
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Matty, Oct 20, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Ok

  2. Very Good

  3. Outstanding

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    I tested this map. It was awesome. I'd DL, but I already nabbed it. You do get 5 stars, though.

    I particularly like the ghosts, as well...
  2. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    *sigh* the power of being staff on FH... Matty this is ridiculous, only 10 hours
    and you already have 5 pages of replies. Just feature the damn thing lol :D.
    Its funny to because many of these posts just say something like this,
    Anyways, on with the map review.

    I really liked the aesthetics in the map. The sort of "claws" that you fly
    through are very creative. They also provide a unique atmosphere to your map.
    It's almost as if you're in the palm of someone's hand. You did alot of small things
    that made the map look cleaner too. Merging the man-cannon was a great idea.
    It made it seem as if it were a real cannon instead of just a little mounted purple
    "piece-o-junk." There were no real bumps in the map either so that kept the map
    flowing without those tiny misteps that may throw off that last headshot kill.
    Score: 9.4/10

    Layout was very MLGish to me. You kept the sides symmetrical (except for
    One bomb and One flag) and it was almost as if they were two mirrors looking
    directly at each other. Except, in my opininion, it wasnt to creative. Basically
    what I mean by this is that you made some very similar structures in the
    middle and both far corners. This doesnt mean the map is bad though because
    those structures flow magnificently. However ,my eyes lit up though as I saw
    the Laser structure. It was extremely original on your part and it had not
    one, but two levels to it! It was so ingeniously made that you could put
    the Laser almost directly above the Mauler spawn without affecting gameplay.
    Score: 8.5/10

    Terrific. The one word that could sufficiently describe the way all games played
    out on this map. Spawns were exceptional and way above average. I did
    however spawn in front of three enemies once though which I then clearly advised
    you to change. I hope you did because I saw you in Forge after that very same
    game. Gameplay always changed for the better everytime. The one game I didnt
    enjoy much in this though was KOTH. It was fun but just not as fun as all the
    others. However Team Oddball and One bomb were my favorites. Even if I lost
    everytime on Team Oddball. You completely threw me off balance with the way
    you included three Oddballs in the map. It may have been the one time I actually
    would have been glad to be thrown off my rocker. Weapons were placed with much
    careful thought and I comend you for making a completely playable map that could
    support two ghosts as if they were a simple Battle Rifle.
    Score: 10/10 you cant get any better than this people.

    Despite all of your incessant whining on my horrible BR skills that day, I loved tuning
    you out and simply playing the map. It thrilled me very much because of its (once
    again) MLGish gameplay. I am a fan of MLG as are you, which now makes me truly
    realize why you built the map to these standards. I could play any game on this map
    at least three times a day without any hesitation. Kudos to you Matty on another
    godly creation!
    Total Score 9.8/10

    P.S- Thanks for putting me smack-dab in the middle of picture number 7 XD
    Note to the rest of the Hubbers:
    Please dont leave spam like this on such a map that defies the laws of Halo 3 physics.
    Its a shame to see such comments go to waste.
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I cant believe this got 1,000 views in 12 hours. Anyway, I like it. The map kinda looks like a hybrid of The Underbog and Exorciate. It really looks fun and I hope it will be. Sweet aesthetics too. I think this is even better than Reflex! Good job dude.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I am extremely pleased that you enjoyed the gameplay. My primary focus was a versatile, but very simple map design, so that you truly enjoyed playing it, but wanted to play it again and again for some completely different experienced.

    Thanks for testing, and thanks for getting no-scoped out of a Ghost.
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Matty our resident Aesthetic God. Great map. I cant stay much for gameplay(as for the fact that i haven't played it) but as far as the layout i can say that it is profesionally made. The map is incredible and the structures are unique in everyway. The slanted walls are a new technique that i see going around and it does what i love to see in a map. It makes it feel like its happening in real life. If you have ever seen one of my map that is based off a real place, it alway has the scenery to make it feel like it is in a real place. this map makes me feel like im in a test facility. Hm like every other map. very MLGish, like mentioned above, and that is your style . I love this map for what it is and how amazingly it was made. Maybe later me and iprojex will check it out?
  6. bio

    bio Ancient

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    My review:

    After downloading and testing i gotta say the map plays well and it shows you have a lot of patiencewhen it comes to interlocking objects-- but this is clearly an MLG map it should have been posted in the mlg menu-- it uses about 40% of the scenery departament theres not a single fusion coil or propane tank to make some areas hot spots-- the two ghosts are simply too much for an MLG map i propose putting just 1 in the middle of the map since it is a symetric map to balance thing a bit-- theres not much weapons or granades "theres only 4 frag granades in the hole map and 6 plasmas" so your practically naked out there by the time you use the defalt granades-- and by the way you should have taken a second look at the spawning system because i fond some errors on them like appering in front of 2 enemies also there are 2 spwans in top of each other in the # 1 base by the first step of the stairs go and check that ERROR out i dont think it will affect anything but it is an ERROR etc.etc....

