremor is prohibited and will result in the offending mouse being booted from the game. Mice and Graboids are two different species. They can't produce viable offspring.
    • The Tremor is not allowed to shoot at the Mice with its cannons. That's unfair as it knocks them over. Don't play with your food ya know?
    • This last rule isn't as important. Mice should try and stay in their vehicles at all times. Mice can't walk on two legs! That's crazy talk.
    Pictures :]
    (captions above the pics)

    Mice walkin' on their hind legs, about to go down on all fours though, its k.

    Lets ride


    The Tremor is released



    The Back wall extended [Do wallplants here]



    New Jump added


    Middle Jump Merged

    Oh Shi- Oh Shi- Oh Shi-

    Go go go go! D;

    The man cannon that spawns at 60 seconds has been Geo Merged.



    Special Thanks: Smeagle for helping with a bit of merging and giving me a couple ideas.
    Vicious Vice for giving encouragement and ideas
    Insane54 for encouragement and ideas
    All that have put up with countless testing games to get everything just right. You know who you are.

    P.S. Linu is fantastic ;]

    Download MAP
    Download GAMETYPE

    #1 Mastar, Oct 24, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  2. bobroxs

    bobroxs Ancient
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    wow im not gonna lie that looks pretty bad ass ill dl
  3. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    looks great! Im just not to sure about the stair case though, it seems that it may ruin it for the tremor. Hopefully thats not true, I can't wait to play it though. I really liked the first one, 5/5 for an awesome map.
  4. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Which stair case are you talking about?
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Sorry, not staircase I meant the "new jump". It seems like its a good place for the mongooses to sit up there, almost like a camping spot from death.
  6. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Wow, me and a friend were just thinking about making something like this.
    But now i won't, because you made a sweet one!
    Nice, smooth jumps.
    Good geomerging, good idea.

  7. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    wow amazing i just dl'ed it and explored it, i havent played a game on it yet but i am in a few min. overall the map looks very clean i think a suggestion would give the last mouse standing a little more points for surviving becuase it seems pretty hard to survive in this game ill give 2 ratings MAP: 4.50/5.00 GAMETYPE: 5/5
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    no u

    I'm pumped to see you've posted this. From the looks of it, it appears to be twice as epic as the original. I'll be making sure to give this a whirl asap.

    The original was amazingly fun, lets hope this has topped it. Those extra structures look like they'll add some spice to gameplay and I'm glad to see the wall plant has been extended. In the original, it rendered those corners a little lifeless.
  9. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    eh, its not that great a spot to camp to be honest. The Tremor can just boost up it and dominate the mice.

    If they try to jump down and escape you, they are likely to fail. Don't worry about it dude. I've tested this situation alot. It doesn't seem to be a problem at'all
  10. Sep7aPhobia

    Sep7aPhobia Ancient
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    Looks really fun. I brand new twist on the two games and I love both the originals. I'll DL for sure but, could a mongoose slip up under the two bridges? (They can sleep into really small places, damn rats) that would kill the game. But I maybe the geomerging fixes that.
  11. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Haha reloaded I dont know what was wrong with the first version lol
    This map was very fun and it wasnt bias towards any side which made the game a whole lot more fun.
    Nice job
  12. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    The Bridges are too low for Mongi to fit beneath it. Infact, Mongeese can drive over up the sides of the bridges in the middle.
  13. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Yes the new one is up. Kinda funny that i was just playing this a a while ago with you. But the new one i think is a little bit better. Did you ever fix the spawning outside problem that sometimes happens when someone joins? And remember how i own i this game?
  14. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I did indeed.

    I added extra respawn points to fix this problem.
  15. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Im not sure if i told you this cuz i just remembered but if you hit the ______ just right you can get up ________ in front of the _____ and _______ the mongoose and _______ mongoose and _____ there.
  16. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I think you did a wonderful job Mastar. The map is quite a hit and It has become one of my favorites. the only thing I wish more is a bit more space to work around but its because of foundry size.
  17. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Yeah you should make it on Sandbox once it comes out. Also if you can on the new one if you make it could you make it more 3-D with like slants up onto platforms and things like that
  18. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    good map but ive seen better. you did add new stuff to keep the game fresh but your not quite "breaking the mold." all the tremor/cat n' mice games are basicly fine how they are. and its just a matter of time before there are a million of these maps. but i will admit that the map is greatly put together and fun to play, and the variety of maps are good (as long as theyre well made maps). ill give it a 4.5/5
  19. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    HAHAHA i love that idea omg, lol looks like so much fun keep up the good work 5/5
  20. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Thank you for your kind words. Yeah, the original was rather lackluster. The wall plant is my favourite part.

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