
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PonyD, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. DanEBLIND

    DanEBLIND Ancient
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    Amazing i will DL in about 2 minutes if you get a chat its me my profile does not exist becauese I lost the windows live account password but this looks cool For amazing visual 5/5 for gameplay ill comment after i play guess it will be 4-5/5 Overall Great job possibly featurable
  2. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Wow this is a really great map! no joke, it gives me a "terminal" feeling, which was my favorite map from halo 2. i like the train, it hasnt been done before(well, not a moving one). youre interlocking is crazy! the only problem is that you should put in the ability to play more gametypes. i know setting them up perfectly sux, but im getting better and faster at it now so if you want maybe i could help u with it. i dun know how good ur spawns are yet, but i will soon find out and be back with a review. 5/5 :)
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I notice you said the hogs are usable in your gametype, which is good.

    I didn't actually play the gametype, but I was very impressed by this map so I did actually throw down a game of slayer on it. Overall the map is excellently forged and has some great potential. Though there were a few things I noticed:

    1) Spawns were a bit bad in slayer. I didn't have too much trouble, but we played 2v2 and the rest of the guys kept saying they were spawning beside eachother. If there aren't any spawn zones in slayer (I didn't check) I suggest you set em up.

    2)The shotgun spawns too quick and has a bit of ammo. You can collect up a full shotgun, and than end up with another on the map.

    3) The Maulers and shotgun are all way too concentrated in that area, along with the previous shotgun problem..this is just too much

    4) The power drain is on a 30s respawn?

    5)Power Drain and bubble are really close. Maybe Bubble down bottom or removed. Down bottom in the "train" path would help those coming up top, as it's kinda easy to guard both stairwells.

    Overall awesome map, I plan on playing it again with your right gametype, as all my issues are based off of slayer.
  4. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Pwny Dix!

    I love this map. I'm almost in everyone of the pictures too. I'm the guy with the ODST Helmet.


    You forgot to take a picture of me attacking you, ninja style through the window, and the carney hole ninja jump that I found. Damn you.

    Anyways, onto the map. I love this map. It has everything, solid gameplay, aesthetics, balance, symmetry, windows, and even a train. The thing that stood out most to me was the news paper stands, because they're so damn sexy.

    A very solid map my friend. I had a pleasure testing it, and I'll continue having fun on it and spreading the Pwny cheer onto others. Good day kind sir!
  5. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Furry, hey man! no I didnt forget the insane assasination through the window, I still have the video. Most likely it is going up on a highlight reel over at, but i agree those were some crazy testing nights and we finally got it... these people have to play a game or two with the gametype I have provided or the PARTY SIZE I list above in order to get the experience that you, the GoO members and myself have had. TONS OF FUN! You have to check out the video, hopefully itll be up in an hour or two... Youtube is having some Slow loading time for some reason.

    later man, and thanks for the review and positive feedback.
  6. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    I Finished putting a video together for the Map, Check it out and leave me some feedback. Thanks

    Thanks for positive feedback and I wish you and a couple of the other guys could have been able to do a GoO testing night with us, but only a few GoO members were able to make it after they Scheduled a Gaming Session. Ive stressed this over and over, which I am proud of... I originally make my maps focused on a primary FILMmaking or Machinima based map... and later after I am happy with the results, I test gametypes on them to see what will work and what will Fail. I am happy to say that the TEAM CTF game I created BOARDING PASS is tons of fun and works just perfect. The Flags are located on the top floor corners of both buildings and you have to wait 30 seconds for the bridge platform to spawn in order to grab them and take them to the opposite ends of the subway into the newspaper stand/ticket booth depending on how you see it.

    Tons of fun, hope to have a tourny on this map one night.

    I hope you and your friends enjoy this as much as I have, but just a warning... as I mentioned in the Description of this game, This is a 2v2,3v3 or 4v4 game because parties any larger might result in unforseen spawing that will either be a SPAWN killing problem or you may even have 1 man spawn out of the map... IDK for sure what could happen because I have not been able to have a party that large to test this map. So play it with the Gametypes I suggested and I promise youll have no issues.
  7. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Awesome video, even though it didn't highlight your awesome machinima skillszorsz...

    I love how you made the gameplay speak for itself rather than propping it up like others. All of the clips in it were awesome and I was in pretty much all of them....I'm famous!




    I hate it how your maps don't get that much feedback though...I'm gonna try to get a game going with one of the staff if I ever play with them. I played with Insane once, and I might again, I need ask him stuff...

