I have yet to play it but i really want to. Anyone have anyhing to say about it? I personally think it is better then Grand Theft Auto IV based on the first saints row and from what ive seen.
I've heard similar things. People tell me it is just like a more fun and laid back version of GTA4. GTA4 apparently doesn't have easy access to cheat codes from what I hear and Saints Row 2 is just alot more fun and casual game.
Well thats how the first saints row was. i enjoyed it more and you have more freedom then grand theft auto IV i know that seems weird but you can just do more.
Well GTA was very limited considering its previous games. I was actually disappointed with it, Saints Row however let you have more freedom. Im a big fan of freedom in games i think it makes the whole experiance better. Thats the oyl reason im going to say Saints Row 2 is better.
Got this game last thursday and it has not left my 360 yet except once when I played COD4 with friends. There is so much to do and you can replay the missions. The gunfights are so intense and I like fighting melee with the finishing moves. The customization is great you can wear a ninja suit or HOTDOG suit nuff said. The story is pretty great too it has a little bit of drama in it but not a guy complaining all the time, a badass ****ing people up. I made the right choice selling the heap of **** of GTA 4 for Saints Row 2
im in the GTA4 boat. this game just doesnt do it for me. i actually thought GTA4 was perfect the way it was.
GTA 4 Good if you want a serious, realistic, and emotional campaign. Gta 4 has better technology [graphics] and a better "story line". Notice i didn't say campaign. GTA 4 is imo one of the best games i have ever played. But, i loved San Andreas, with all the cheats and what not, which made the game a whole lot more fun. Saints Row 2 A lot of random fun. A lot of cheats and more customization, but, worse graphics. You can build your character from the ground up, and customize almost all of the 50 and up cars in the game. Also, fun minigames, like cage fighting, and a few others. PLUS, co-op. That made the game for me. Me, and Allseeingentity spent hours in co-op, with reduced gravity. IT WAS AWESOME. Conclusion GTA: Great story, limited cheats and side missions, better technology. Saints Row 2: Customization, CO-OP, Worse technology, more mini games. Basically: GTA: Serious SR2: Laid Back
Thats true and thats probably why i like Saints Row more, im more laid back and i like having a lot of random fun in games. I admit GTA IV was still amazing.
This. To be honest, Rockstar just delivered on GTA4. Sure, the fist missions are dull but it has some epic missions like Four Leaf Clover. And to be brutally honest, it seems like Saints Row just got the 'waiting for bigger game series to come out' syndrome and got popular because it had better graphics then the latest GTA game. And from what I saw in Saints Row 1, it was just terrible with the missions. The intro scene was pathetic and it just overdid the 'your a criminal' thing.
I dont play games for realism if I did I would walk outside. The graphics were great in GTA4 but I dont care much for it because it was too dark all the time and the music sucks in SR2 compared to GTA4. IDK what you call a perfect game but for me if it can offer something called fun and replayability then its great to me.
I just rented Saints Row 2 and I agree that it has bad graphics compared to GTA 4 but there is a lot more freedom and plus Co-op. I like them both but I think SR 2 is a little bit better.
Saints Row 2, in my opinion, has to be at least 20 times better than GTA4. Graphics are worse, but I like the concept of Saints better and buying and customizing cribs is great.
I have completed saints row 2 almost twice and i must say the game play and the amount of fun it brings is on a much higher level than gta. The activities are a bonus and they are wacky but still fun. I bought it mostly because the co-op feature and to be honest its a must. At first i wasn't a big saints row fan but overall its been a blast. Problems: For some reason only on saints row 2 my xbox has crashed and because the auto save chooses when to work i had to track back and do a big chunk of missions and activities etc. There's not many reasons to not buy this game. sure the graphics aren't amazing but i can easily say its a good lough.
When your xbox crashes for you does it freeze, because mine freezes only while im playing SR 2, I thought it was just the disk but...