you have to distribute to others as well, so i give 1st 1 2nd place gets one, 3rd gets one then back to 1st and so on, then onece everybodys got enough but 1st i give to someone hoo diserves it by their posting, then 1st place again... so yea
we all want thatgreen bar to go to the top! but it wiont happn for a while anymore sigs? dont listen to TEERAV! he's a lier!
1st. Place 2nd. PLace 2nd. PLace Reasonings... Reklats Selena Gomez is what i was mainly looking for it has the right text and picture... Don't know me42's Master chief is the perfect size... it also has an amazing color scheme... The annoying Teerav's Moniter has sweet lettering, and design, but is spelled wrong... so... Relkat wins!!!! and Teerav and Don'tknowme42 Tie for second... You'll be getting your rep prize now... Can MISTER MODDY LOCK IT UP??
Just kidding teerav. I just thought i'd throw that in there. To add multiple rep, you just give rep multiple times.
lool YAY! second! i would have used selena if i knew how to render lmao so when do we get repz? lol i havvnt got good rep for a while because people are stupid and giv itout for dum reasonz lol
ive given one rep point to each, but somethings going wrong i'm not allowed to give you more rep even after doing someone else...
ill check in every day and give reps till all done... add me as a friend if you placed, that way i'll remember what you gave me an who you are...
mmmm repburger! people neg repped me like crazy because i didnt know rey was gay. so this gunna help!