    If you want my complete review i suggest you download and check my edited version of MATTY'S map i called it "APERTURE V.0" A more competitive version of it for those of us who prefer competitive maps.


    Gameplay::4/5 depending on the game type by the way this is not an all gametype map because this is clearly not an "INFECTION MAP".

    Aesthetics:: 3/5 need a lot more scenery no time was spent on that part.

    Weapon placement :: 2/5 is ok for an mlg but most of the time it feels like the poor area of my " RICH & POOR" map where there are no weapons.

    Spawnig system:: 3/5 need a 2nd look cause there are some errors in the attacker and defenders position and some areas are flooded with spawns maybe less is better sometimes.

    Overall:: 3/5 for an MLG map.

    My version is in my fileshare under the name "APERTURE V.0" My gamertag is "BIONAUTA"

    Link Removed
    #46 bio, Oct 21, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  7. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    You're kidding right?

    Have you played it yet?

    You are lucky this is me and im typing this in something u can actually understand.

    I mean if it were matty he would own u with some scientifical and mathematical stuff.

    First things first.

    Not an MLG map.Theres a spartan laser and it is posted in the competitive map section.

    Im goin to let matty finish this i wanna see him beat your ass.And mostly cuz ive got no idea how to go on.
  8. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Matty don't leave us. :( This map was truly awesome the one time i played it so far. I haven't tried the objective stuff yet but im sure you have already taken care of that. I was a little hesitant to click on this map but am so glad that i did. I shouldn't even have to say that this is already dled.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I play MLG alot, but my playstle rests inbetween MLG and default competative maps. I built a map that was designed to be played comepetatively and tactially. By your statement, it is clear that you have no understanding of competative gameplay or MLG.

    Fusion coils are used when an area is overpowering and the maker is too dumbfounded to work out how that can be fixed. My map had no overpowering areas. Therefore they were not needed. Ok? And it uses about 80-85% of the immovable objects. There is budget left so the Ghosts can be replaced for Warthogs if a Dl'er so chooses. I could have blown the last $30 on some crappy 'aesthetic' pieces and you would have been non the wiser.

    "Since its symmetric, you should only have 1?" The Ghosts are in no way overpowering. You are the first person of about 100+ testers to even hint that. You clearly havn't even played the map, and you are basing everything on what you saw in Forge.

    10 grenades on a map is collosal for a Foundry map. Again, what plannet are you from.

    You mean a starting point on a spawn point? That is deliberate. It is a commonly used technique, not an "ERROR". Please go read all the Forge 101's before you attempt to criticise my map with your so-called knowledge.

    Link removed. You didnt ask for my permission, and you won't get it. Not only can that get you banned from here, but from sharing files with Bungie, permenantly. Now i suggest you take a hint.

    What are Aesthetics?

    I'll tell you what you think aesthetics are. Little pretty things that make you go wow. Total wastes of budget, that force you to sacrifice gameplay over a teleporter node.

    Those are not aesthetics. Aesthetics depend entirely upon the style of the map that you are trying to create. You have to stick to that style for the whole map, creating a strong and exciting look that entices players with something they havn't experienced before, which i think i did, very well.

    I am not even going to comment here because clearly you have no understanding whatsoever.
    #49 Matty, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    lol, nicely done Matty.

    I've only gotten a few games on this but I must say Matty, I am thoroughly impressed with your final go at the forge.

    I really loved the MLG style of play it offers, yet it is not MLG. Aperture; it's what I'd call the epitome of what the competitive maps are. I don't really have any negatives to offer you, pretty much what I have to say has probably already been said a 1000 times over. So I'll keep this relatively short.

    Personally, my favourite feature of this map were the sniper positions. They're in such an obvious place, yet no one looks there. I teased Iv0rY as he couldn't find them. They're in a great place to grab and take somewhere. In the spot they spawn at, they don't offer a good vantage point so risk and reward really comes into play a lot in this.

    The ghosts were awesome. I giggled when I first saw them. And they will randomly appear during games, that's cool; the possibilty of an active ghost. There's no certainty with it.