    Anyways, I'll also have the map and gametype in my fileshare so you can get some extra downloads...not alot but just to show support...
  8. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Im glad you enjoyed the video... It isnt a Machinima, I havent made one in a long time... I just love to make lovely cinematic enterances for all my map Trailers. I want my videos to reflect the gameplay of the map and urge you to want to try the map out.

    I agree, It is a shame that the views and Downloads for this Thread are Great... but the comments and feedback are Few...
    Thats gratitude for ya I guess...

    thanks for the stoppin by Furry, see ya online.
  9. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    OMG, a Splatter-inducing train! Love it! Reminds me of Tyro Station from Gears of War. I wonder though, is it hard to pick up the flag? It seems to me that someone could mess-up and miss the flag at a critical moment that would negatively impact gameplay. You might want to add a platform there.
  10. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    I have heard time and time again from many other people that this map reminds them of a map on Gears of War. Perhaps I somehow created this map with that image somewhere in my head.. who knows.

    on another note... the flags are perfectly placed for an Easy Grab when the bridge spawns after 30 seconds... it was made to be a little bit difficult to grab from the building... and it works great tactically because once you jump to grab the flag... you have a choice to either take it down into the Subway and run it across to the other side of the tracks to score... or stay above ground on the streets to the subway enterance that has your Flag Planting Point.

    If you jump to grab the flag and MISS.. well then you just didnt do a good job at jumping.
  11. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    Another one of your maps that won't be leaving my hard drive. Your ability to create legitimate environments, maps that seem to take place on realistic settings, is both amazing and refreshing. I'd love to see what you could do on a larger forge map with a bigger budget.

    Specifically, the subway section is fantastic. A subway is something I've always wanted to do but haven't because I know it would end up feeling and looking cramped, boxy, and boring; all of which you somehow completely avoided.
  12. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    An amazing map, with an extremely "livable" experience. Innovation seems to be your strong suit. I have to say, I thought a subway would have been mastered already considering it's appeal to gamers. Something I think all the noobs would try, but I guess I'm wrong, and seeing this map really brightens my day.


    First thing I looked for in our game, considering that's the map's main feature, and something that you promoted oh so subtly. And I wasn't let down. The setup was perfect, and the shotgun mantle was amazingly placed. Not to mention I was slaughtered by the guardians [wire spool train] which was somehow very well timed. Hmmm, maybe they just dont like me. Then, I immediately noticed the warthogs, and after about a minute of saying "why the hell can't I get in this f***ing warthog, is my f***ing controller broken? stupid piece of s**t!" You decided to stop laughing, and tell me that they were placed for looks. I was mesmerized, I mean I've seen plenty of maps with warhogs and other various vehicles outside of the map, but that was just genius! Made me feel like a pedestrian fighting in a subway station. As for the rest of the map, I thought everything was cleanly interlocked and merged. Also, I liked your flag placement in CTF. Very original.


    Admittedly, I sometimes felt lost, even though I always knew where I was. A weird feeling, that although awkward, adds to the aforementioned "livable" experience. Our first game of one versus one capture the flag was an enjoyable time at the very least. You may have been pwning me, but I getting pwned whilst checking out the wonderful features. There was a time where I had your flag and was in the subway just across from the return point. And you were wandering around above attempting to grab my flag. meanwhile I was about to cross the trainyard. But, I was afraid for a moment since I had already been killed by the train the first time I wandered to it. I waited a second then got across, but I was too late. And, I was somewhat disgruntled by the journey.Then you came down with my flag and killed me....jerk
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Hmm...PonyD, the map has the greatest layout and concept ever but it has alot of problems with the way you placed the geometry. Sorry but im gonna be kind of tough here. There are still many plus-sides to this though so dont fell too bad.

    The map was full of aesthetics that kept me on my toes. Especially the train in the basement. I and all the other players would get splattered over and over again by the infernal thing! Im surprised that the truck or forklift didnt work. It would have looked much better than some plain ole' wirespools. Anyway the aesthetics affceted gameplay a little badly because first issue: the warthogs. They were usable in normal slayer making it very annoying to use the main part of the map. Another thing: the gravlifts. Only one lift actually works and it only works to a certain extent. I suggest bringing the top floor a little more forwards.
    Score: 7.8/10 (hurt gameplay a lot)

    The layout was phenomenal. It was very original and I had great fun playing around in the newspaper stand (mauler spawns). The bases were very nice and were simple but so appropriate that no one would notice it. Weapons on the layout were kind of iffy though. Its questionable to put the shotgun only 2-5 paces away from the maulers. Other than that, the layout was a delightful sight to see.
    Score: 8.8/10

