I really think you guys should change procedure. instead of posting the submission on the map thread, you should send the map maker a PM with the submission. This way, you keep the way to get out on the download. You dont want members downloading new maps just to break them. We would have posts saying,"broke your map" all over the forums. Please change it it would be a good idea.
Personally, I Profile Message the person....but thats just me Anyways, Yeah, its kinda fail right now, that people will be posting it....
And another thing, keep the discussion to the group. The thread is likely to stay "unlocked" if you do. If not it will eventually become a spam thread so try to keep this to applications of members and of maps. Btw, Breaking Echo v2 is up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goP4YyaXMTA
Ok knight that is great, in the future I ask you to put the video in the first post ever made by you in this thread, As you can can see I made it so that you and drakulichs videos are right under the main part. So that I can add them easier.BTW Kn1ight WTF IS WITH THATT VIDEO?!?!?!?!?@! And yeah try not to spam this, because we are trying to show that we are helpful and we want this to be stickied. Oh yeah guys we have two new members so sai hai!! dontknowme42 RacoonSniper 13
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=531clQUohik&fmt=18 breaking Squadrons, by deathtoll77 and sdrakulich, deathtoll, both of us +1..... BTW how u laik my annotations, future vids will be like that Congratz to RacoonSniper, I will be making a playlist for all applicants to run through to apply *Reserved...i swear, if someone jacks my idea.....* *I'll get pedobear to rape you....a black pedobear......* lololololololol Spoiler im not racist BTW.... Well, expect more vids tomorrow!
Lol these are all like very small/minim breaks on the easier to break maps. You guys would impress me if you show a video of you breaking Breakneck like buddah, Or maybe something like big, like uh project S witch is break-able or a video of Sewage lines, personally I couldn't break it. Cam0fluag and I tired for ever.
Expect this post to be edited with a breaking of Sewage Lines v2 (video) Otherwise, I'm still working on the requirements playlist for acceptance into the guild
Lol you spelled my name wrong... Tomorrow night I will be able to do lots of videos so if you need one made PM me! =]
Yay, my map is unbreakable! I want to apply I am 15 years old, my GT is:d4psa P.S. I don't know if you read this but I'd rather get a message that tells me when I have to be online, than that you send me a game invite. That's mainly cause I live in Finland and you all propably live in USA, so we propably wont be online when it fits for both.
I will most likely be online within the hour: I will be testing you, and will refer you to deathtoll whether or not you should be accepted add me: XxsdrakulichxX Also, like I said, your map so far is unbreakable!
Wrong place to post that... This is not the PPC or the TGIF recap thread which means that is spam. Please keep on topic of Guild applications and whether or not maps are breakable or not
I'm the main, well, one of the main testers. You have to read the OP, and apply using that format. Then, I'll be online one hour from now, to test you. If I think you will be a good breaker, and a good addition to the team, I'll tell DeathToll to add you to the pending list. Then, break a map, and upload the vid to your fileshare. Voila, you move from pending into members! Just remember: add XxsdrakulichxX I'll test you one hour from now