    Nicely done with the man cannons too, pretty much perfect placement. You have a lot of control when using them, either fly your way near the Laser, position yourself for the power drain, I really liked being able to coordinate where I was going to land.

    I won't get too far deep into it, so I'll rap it up by saying that I have not had any issues with overpowered weapons and I've never experienced any iffy spawns.

    Overall, I really love it. Will stay on my HD for quite some time.
  11. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    havent played enough to see any real flaw (only like twice) but i'm sure, like terminal and reflex (still in my playlist), that it will stay in my files for many games to come
  12. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    The tubular things look awesome. Like, really, those are beyond aesthetically pleasing.

    The rest of the map, though, doesn't really catch my eye. I haven't played on it, so I can't judge its gameplay value. But looks-wise, it appears a tad...uninspired. Is there any way you could incorporate your good grip on interlocking to make the rest of the map as impressive as those obelisk things? You clearly know what you're doing...consider bringing something fresher to this map, and not just having really strong points, but a strong map.
  13. XI KuRuPt XI

    XI KuRuPt XI Ancient
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    Played this on the last TGIF with you and shock. Team slayer was very fun, the thing i liked about this map was that you could actually hold some ground. Even though we lost (PS. stay away from matty when he's got BR) it was very fun. I was to busy walking round admiring the Aesthetics like the "ghost swing".
  14. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Alright here goes, I don't have my xbox (RRoD) so I will be posting this off of what I can see in the pictures and what you have described.

    Aesthetics: The map is beautiful. There are many features that I have never seen before. Everything seems clean and well done. The first thing that I noticed in all of your pictures is that barrier that separates the main part of foundry from the two cut off sections. The curved box structures are really cool. They look great and make the map seem taller and more impressive. They are well made and add a neat effect to the map. The other thing is the walls between them that make a plus sign looking thing. That is really interesting and I've never seen anything done like that before. It stands out and grabs your attention. Of course the whole map is well interlocked and geo merged as all of your maps are. the whole map looks very professional and looks like it took a long time(according to you it did). The third to last picture also looks really cool. The fence walls on the back of the curved boxes looks excellent.

    Gameplay: First of all, I noticed the large length of the weapons list as soon as I looked at the post. There's a great variety of tools of destruction. The map seems well set up for battle rifling but also for vehicular combat like with the ghosts. Other then weapons, the layout seems really interesting. The section where the plus is looks like it has great cover but also seems to be nicely open. The plus gives cover everywhere but does not prohibit motion. I also like how there are many smaller structures as opposed to one big one like in some maps. The map looks especially good for king of the hill. There is no one place that really controls the map and there seems to be great places for the hill to move to.

    Overall: The map is clean and quite frankly, aesthetically beautiful. The layout is creative and every part of the map seems to flow. There seems to be nice little touches like the plus sign that is both aesthetically pleasing and contributes to the gameplay. I really like the map and will be downloading it when my xbox gets fixed. I look forward to your map and this is another great one to add to your growing collection of excellent maps. Another great map by the creator of my favorite map Reflex.
  15. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    Pretty amazing map! It looks awesome and should be a blast with friends.
  16. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Yes it is posted I love this map. I remember winning at assualt when it was 3v1 and I was the one. I am so downloading this
  17. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I had a little 1v1 on this map, and it was awesome despite the size of the map. The Ghost swings were a nice touch, and I actually got on one while it was swinging. Yay! The merging is crazy good. The only crooked object was a single-box on B-side, but it is negligible. One issue: you can use a grav-lift to get onto the upper ledges, which lets you access the upper part of the "fingers". I don't know if you are suppose to do this, but I know you blocked off the angled signs on the back structure so you couldn't camp up there. (See last pic; sign A now has a window panel on it.) Sorry this is kinda long. But at least it's not like "OMG teh awesome interlockz 5/5."
  18. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Amazing interlocking and geomerging.
    Some of your concepts are just so original and sweet.
    Sometimes this map looks a little random but great map.
  19. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Pay attention kids. This is how you post if you can't test the map yourself. Forge-Throughs at the very least are what's encouraged, but when you can't then this is what we like to see. Thoughtful and precise opinions and feelings, not a "Lookz grate but needz moar intermergings. 3.9879869/5".

    Good work Matt.
  20. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Nice map. I like the way teams are set up and how you used the layout of the map. Sux that you're quitting, you always made awesome stuff. Terminal is still one of my favourite maps since it got featured

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