Well if you haven't heard yet Gears 2 will already have five maps from Gears 1. We knew Gridlock would be one of em and the other four so far are subway, mansion, canals, and tyro station (all available as DLC on the game's launch). Here's the comparison pics: Old Canals New Canals Old Gridlock New Gridlock Old Mansion New Mansion Old Subway New Subway Old Tyro Station New Tyro Station How do you rank the new maps? I'd say: 1)Canals (Snow=epic win) 2) Tyro Station 3) Subway (finally no rain) 4) Canals 5) Mansion
I think that the really addresed the main complaint about the graphics. Look at those nice bright colors! Anyway, on topic. Tyro Station. I always like maps that have their own little quirks and tyro station and Battle Marsh were my favorite due to that.
they all look pretty spiffy to me. However, i thought the mansion looked slightly better in the dull rainy darkness. Personal taste. I like the new version alot too.
These pics pretty much made me **** myself; especially at canals and gridlock. I'm happy to see those two maps; but I'm pretty dissapointed that they chose Tyro Station. They only chose these because they made that trailer about their 5 fav Gears 1 maps. And guess what? These are 1-5. Personally; Gridlock and Canals would have made it, but I also would have threw in Escalation, Feul Depot, and finally Raven Down. It's not a let down; because they are all great maps. Tyro Station was my least favorite though, in the whole game. But they all do look totally tubular remade.
The new canals made me piss a little. I bet I could still skydive out of the map and iceskate on that one building!
My favorite is the new canals its dead sexy! gridlock is also very nice i cant wait to play on them both but canals is forrsure my favorite.
You and me both. That's also why I personally enjoyed Garden because it could close off two pretty important areas and change the game flow drastically. I agree witcha on bringing back Escalation and Fuel Depot but I have to disagree with you on Raven Down. Raven Down was not a good map in my opinion. But the main reason is because they added Day One, which is a larger and IMO far better version of Raven Down. Watch one of the many Gears 2 Youtube vids featuring Day One, its amazing. Are you talking about the building where you take cover on nothing and start running in crazy curves? I used to love to piss off my friends by hidin up there every once in a while.
Gotta love Canals and Gridlock, they changed the most. In Mansion and Subway its just daytime instead of night; but there all awesome.
as much as these are cool, i will kinda miss the feel and theme the older maps and campaign had. real dark and evil. some people complained about that, but i thought it made the game.
Those all look great, bad I am sad to see no clocktower? That map was just so epic, and I am going to miss it Glad to see canals though, my close second fav to clocktower.