I just reserved Gears of War 2 and i reserved the special/collectors edition. It gives you a gold gun while playing in multiplayer. I think its worth it, Do u?
Congrats. I dunno if I'm gonna get it or not. I'm more of the Halo guy and I didnt really like GOW 1. It was fun at first and then you find out theres host advantage and stuff like that. I'm waiting to see if it has improved, i sure hope so!
Yea I never liked the host advantage. Also in multiplayer, everyone would quit and I can barely ever finish a game, but the story was amazing
Thats a pretty cool feature that you get gold gun...But is that all, and how much more money is it than reg one?
Well i think 10 bucks is worth it. It seems like a pretty fair deal because im sure the collctors edition comes with some nifty perks.
You get the gold gun. You also get some little art book with all of the in game art and stuff That art book is the main reason I'm getting the collectors edition [/sarcasm]
I wasn't gonna get it at first and when they told us we get a gold gun and I said no my dad said "Boy are you gonna be pissed when you get killed with a golden gun." lol
i reserved gears 2 a year before and i think it is worth it along with the golden gun you get a free code to get the new map pack wicth will be on live as soon as gears 2 is realeasd it is masion,canals tyro station,and another i dont remember. yes you purchase has just been justifed
not exactly there are still old favorite maps that hve not made the transfer only gridlock,subway,tryostation,canals and mansion. now there are sweet new maps with more hazards such as security with auto turrets and avilache(not sure of tiltle)wich is preety obvous an avilanch comes through and can alter snow height to where you can pick up gunz on buildings. once again your purcahse has been justifed
No there isn't going to be. I don't know where he got the information... Unless he can confirm. but for now this is enough for me to believe otherwise.
Well thats disappointing =[ I was hoping for something like that but oh well, has anyone heard of any new maps that can be downloaded?
Yes there is going to be a map pack. I've seen the screen shots all of the maps that will be available will be updated versions of the previous ones ie over grown grass, more damage to the buildings, ect.