    The map looked the part but gameplay was a whole 'nother story. Gameplay on the map was extremely fast. As I mentioned, the warthogs that were supposed to be aesthetic, brought out the worst in the map for slayer and any normal gametype. Boarding Pass was slightly better but not by much. The flag captures were very quick. Not to mention repetitive. The game turned out to become a large race to see who could score fastest. It really didnt involve much strategy either. Also a small detail, were the small bumps that you would get over and over again while playing on the ground level. Gameplay wasn't at its peak in this map.
    Score: 6.8/10

    Overall, I think the map was more aesthtically pleasing than meant for gameplay. There were some occasional pros and cons. Many pros for aesthetic and layout, but to many cons for my taste on gameplay (which is what im all about). I think a V2 would suit this map perfectly and I will look forward to one. Keep in mind that you should probably move the shotgun somewhere more suitable like maybe the uppermost bridge or something.
    Overall: 7.8/10 (I depend a lot on how a map plays)
  14. Furry

    Furry Guest

    How did it hurt Gameplay? Its supposed to run like that... a Train that you're supposed to jump over. A flag that you're supposed to jump to. You don't want a line-run kind of map with aestethics that distract you. How did the window pannels w/ fencewalls hurt gameplay, they improoved it. What about the holding of the bridge for the first minute? What about window damage? What about train damage? These are all positive factors that helped gameplay. You're basing aesthetics on how the affected gameplay not aesthetics. You're a horrible reviewer, you might have been detailed but you don't understand how to actually review and stay on the actual invisble guideline.

    Aesthetics; from Merriam Webster
    Nowhere does it say how it affects the flow of something. Read up on definitions before you try to write out something out about them.

    I'm not trying to offend you, I'm just being Captain Obvious. If you disagree, than oh well.

  15. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    I agree with Fury, the Aesthetics are nothing but stunning and I only post my best.. nothing halfa$$ed. Everything has a purpose and believe me and everyone else when they say that this map plays well and the flow of gameplay never stops. CTF (Boarding Pass) plays tactically and is not very difficult to play.

    Thanks for writing a review but it isnt exactly something that I or anyone would take to heart. If you compare my portfolio of maps and then line it up side by side with your list of maps... it is clearly obvious taking advice from you on making a Aesthitically made map that plays competitively would be pointless. My work speaks for itself. Again, thanks for your "review" and I accept all comments negative or positive and use feedback to help me create bigger and better maps, always better than the one before it.
  16. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Genius. This map has both the look and feel of a map created specifically for Halo 3, rather than a custom-Forged fan creation. This is truly brilliant. From the hilariously awesome "train" to the cleverly designed staircases (the rail made me laugh I was so happy), this is incredibly impressive.

    I eagerly await your further works of art.
  17. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Updates have been made, and a Version2 has been installed with a link to it at the bottom of the page. It lists all the changes made and new gametypes compatible with the map SUBMISSION. Im sure youll enjoy the updated version a little bit more than the original.

    Thanks everyone, tell your buddies where to Download Submission.
  18. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I think Battyman said it best: your ability to create legitimate environments is simply unparalleled. You're one of, if not the single most precise forgers I've ever seen.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    This map is constructed very nicely. I like the direction you chose to go with the bases, they are a major touch for me. The map seems small at first, but theres a few different levels with constricting lines of sight/fire, which makes the map seem much much larger. I dont see any major construction errors, although the doors in the subway couldve been aligned a little straighter for a more shiny final product.

    The gameplay was intense, and enjoyable. Capture the flag would probably be my favorite, along with a secondary team slayer. Keep up the good work, cant wait to see your next map.

    [nice to see someone else using the word Elysium.]

    ps. your response to OtherDark's review is making you coming off as a prick... this is a large turnoff to me. i hope its not a reoccuring trait of yours, because it will likely cause me to stop viewing your threads.
  20. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    nope... not a prick...

    just tired of people trying to give me advice that have no idea what they are talking about. If there seems to be something about any map someone posts that "YOU" just dont like... keep it to yourself. Download the map and make the correction for yourself so that it doesnt bother you anymore. WE the Forgers go through trail and error.. hours of testing and countless conversations with friends discussing if the map is ready for posting or not... well, I Posted SUBMISSION and stored it on my fileshare... that means Im done and will not be doing alterations anymore. And Idk how many times I have to inform people about the doorways to the subway... the A & B SIGNS are not exactly the same because I could not make the map perfectly alike on both sides of the map... so one side looks almost perfect while the other one is a little off... If I did place it in the exact position as the other then it would be impossible to enter and exit the subway.

    Sigh.... anyway, I have come to the point where trying to explain myself is meaningless.. thanks for the feedback and this will most likely be the last entry of maps I post, my forging days are done until there is a reason to continue...

    Thanks again, and thank you for your support.

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