Bungie plans on either releasing the Recon Variant to everyone, or showing a new armor that'll make Recon look like crap. I'll take the first one. They hinted in the Halo 3 Recon update that the Recon variant may become pointless after the games release. The Recon variant will lose it's rarity, and become the new Hayabusa armor. Where everyone will where it. I personally don't want it to be released to everybody, because then it looses it's rarity. It takes the special meaning out of Recon armor. And everyone who got it legitimately will be pissed. What do you guys think?
I don't want it to be released to everyone, makes it lose it's sense of awesomeness. Right now it is the only thing than can be earned in Halo 3, I don't think that should be changed.
Where are you getting this information? Bungie has stated time and time again that there will be no new armor variants for Halo 3. Sources, please.
I didn't say mean new new armor. I was guessing that second option because they might have an armor already made on a separate Xbox that's been unseen for years. It's not new, just unseen. This way they can send out the armor to different Xboxes without having to worry about making new armor. Do you get what I mean? My sources happen to be the rumors over at bungie.net Forums.
They won't release recon armor to the public unless some 9-year old gains control over bunige Also now IF they would release it it would become the new hayabusa and everyone but us elites and mature players would useit because they want to look like bungie .... But trust me recon armor won't be available for the public for a long long time
see, i dont think thats true, but i have no information backing myself to say you're wrong. however, as many times as theyve said "its not possible to currently add new armor into halo", that was a vague generalized answer. The truth is, they couldnt just throw up new armor for download on the marketplace. The filesize would be outrageous. However, selling a new disc that has a ton of storage space to have an update with new features like maps, generally has room for that kind of update. So in theory, it is possible, but still highly UNLIKELY.
I never said for download. I know why they can't make, or allow down loadable armor. It could be the new "Recon" and they would have it already made, and hand it out like the current Recon.
i don't think bungie would do that. IF they did then i wouldn't wear it because i woudn't have got it by doing anything really special or cool. like others are saying it would make it the new hayabusa
i would like to see where you get your silly nilly news young man. I mean honestly bungie states repeatedly " NO RECON FOR YOU" unless bungie gives it to you. (i know this was said before in previous posts but I wanted to yell at him too.